A Giant Leap

She would always shun taking more than forty steps and she was alone whenever she had nothing to say to them.

She only discussed with them whenever there was a mission or when there was a punishment for the likes of Rey.

Rin remembered the unfortunate boy and smiled. He had also joined the mission as he went back with Max the other day.

"I checked with my own eyes and ears. They are guilty." She thanked herself for being so smart.

She had gone around the city to some houses, asking them about both men and every response she received was similar.

Some didn't want to tell her at first because

they feared she was one of the secret police.

But she assured them and they felt safe with her after some time. They opened up to her and told her virtually everything.

But there were the stubborn ones as well. They refused to say anything to her until she used force.

Only then did they open up and talk to him freely. The Ogre and his partner in crime were hated by all and sundry.