
Soon the words spread all over the palace and reached the ears of Queen Liana but the words were highly misinterpreted.

It was said that the eldest princes dragged his sister with him to the dinning hall to force her to eat. Also he forced the head chef to make a dish in 5 minutes and warned him if he couldn't make it he would be beheaded.

Liana could t bear to hear such things and she immediately bashed the working table where she was sitting.

Due to her anger, the ice magic was leaking heavily.

"He will never change!!! How dare he do this again! I'm tired of these rumours and complaints!!!"

She immediately marched like a lioness towards the dinning hall.

"He was in his death bed but even after waking up he still treats everyone as trash?"

The Queen was angered to a great extent where she could even kill anyone with slightest mistake.

It was war times and already she had enough troubles but now a trouble thanks to her son made her anger to explode like a volcano.

She might have gone as far as hitting Rin and locking him in his room even when she loved him the most.

She didn't want to do that but she couldn't keep her cool at the same time.


"Here, have this pudding!"

Lily opens her mouth and eats peacefully and happily. She looked cute and was extremely satisfied when Rin was feeding her. At the same time other maids who were standing by near to bring something to the prince or the princess if they wanted something were completely shocked at seeing Rin.

They couldn't describe this in words. It was as if his behaviour had a complete turn and he was now complete opposite to what he was in the rumours.

They had mentioned him to be a monster who doesn't cares about other's feelings. He could go to any extent.

One of the rumours even said that he killed a pregnant women just because she suddenly made a sound because her stomach started to pain.

Another rumour about him said that he drinks blood of the people whom he kills.

So people had a monster like view about him and just by hearing his name the people trembled.

It was the case only in Rhone and nowhere else. Outside the kingdom his name spread but it was modified saying that he rapes women every night even though he is just a kid.

He kills everyone merciless and tries to stomp them even though he is good for nothing!

Even Queen Liana has believed some of these rumours so she had to rush towards the dinning hall.

"Hehe~ brother now you say Ahhh!!! I'll feed you~"

Rin was staring at her and laughing.

"Really? You wanna feed me?"

"Hmph! Can't I?"

Run laughed again and agreed by saying, "Okay fine! Here~"

He opens his mouth. Lily immediately takes to spoon and was about to feed when suddenly her spoon fell on the ground near Rin's legs.

"Huh? Lemme..."

Rin was about to pick it up before which Lily immediately said, "Oh no!"

She immediately got down of chair and kneeled to get the spoon when suddenly Queen Liana entered.

She was standing a bit far and when she saw the table, it seemed as if Rin had forced Lily to bow and lick his feet!

The moment she saw this her all compressed anger started to rush out and overflow!

She shouted, "RIN!!!!!"

Rin suddenly looked shocked as he didn't know any reason that could make her angry. Also due to her shouting lily immediately got up and was scared!

"Why do you do this Rin!!!!?"

"Huh?" Rin still couldn't understand what had happened. Even the maids who were standing there were confused since they didn't see Rin doing something bad.

The queen rushed near Rin and slapped him.


All the maids and chef who were present there were fully surprised. They weren't happy when they saw Rin being slapped.

All of them were totally puzzled at what was happeneing and Lily herself was no exception.

She immediately ordered Rin to be sent to his room and be locked for 3 days without food or water!

"Lock him in his room until I say!"

Then she thought,"Ya... 3 days will be more than enough." And murmured.

Rin hadn't eaten anything yet. All he did was patiently wait for the chef to bring food and then making Lily eat. He practically fed her and was waiting to start eating soon when Lily said that she would feed Rin.

But even before he could taste a bite the spoon fell down and the queen enetered misunderstanding everything.

So he was already starved and now on top of that further 3 days without food and water would have been like hell to him.

Lily suddenly hugged her and tried to stop her. She cried and said, "Mama, it isnt brothers fault! He didn't do anything!"

Liana wanted to believe her but she knew that Lily was a soft hearted child so she might have been lying in order to save Rin. Hence she didn't listen even one more word from her and just looked at Rin with rotten eyes.

Rin couldn't bear this and immediately got up and slowly started walking and finally left the running hall.

One of the Queen's personal maid accompanied him till his room and after he entered his room she locked it from outside and immediately went as if the sight of Rin was making her disgust! Perhaps she too thought the same as Liana.

Liana then ordered the chef and the maids to clean everything and throw them. She ordered to bring something fresh for Lily to eat but Lily cried a lot and ended up being unconscious again.

Liana was too angry to think anything straight so she just took Lily into her own room and made her sleep in her bed and then immediately returned back to do her work.

The work was much more time consuming than what she had initially thought. It took her 5 whole days to complete the works and then she thought of taking some rest.

"Phew, that was a lot of piled up work! Now I can get some fresh air~"

She immediately went out near the balcony to get some fresh air and enjoy the view with her coffee.

"The palace is so quiet since Lily is away."

Lily was sent back to the Magic Academy to study. She had initially come from the academy after taking a leave since she was too worried about Rin but it was a temporary leave for 1 week at the max so she had to leave immediately.

"I wonder what Rin is doing nowadays, it's been 2 days since he his punishment was over... maybe he is good now since I haven't heard any complaint about him in the past 2 days..."

She drank the whole cup of coffee and relaxed a bit more when suddenly her maid came and asked something.

"Your highness, his highness will be returning soon by today evening!"

"Oh!! That's a great news! Haha, the victory which he achieved was splendid! There will be huge banquet tonight!"

She was now excited and asked the chefs to prepare something extravagant for tonight's banquet!

Soon the chefs became busy and the maids too. All of them started preparations to greet his highness who was about to arrive within a feee hours.


The King and the Royal army arrived and marched through the city. Slowly and steadily they all marched throughout all the roads and got great praises from the people.

The King then arrived at the palace and everyone greeted him. The king had an extraordinary expression in his face. He walked and hugged Liana who was happy too.

Then the king soon turned his gazes left and right as if he were searching something or rather someone.

"What happened dear?", the Queen asked.

"Well, I can't see Lily here..."

The queen smiled a bit and said, "She went back to academy since the leave was almost over!"

"Oh... and Rin?"

She herself looked right and left.

"Rin...? I too didn't see him..."

She immediately asked the one of her personal maids who had locked Rin in the Room, "Where is Rin?"

"Your highness..."



"Tell me! Why aren't you saying anything?"

The maid hesitated and then said with a low voice, "As per your order he is locked in the room..."
