Friendly Foe

He was still smiling, ignorant of the fact that Rin had other plans for him. A dangerous plan that would result in his death. He never knew any of this and was utterly shocked when Rin grabbed his arms and pulled him around for

Anna shot right at him. He was first struck by his actions. He read his action as dumb. He didn't think that Rin could hold him for some seconds. He thought that with a shudder, Rin would be thrown away like a piece of rag.

But the young boy violated his expectations. He was so shocked that for a moment, he could not speak. Rin held him tightly and refused to let go. He began to tighten his shudder but no way, Rin still held on tightly to him. His eyes widened In shock, especially when he knew that there was a very dangerous weapon behind him.