The Forest Of Xia is known to have many evil beast and demons in the unknown land of Xia
a baby is heard crying.
"Master!" said the discipline
"Calm down Xua explain to me what happened" said the man in black robe
"Master there is a baby inside the Forest Of Xia and i don't know but the beast is protecting it" said Xua in a tired voice
"Where to!?" said the the man in black robe in a hurry voice
"Follow me Master" said Xua
10 minutes of walking they see a child in a black shirt and black pants and they clearly see a A class demon protecting it.
"There it is Master that is where the child is!" said Xua in a loud voice
"Keep it down you might alert the demon and it's an A class to it might kill the kid if you make any more sound" said in a low voice
"Sorry Master" said and bow repeatedly
"Are we gonna rescue the child master?" said Xua
"We are here might aswell rescue him or her" said the man in the black robe.
"I'll distract the demon and you get the child out of here got it run as far away as possible so that the demon will not follow you" Said the man in black robe
"Ok master" said Xua while preparing to get the child
"Ok let's go" said the man in the black robe.
please leave a comment so that i will the name of the MC (Main Character) and the Demon Queen guys the most like one will be the names of it thank you guys for reading it lol love you guys...