Cravings + Feeding

Scarlett and Ash stood there, gazing into each others beautiful glistening eyes while the wind was blowing through their hair. Suddenly, a smirk spread across Ash's face. He placed one hand against the tree behind Scarlett, making the tree creek from the strength of Ash.

"Ash? What are you doing?" Scarlett questioned.

He placed his head upon Scarlett's shoulder causing her to have butterflies her stomach.

"A-As-Ash?" Scarlett stuttered, confused as what he was doing. He rose his head, grabbed Scarlett's waist and pulled her close. Ash slowly moved his head towards hers, slightly adjusted his position then gently placed his lips upon Scarlett's. She felt her heart skip a beat then pulled away.

"I am sorry. Just worried, this isn't a safe place, I could do something and get out of control then it could get carried away." Scarlett sighed.

"No, no. Don't worry. I wouldn't let you get carried away. I let you carry on doing this, cause I trusted you. Plus I'm going to stick around through it all. But, do you trust me enough. Do you trust me enough to drink my blood." Ash said.

When Ash said 'blood' it was like a switch had been flicked inside Scarlett's head and suddenly her craving for his blood began.

Scarlett's hand instantly shot up to her neck. Scarlett dropped to the floor and began coughing and gasping for air. Ash fell to his knees and placed a hand on her back and helped her gain her breath back.

"Hey, is everything okay!?" He asked concerned.

Scarlett nodded and crawled to slouch against a tree,

"Y-yeah, c-cra-vin-ngs" Scarlett stuttered.

Ash slipped a hand in his boots and pulled a knife out. He carefully grabbed her arm and place the blade on her arm. He slowly dragged it and watched the blood slowly dribble down her arm.

"Drink it, it should help a little longer. Scarlett I don't understand, why don't you just drink blood when you Crave it? Why do you keep fighting the urge. You know you cant keep torturing yourself like this." Ash expressed concerned.

Scarlett tried fighting the blood. Her own blood was easier to fight against than somebody else's she craved. One she knew she couldn't get.

"Scarlett, just drink it. Please, I don't like seeing you like this" Ash pleaded.

"I can't. My body doesn't want that." Scarlett said,

"Please, just try. Scarlett, please." Ash pleaded again.

Scarlett sighed and rose her arm to her mouth still struggling to breath.

She looked at Ash in a 'are you sure it's safe way'.

Scarlett licked the blood, she opened her mouth a little and revealed a set of white teeth. On the top row, her canines were also slightly longer than the rest and filed to a point. Like a pin and razor sharp. Her mouth clamped down on her arm, she closed her eyes and began drinking, enjoying the taste as always. A few moments later her eyes flung open and she pulled away from her arm, blood running down the side of her mouth and light teeth marks dented in her skin. Her eyes met Ash's. He smiled.

"Are you better now?" He asked,

"How long have you been without blood? Why did you never talk to me about it? Scarlett, love. I love you, but we both know you cannot survive without it. You get weak, cravings begin to get worse and so on, correct!?" Ash questioned.

Ash dug around in his pockets and then handed her a tissue.

"Clean your mouth love. You're a mess" Ash laughed.

Scarlett took the tissue and wiped the blood from around her mouth while Ash held one to her arm.

Ash helped Scarlett to her feet and steadied her.

"I am alright now, Thanks" Scarlett smiled.

Scarlett handed the knife back to Ash. He wiped the blade of the knife, slipped it back into its case and slid it into his boot. Scarlett continued to hold the tissue on her arm. Ash walked beside her and they continued their walk through the woods and reached the end of the pathway. They walked the back lanes to their house, it was just about lunch when they got home. Ash helped Scarlett out of her jacket, and gently hung them up. They took of their boots and she went off upstairs to clean herself up while Ash looked for a Band-Aid and alcohol wipes.

Scarlett stood there looking at herself in the mirror.

"How did I get this way? Why did I want to drink blood. I'm a idiot. Ash didn't need to know. Look at the life I have now dragged him into." She mumbled to herself.

There was a knock at the door,

"Scarlett, love. Can I come in?" Ash asked.

Scarlett opened the door and Ash walked in. Scarlett slid herself on the near by seat, pulled the tissue off to reveal dark red lines, crossing over each other, swollen bruised, the bite marks faded.

"Here" Ash said.

He handed her the band aid and he began cleaning the cuts.

Scarlett placed the band aid on and pulled her sleeves down and looked at Ash with gloom in her eyes.

"Scarlett, We need to talk about all this" Ash exclaimed.

"Scarlett, I know you don't want to talk about it but what is going on. Just talk to me." Ash said.

Scarlett turned her head to try avoid eye contact further with him.

"There isn't anything to talk about, I told you this already," Scarlett snapped,

"Scarlett, Love. Why didn't you talk to me. I thought you trusted me?" Ash asked.

"I told you, Already. Can we just not talk about this. Please!?" Scarlett said.

Scarlett got up and rushed out the room. Ash sat there, in the quite Darkened room. He finished his coffee, Ate his dinner alone and went to give Scarlett some food. He hadn't seen Scarlett since their fight earlier. Scarlett was asleep on the black quilted bed-sheets. Ash stood there in the door-way.