An Ogre's Tale

The Merchant's name was unknown to them. Beforehand, Lena and Rickey had tried all they could to get to that before now but there was no way they were going to ask for his name when they were dressed like that.

The security would be surely alerted, and something very bad would surely follow. Besides, not everyone in this capital knew the real names of these men in power. Ogre was not an exception.

The term "ogre" was coined for his physical qualities. He was a very huge man with fiery eyes and bushy eyebrows that gave him a severe look.

Whenever he walked, he seemed to walk on springs and he walked as though he was going to pounce on somebody.

Well, he did pounce on some people quite often. The people were those who blatantly refused to do as he had commanded.

He was always quick to anger and he always made out his words quickly when he was enraged. And when he couldn't make out those quickly and started to stutter, he would use his fists and that was very bad.