"Find out everything that has to do with Ivan Andreas and his photography studio and also Stardust studio," Jayden said in a low voice, but it couldn't assuage how serious this man was right now. After all, it was his lover who was in the question.

Jayden was a little displeased with the way Ivan had secretly taken a photo of Apple and used it to enter a contest.

While Apple took it for granted without a second thought. It was not that Jayden didn't trust Apple's judgment, it was just that the girl was sometimes too kind for her own good, especially since Ivan was her friend and the woman tended to lower her guard for that reason.

Jayden then listened to the answer from the person on the other end of the line.

"Yes, everyone," Jayden replied, as he waved his hand at Apple who was staring at him from a distance. The girl was choosing the horse she would ride.