
'Tap Tap Tap'

Someone walked towards the medical room where Rin had been laid. Princess Lily was also sleeping in the same room as she was worried about her brother and terrified at the sight of him leaving her.

"Lily... wake up. Today is the day when we will be setting your brother free from this world... wake up."

Queen Liana spike with a shaky tone. She couldn't sleep the whole night as her eyes had dark bags just under them.

"Waaa... mama?"

The young princess wakes up by rubbing her eyes. She looks towards her mother and then looks towards the prince and then starts to cry again.

"Mama, did brother really leave me and go away?"

She was sobbing and very sad upon this mishappening. All she could do was cry and nothing else as it wasn't possible to arise a person from his/her death.

But she couldn't see the prince lying that way. It was as if her heart was being torn into half. She had always loved her brothers and among them she loved the eldest prince the most who was nine other than Prince Rin.

But unfortunately even she herself had realised that Rin was dead but at some part of her heart she had hoped that Rin would wake up again.

Queen Liana hugged Lily tightly against her bosom and cried too as Rin was her first child.

All the happy moments with Rin flashed in front of her eyes and she trembled at the thought of thinking that this would be the last time she would be seeing Rin as they would soon bury him.

The news didn't spread. It was told to kept secret and if anyone was found to be mumbling about this, he would be immediately sentenced to death.

Due to that no one dared to open their mouths about this matter. In fact not many people knew that the prince had passed away. Only a selected few were informed about this which included some nobles and all the relatives of the royal family.

The head doctor was petrified and didn't wish to see the prince's dead body again since he blamed himself for killing the prince. However, he also wanted to bid him farewell and wish him to have a better afterlife.

Many of them were invited to attend the funeral however only one or two attended since others despised the prince. The king didn't pry much since he knew this would happen and that is why he had sealed the mouths of others.

He knew very well that if others came to know about this they would be filled with happiness which would give troubles to Rin's after life so he didn't invite all.

The head doctor arrived and all the members necessary to lift Rin's body and move him till the graveyard were also present.

The King with a sad expression said, "Please, bid my son farewell, May his soul rest in peace..."

The men came and lifted him up and started to move towards the graveyard. The head doctor didn't see Rin as his head was lowered with guilt and even Rin himself showed no reaction or any movements as he was being healed by another skill which would put him to coma for sometime.

Also his breathing was too steady and slow due to which no one has observed.

He has low mana or one could say almost nil and that's why even the king and queen couldn't feel his life force or the mana circulation.

They all moved and reached the graveyard and all of them were sobbing. But it was quite different since the reason for their sobbing was happiness as well as sadness.

Everyone except the head doctor and the royal family, had crocodile tears in their eyes. None of the relatives attended either since they considered it to be waste of their time.

All of them now waited for 2 minutes and then put Rin in the hole that was rigged by them earlier.

Poor Lily, she had almost fainted after seeing her brother in this state.

Her eyes were blurry but for some reason her heart beat increased suddenly when Rin lived his index finger a bit which she noticed.

She immediately screamed, "Brother is alive!!! Don't..."

She hadn't eaten anything for the last 4 days so she didn't have any strength to stay awake. She lost her consciousness at a crucial time.

All of them did see and hear the princess about Rin, but they didn't respond as it couldn't have been true and even if it was they didn't care as they all wanted to get rid of the prince for good.

But the head doctor was different. The moment he heard that he lost all his reasoning and immediately rushed and demanded the king to lift the prince out.

"What are you saying? He is dead, you yourself told this, he can't come back to life just like that right?"

The king said with a saddened expression but the head doctor didn't stop requesting.

"Please, just once! If I check him one last time there won't be much problem, just once pleaseee!!!"

The king saw the head doctors plea and then agreed to it.

"Okay fine, just once..."

They lifted Rin's body back immediately and the head doctor rushed and checked his pulse and breathing.



"I did say right, it's no use checking again, a dead can't come back to..."

The head doctor uttered slowly, "life..."

"Huh? What?"

"The Prince is back to life!!! He is aliveeeeee!!!!! Thank GOD!!!"

"What are you saying!!!?"

All the people screamed. They rushed in to see and they indeed found Rin breathing lightly.

"They were completely shocked at the sight!"

The king and queen's boys knew no bounds. Both of them cried immensely and laughed too!

It was indeed a miracle, that's what they felt since they just witnessed something supernatural.

All the remaining people too cried but with agony and hatred but more than that they were surprised.

The head doctor laughed the most since he felt his guilt to be lifted and now he didn't have any burden but no one knew that the real Rin Kruz was dead and the one who was in his body was Rin Rendo!