The Flying Texts

A small Recap...

It was said that in this world there are few kings who have different blessings by which they can make their army grow stronger and fight ten times or even more times stronger than a normal human.

A similar blessing was being granted to Rin, at least that's what would be the conclusion after seeing this spectacular view, but in reality, he was already been blessed from the birth with the CRIMSON EYES, which would one day make him the strongest KING who would rule over the entire world!

The crimson eyes that had been dormant till now sleeping within him suddenly woke up due to the situation that he faced which was quite favourable for the eyes!

But due to the awakening of these eyes there was a sudden turmoil created in another kingdom far away in a barren land which had scare amount of people.

For some reason they rejoiced and bowed down at a statue whose eyes shined with crimson light!

And now...




"Our saviour!!! Our saviour as finally been awakened!!!"

There were many people that ranged around 10,000! All of them were wearing a shabby outfit. Most of them were old people and many were from the younger generation too.

All there people were actually the abandoned ones who were thrown away by the kingdoms after the war or during the war.

Some were refugees of some kingdoms who ran away because of the kingdom's demise.

It was maybe fate that led them all together and they reached one common place where existed a huge state.

The people who lived around that area believed that one day GOD OF WAR will decend who will not only be rutheless but also will be kind hearted and compassionate.

But there would have been no way for the people to find who exactly the God Of War was so God have an oracle that the one who will save all these people, who will lead this people and bring prosperity, he will have an extraordinary eyes which will give out warmth light.

And those eyes will be named as - CRIMSON EYES!

It was also mentioned that he will be given birth as a normal human and will acquire the crimson eyes later when the time is right! And that day will be his - AWAKENING which will be marked when the eyes of the statue will give out crimson light!

And since then all the people had been waiting and staring at the statue. Many of the died while waiting and many were tired. Some even said that this might be fake and left the village.

Even after doing so, ten thousand people were left behind who waited for the fates day which had now arrived!

They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw the light which cured many of their diseases and also gave them a lot of happiness.


Soon the light that had filled the entire Room faded and Rin was in a much better condition. In fact all his fatigue and illness were healed and his complexion was much better than before.

Kylle immediately touched his forehead and checked his breathing which was stable.

She was happy and moved to tears since she just saw a spectacle occurring in front of her eyes.

Suddenly Rin woke up from the sleep.

"Uhh... what just happened..."

He was suffering from severe head ache and was starving. He immediately saw that Kylle had bright some good for him.

He took the food and started eating as quick as he could just like a wild beast.

For a second Kylle looked at this and was shocked to see a royalty eating such a way but when she thought about it, she didn't find it any weird since a hungry person would always desire food more than money no matter who he/she is!

Rin ate till his stomach had swelled like a balloon and burped.

"Ahh... that was amazing... thanks Kylle..."

Kylle was suddenly shocked when she saw him calling her name with a smile and sign of satisfaction.

"How did Young Master kniw my name?", she asked it out loudly out of curiosity.

But Rin couldn't answer that question. He himself was surprised too as to how he knew her name but the reason was right in front of him.

"You got to be kidding me..."

"Yes Young Master?"

Kylle didn't understand what Rin meant.

"Oh nothing... just... bring me something light to drink like some juice..."

Kylle immediately replied with an 'YES' and went swiftly towards the kitchen to bring some juice for him.

"This is really unbelievable..."

For some reason he was able to see texts flying everywhere on every object he felt like seeing.

Even when he looked at the bed he was sleeping he could see texts flying!




Level - <3>

Catergory -

Durability - < 100/120>

Manufacture Cost - <80 silver coins>

Sold cost - <200 gold coins>

- A normal bed used for sleeping by the royals which was extremely well made.


"What the heck!!!?"

"I really can see their details and that too in such a way!!?"

He was utterly surprised! For non living things and other furniture and some important material, he was able to look at with different details and on living beings or humans or beasts he was getting different details.

Kylle immediately brought orange juice and served him which he drank completely. He wanted to test this once again so he stared at Kylle as much as he could.




Race -

Age - <20>

Sex -

Faith - <60>

Loyalty - <99>


- Cooking.

- Cleaning.

- Strategist.

- Serving.


"It really works! Oh my god!"

Kylle was feeling a bit uncomfortable when Rin was just staring at her. But she couldn't just ask him to stop staring since he might feel bad so she just said, "Young Master, May I go?"

Rin wasn't able to hear what she said as he was completely concentrated on the details that he was able to see.

He wanted to know what more could he see but before that Kylle asked again.

"Young Master!!! I need to tend to her highness, may I leave?"


Rin suddenly came out of his own imagination and nodded his head.

Kylle took the glass and plate and immediately left after saying, "I hope you will be well Young Master..."