
The while thing seems like a dream to him but he knew somehow that it was not a dream. It was not an Illusion, rather it looked real. It was real enough. He was still scared about the whole thing, he was scared about how his siblings were treating him. How then will they expect him to survive. He did not care what they were going to do when he finally agreed to follow them. He looked at them with utmost confusion in his eyes before he asked them in disbelief.

It seemed as though they enjoyed the look on his face and the way he was frenzied. He glanced at them one more time to know if theybwere truly his siblings and that was all he saw. What was really happening, had the whole world suddenly disappeared or had something happened to their world? Were people transported to different multiverses where they would live the rest if their life with their families and friends without casuing trouble and panic.