Dark, belligerent clouds were hanging on the atmosphere, therefore casting a gloomy appearance on the earth.
A storm was threatening. It had bucketed down the previous morning and it seemed, from every indication, that it was going to repeat itself today.
Rin's father couldn't hide his anger and anxiety when Rin was leaving. He was worried about what might happen to him when he finally got out there in the dangerous world.
Many enemies were lurking, there were dangerous merciless beasts that were creeping around waiting for their unfortunate prey to fall into their traps.
On the other hand, Rin was paradoxically very happy, and sad. He was happy because he was beginning his quest towards being a god-king but he was sad because he was leaving those he loved behind.
His small sister, Lily, had been crying since the previous night. And her cries intensified with each passing minute.