Boyfriend or enemy.

Scarlett handed the bag with the crowns to James. James clenched the bag tightly to his chest and took a few steps back.

"Take those and look after them. I don't wanna break them dealing with Ash." Scarlett said.

"Alright, Princess, I shall guard them with my life," James said.

Scarlett smiled at James and James smiled back at Scarlett. Ash saw them smiling at each other and got ten times angrier than he already was.

"Scarlett I suggest you move out the way, I don't wanna hurt you. I want to deal with James." Ash said firmly.

"No, as I said before, I'm not moving out the way. You wanna get to James, you have to come through me. Try me, because I guarantee at the end of this one of us will be on the ground, and it won't be me." Scarlett snapped.

Jacklyn looked so confused about what was going on. She didn't know where to stand, what to do, or whose side to be on. Jacklyn began panicking, she ran off to go and try and find some help.