Chapter 9

'Atleast my status updated'

'Are there any levels system?' while asking

( Yes there are but it is still locked )

'What the levels are locked? how do i unlock it?'

( Through Cultivation remember don't tell anyone you cultivate )


( Noone in this world can cultivate and even know what cultivate means )

'So that means i am the only one? YES im unique'

( Unique trash )

'What the fuck did you say you stupid System'


"You're telling me the slave contract just activate itself huh you little human" said the Demon Queen

"Xua what did you do? or did you really not do it?" said God Zerues

"Master believe me even if i want to make the Demon Queen my slave i can't because of my status" said Xua while breathing heavily

He doesn't know what to do Xua while thinking said 'I think even my master can't fight her now because his power is sealed what do i do what do i do' while repeatedly thinking to himself

"So what are you gonna do now Xua how can you remove the seal" said God Zerues

"Master we can't remove it the only one that can remove it is the one that make her a slave" said Xua

"So who is the one that made her into a slave you gotta answer now or else i can't even last 1 minute in her father if we fight" said God Zerues

Now Xua is really scared even his master can't deal with her father how can he even survive before the demon queen can talk Xua remembers that Slave Contract activated when the Demon Queen touch the little kid

"Master i think i know who is the host" said Xua

"WHO!?!" said the Demon Queen while looking at him angrily if she found out who made her into slave she will kill there entire clan.