His every hope recurred when he saw that figure walking towards the cul-de-sac. He hoped everything would turn out as expected tonight. He made sure to look around before he began to walk again and cross the road.
The men had probably forgotten about him and were discussing where Rin had seen them.
They were three, every one of them wearing handkerchiefs that were tied to the nape.
They were wearing leather jackets that gleamed under the soft light of the moon. They seemed to be trying to fit in but they didn't.
Their shoes were those things that Rin wouldn't even agree to put on, even at gun-point.
They tried to exude the confidence that wasn't there, thereby making them look awkward and pretentious.
The three were also bald, or maybe in bald hairstyles. He figured out it might be a secret organization or something.
If it was something of that sort and they had suspected him to be an enemy when he had passed, then that meant he still had something to worry about.