From Heaven

Their heart, soul and mind was in absolute control of Luo Rin. She was controlling them like wooden puppets. If she wants the will to live in them increases substantially. If she wants the will to die in emerges drastically. And if she wants the will to fight back in them emerges, considerably.

Sia, Simon, Sk, Ron and the other members of the group could clearly feel this power of puppetry and the art of manipulation but they were entirely defenseless against it.

In their present scenario it was not about defenseless or not, it was about getting defeated or relinquishing to the opposite side. They simply didn't have any chance to win against their enemies.

Seeing the drama was coming to a halt Luo Rin gradually stopped her singing and let team Alpha have a control on their minds.

Sia and Ron snapped out first and became aware of their surroundings. The arctic wolves were advancing at an alarming rate and they had little to less time for their escape.