Hello Readers

You don't really have to read this because this is just my unsaid thoughts to my special someone that is actually planning to leave me.


I do still love you

I'm really sorry for everything that I've done

I guess this is it huh

It's really hard for me to let you go, y'know

But I can't really stop you

Just be happy

Always be happy

I'll miss you

We used to say that we won't leave each other

Now look at us, leaving each other

I thought you said you wouldn't leave me

I thought you said that I'll be the one that will leave you

But now look at you

I guess that's just you being happy that time

You care but not enough

I miss you

I really do

I just can't say it to you

I'm waiting for the right moment but

I guess the right moment will never come

Seems like you'll be leaving me

I'm not ready

I'm scared

I don't want you to leave me but

I can't really stop you

Goodbye, my love