He was now in a much better state than before and hence he wanted to seek some more light.

Hence he asked for some time to visit the outside world since all the time he had been trapped here without ever being allowed to go anywhere else.

So he asked Liana again, "Mother, can I please go and visit the outside world?"

"I already denied that! I don't want to here about that again!"

"Mother...", Rin was a bit disappointed since he was expecting that she would allow him to go outside and take a look at other people's life.

But Liana was worried about Rin's safety. She disregarded whether he learnt anything or not. All she wanted was for him to stay safe and nothing else.

However, Leo believe that it would have been better if Rin were to explore the world. He thought about Rin's future. If he didn't know how to flap wings now, he wouldn't survive the upcoming storm is what he thought.

He was earlier surprised by his intellect and way of addressing too. So he was ready to approve of his departing but Liana was too worried to let him do so.

"Why do you want to go away from us Rin? Are we not good for you?"

Rin immediately extended his hand and denied what she told, "That's not true mother. I merely want to know about different people. I want to get stronger..."

Liana immediately replied, "You can do that even by staying here! What's the point in going there yourself?"

Rin wasn't able to make her understand with simple words so he decided to ask in a rather different way that just explaining.

"Then tell me Mother, you are respected by our citizens so much. Did you also stay in your home inside 4 walls trapped? Or did you go and see the problems of different people by your own eyes?"

Liana paused for a minute after hearing this question of Rin. He was indeed right that he had been trapped within the walls of the castle.

His brothers and sisters were allowed to go to trips and camps whereas he never ever agreed to go anywhere and finally when he asked to go, she was stopping him.

She didn't utter a single word and immediately turned back and returned to her room.


Leo was shocked by hearing Rin speak in such an extraordinary way. The way he handled was brilliant. Even though that might have made her a bit sad, in the end she understood what he had to say and just by hearing this Leo was feeling excited about Rin's development.

However Rin felt as if he hurt Liana so he was about to go behind her to console her thinking that it would make her feel better but Leo grabbed his shoulders and made him stay.


He shook his head and said, "Don't go right now Rin, give her sometime. Believe in her, she will make the right decision." After saying this he too left there took and went back to his own room.

He nodded his head and waited the entire night which passed too slowly. It was soon the next day.

"Woah, I didn't even sleep last night!"

He had big dark circles just below his eyes. He got down from his bed and started to walk towards the door which suddenly opened.


A maid entered without permission to wake Rin.

"I... I am so sorry... I didn't know you were awake."

He shook his head and said, "Its fine. No need to worry about it."

He then immediately went out while the maid kept on standing their while being surprised.

Rin the went straight away to the garden and sat there.

"Sigh, my head is paining because I haven't slept properly. Also these weird eyes are making me sick!"

He was kind of frustrated because of lack of sleep and other than that he wanted to hear the good news of Liana approving of his departure.

But no matter what he had done, Liana wouldn't have allowed him to go without taking care of his safety.

"Waaa... *yawning* I wish that mother allows me soon..."

The moment he said that he felt an aura of a familiar person coming towards him.

He turned his gazes towards the right only to find that Liana was walking towards him.


He was shocked at her sudden appearance here because it was quite unusual for her to be in the garden early in the morning.

"Baby... I..."

'Is she going to agree to let me go?', was what he was thinking but what she said was quite opposite of his thoughts.

"I don't think so I can allow you to go..."


He immediately gave a sudden reaction as if he was shocked by hearing this.

"But why Mother? Why can't I go?"


She remained quite for a bit and then said, "It's not like I am binding you here by using shackles on you. What I prefer is your safety!"

He wanted to say it loudly that 'she didn't care about his safety while starving him nor did she care about him when he was being despised so why does she care about him now?'

But he controlled himself since saying this would not only hurt her but also put him at a disadvantagous situation.

"Then what should I do mother that would allow you to let me go!?"

He didn't care what it was asong as he could go since he had bigger dreams of his own.

"If you are able to reach a 'WARRIOR' rank within 7 days, then I will allow you to go.",she smirked and immediately left.

"Are you kidding me? You want me to reach warrior rank and that too within seven days!!?"

In this world there are different ranks of royals and other people who train their body to an unbelievable level. The capacity and usage of mana increases as you reach the next level.

The lowest among them was - [WARRIOR] Rank.