Dillon was awakened by the loud sound of the bell from the intercom in his apartment which was repeatedly pressed by someone, indicating that this guest was hell bent on waking him from his deep sleep.

What the hell is wrong with this person!

Grumbling and rolling out of bed, Dillon then stumbled toward the intercom near the door of his apartment.

With an irritated expression and sleepy eyes, he rubbed his face roughly to bring back some of his consciousness.

But, it seemed that that was no longer needed, because as soon as he saw who the guest that came to his apartment this late at night, the remnants of his sleepiness disappeared and a name left his lips in surprise.

"Giana?" The frown on his forehead deepened, because he saw the woman came alone, and from her expression, it seemed that Giana was not in a good mood, it could also be seen from how she pressed the bell button on the intercom without pause.