Reincarnation - Part 2

The old man immediately rushed towards the king and the queen while demanding the guard to not allow anyone inside the room.

The guard unfortunately fell asleep while being on his duty and at the same time the princess woke up from her sleep.

"Eh? Door is open? Brother... "

She immeditely rushed in to look at her brother's condition who was suffering a few moments ago and was totally unrest.

She rushed inside the room while the guard was sleeping due to which he didn't notice.


He looked at her brother was now not moving even a single inch. He thought that his condition was better now when compared to earlier and thanks to that he is resting peacefully.

"Looks like brother is fast asleep, maybe his condition is getting better."

She held his hand and fell asleep alongside him.


In a planet called earth...

Somewhere in New York...

A boy...

"Yes!!!! I finally won!"

A man who was 28 years old rejoiced at his victory.

"Haha, I am the strongest gamer alive with 10,000 million gold coins, hahaha!!!"

It was the year 2121, the science and technology had advanced to a great extent where one could play VR games in such a manner that it would feel that everything was real.

The pain, the warmth, the taste, the smell and including vision, all the five senses were perfectly displayed in the game. It was an extraordinary achievement that the science had accompliced.

So playing these games was made a regular schedule by most of the people and some even used playing games as their full time job.

Among these games the most famous game was - Heavenly Emergence Of Revolution which was otherwise called HERO!

HERO - HEAVENLY EMERGENCE OF REVOLUTION, was a game loved by all. It was one of the most advanced games and the gold coins earned in the game could be used and turned into cash or money in real world.

Hence, many people engaged themselves in this game but there was someone who ranked as 1 in this even though it was the most difficult game.

The name of that man was Rin Rendo, a man who started playing this game from the age of 20 and was now 28, climbed up all his way from bottom to the top.

His achievements were many and he had lot of fans and support but there was just on problem that he was facing with and that was he wasn't good at socialising with people.

Rather, he shut himself in home after his girlfriend betrayed him when he was in 20 and that was the first time when he started playing the game HERO.

"Phew, the last Boss was really strong, if I didn't have that move then I would have lost..."

He sighed for some minute but was extremely filled with joy from inside as he has accomplished something that no one could even imagine.

"But... now what do I do? My life will get boring again... I thought this game would never end but alas, this too ended. Maybe I'll try some other game..."

He sighed and went forward to close the game when suddenly a notification popped up.


- Congratulations in defeating the final boss.

- You have acquired all the conditions to get the hidden reward.

-Do you accept?


"Huh? What's this? Was there some hidden quest or something? Oh well since I'm going to stop playing, I might as well accept this reward."

He selects YES without much thinking and as soon as he did suddenly a man appears behind him.

"Excuse me sir..."

He suddenly looked back at the man and was awed. The man was looking like a typical joker having red ball shaped nose, a long funny party cap, a blue moon and star shaped tattoo blow his eyes and deep red lips.

"Who...? Who are you?"

It was something that was completely unexpected. Some man would suddenly enter your home that too your room without your permission with a joker face was something like a dream to Rin.

"Sir, my identity should remain secret, what I want to ask you is do you really wish to receive the reward?"

Now Rin was staring at him as if he was looking at a ghost saying that it was a human.

"Well ya I do what to receive the reward but what is it about?"

The joker faces man laughed a bit and said, "Do you believe in God?"


Rim stared at him again but thought it was pointless to think since he wouldn't answer anyway.

"Oh well, I do somewhat but why?"

The joker again didn't answer the question and immediately said, "Your gift is bestowed by him. It will be told by he himself."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

Then suddenly the joker face man extends his right hand and closes his eyes. He then says a spell of some kind and immediately Rin gets teleported.

"Ehhhhh!!!? What just happened? Where am I?"

He turened over his gazes left and right and observed many beautiful women dancing and many men singing.

All were quite attractive but all of them had one common feature and that was that they had white wings grooming from their back.

"Is this a prank?", Rin thought.

But then suddenly a man who was like a giant almost 40 times larger than Rin came and sat on a throne at a far away distance.

"Welcome Son Rin, I guess you have been told why you are here at the heaven."

Rin played along thinking this was all a drama.

"Well, is it because I will be receiving reward?"

"You are right Son, and I'm thankful to you for accepting it since I was in a huge trouble...."

Rin acted professionally and asked with politeness, "Trouble? What kind of trouble? May I know?"

The one who was speaking with a dominating and heavy tone was God himself. He immediately said,"Well, it is very difficult to manage so many worlds at once and it seems due to lack of my responsibility one of the world might end soon. However if that happens slowly the power balance will break and everything will disappear."

Rin understood everything that he said as Rin was not a fool after all he played the worlds toughest strategy game - HERO.