The sound of gunshots was deafening in the middle of this cold and lonely night.

Apple felt that she was just a second away from crossing the river of afterlife and waited for the gunshot pain to mangle her soul, but after a while, instead of feeling pain herself; Apple heard the sound of someone groaning in pain followed by the sound of flesh hitting the floor.

Carefully, Apple opened her eyes to find the man, who had pointed the gun at her earlier, had fallen to the ground, lying motionless with blood splattered around his body.

While not far from her, and from behind the man's body, Apple could see Jayden standing. The gun in his hand still emitting a faint white smoke, as proof that the gunshots that Apple heard earlier were from the man's gun.

It was only after she realized she was fine and alive that Apple could breathe a sigh of relief and plopped down, sitting on the cold floor of the ship, while Jayden walked over to her.