How to become a vampire (finalised)

"Well, Cadence is your mother and she is queen. Doesn't that make you next in line?" James said.

"Huh. I never really thought about it like that. I guess it does. The only way I could be queen is if Cadence passed the crown down to me or if she passed away. Besides, I couldn't rule a whole country on my own. So I struggle to just protecting it by myself." Scarlett explained.

"You have me. Isn't that enough? I think you've done a fantastic job at protecting everyone; it just makes sense for you to be queen." James said.

"In the eyes of the throne, no. For you to rule with me, we would need to be engaged or married. Forget kids; we ain't having those. besides, I don't think people would want a vampire as their ruler, do you?" Scarlett explained.

"What's wrong with being a vampire. I think it's cute." James smiled, brushing his hands down Scarlett's cheek. 

"You have a messed up sense of cute James." Scarlett laughed. 

James proudly nodded.