Standing at the highest peak of frustration and depression, Jia closed her eyes and tried her best to shut down her brain mechanisms. 

Even though she was in a dream-like dimension, she was feeling nauseous for some reason. After taking a long deep breath, she screamed on top of her lungs, "Aaaaah!! What the! Can't I live a normal life like a patient?!"

After venting out her anger, she got a hold of her emotions and started solving the half-solved riddle from earlier. 'Moonlight,' 'Blooms,' 'Night,' 'Rise,' and 'Grows' were the five divine words chosen from the prophecies. For the last set of words, she thought of creating a resonance by joining the terms with each other.

The last stanza or the so-called riddle or prophecy was "Seas so ancient and wide

Seas to contain the sleeping

Sleeping as they were placed

Sleeping but not forever

Forever they will always exist

Forever in the back of your mind"