Chapter 10 - KaraNeko

"Hey Daichi-senpai, You can go on first. I'll just answer this call." Lei said while pointing at his still ringing phone.

"Oh, then don't get to caught up with it. We still have a match waiting for us." Daichi said while lightly patting the smaller boy's head. Thinking that his hair is really soft.

"Hai! Thank you Captain!" Lei already walking a distance a way shouted at his captain.

Walking quite a distance away the boy decided to finally answer his still ringing phone and placing it near his ears.

"What yah want?" Lei answerd. Pissed off with the constant ringing of his phone and definitely with the one whose calling.

"Why'd you sound pissed off my baby cousin? Didn't you miss me? Cause I definitely miss you!" The voice in the speaker cooed cheerfully to the boy his talking to.

"If you really miss me you would have visited me! You know that I get really lonely in the mountain!" Lei shouted. A bit tearful with his bottled up emotion that he kept inside for so long.

".....You know that I really want to but I can't." Solemnly answered the voice in the phone. You can hear a tinge of sadness in his voice that makes the strawberry blonde haired boy feel a bit guilty with his accusation.

"..I know... I'm just being immature." Pouted the boy childishly at his older cousin. He knows it, really, but his just being petty for his cousin because he felt like they don't want him anymore.

"Glad that you know." Tease his older cousin to the younger boy. "But I've heard that they finally approve of you attending normal school? Is that true?"

"Mmmm" agreed the boy. "But I just started roughly a week ago so I'm still adapting with the sudden change of scenary. Oh..... WAHHH! I forgot!" The blue-green eyed boy suddenly shouted startling the poor male in the phone.

"W-wha- What is it? Are you okay?" Shock with the recent shouting. The male hurriedly questioned the boy.

"I forgot that we have a game today! I'll go now! And dont forget to call me again later! Bye Kian!" Lei said while hurriedly hanging off the call and running towards the place where they would have a match. Worried that their captain would scold him for taking quite a time answering a call.

"I hope I'm not too late!"

On the other side. The male on the phone or Kian, is still looking at his phone with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"...Did he just said game? What game? Aishh whatever I'll just ask him again."


"Kiyoko-senpai!" Lei called out the their pretty manager. Glad that she's still there, which means that the game is still not starting yet. After seeing that she have a bag sling on her shoulder, he decided to offer his help.

"Do you need help with that?"

"It's ok. I can manage but thanks for offering." Kiyoko said dismissively but nonetheless smiled at the pretty teen.

"Sure? Then if you need my help you can just ask me! I think I'm pretty strong." Lei cheerfully said while pointing his thump towards himself.

"Hai, I'll keep that in mind." Kiyoko can't help but to smile gently at the smiling boy before her. He just the type of person that you can't help but to feel found off even if you just met him for a few days.

After sensing a stare directed towards their direction. Both Kiyoko and Lei turn their attention towards a Mohawk male who have a dumbstruck look on his face. Feeling confuse with his stare Lei decided to just smile towards his direction while Kiyoko only nod before both of them walk away.

"Red Jersey? They must be the team we're fighting with! Now I'm getting excited!" Lei enthusiastically thought, skippingly following Kiyoko towards the gym to warm up. Not hearing the shout from the Mohawk guy.

"T-two lady...m-mangers... Be-Beautiful!! I'll make you regret this!!" The mohawk guy said before running off to who knows where. Leaving his two teammates celebrating for their free yakisoba bread.

"Two Managers? But Lei-chan is a player though?" Hinata confusingly said.

"Baka! Didn't you forgot that Lei look like a girl!? Even you thought of him as one!" Kageyama angrily yelled towards the confuse oranger haired boy. Who quickly became embarassed after thingking it.



After shaking hands with the Karasuno captain. Kuroo wonder his eyes on the court looking at each of their opponents player when his eyes turn big from shock after seeing the familiar strawberry blonde haired teen who have been constantly bugging his mind. Wearing the same bkack tracksuit as their opponents. Not wasting time Kuroo immediately run towards the still clueless teen direction with a teasing smirk on his face.

"Oya~Oya~ Didn't know your part of the opposing team, ChibiLei-chan."

Startled, Lei immediately turn around to face the familiar voice, who he have been chatting with ever since that night.

Because of Kuroo's persistence, the boy have no choice but to respond to the black haired male texts that almost flood his mail box. That lead to them having a (somewhat) normal conversation and becoming closer with each other.

"Oh... Tetsu! You didn't tell me that your part of Nekoma!" Lei's smile immediately brighten up after seeing the male in front him wearing their opponent's team jersey.

"Oi! I told you to call me senpai~" smirkingly whine the taller black haired male to the smaller boy while swinging his arm towards his shoulder. "And well you also didn't tell me that your part of Karasuno, just that you play volleyball around the school here. So I guess we're pretty even, don't cha think?"

Kuroo already know that Lei is a boy. After complimenting the boy that his hair added to his charm and suggesting that he should grow his hair more to appear more girly. (Not that he doesn't look girly enough).

That lead to Lei immediately creating a fuse about it. Saying that he's a boy and that is he looking for a fight and so on.

Kuroo didn't immediately respond to the boy blowing a fuse to his message. He felt blank and shock af with the sudden revelation. But that didn't stop the black haired male from gaining more interest towards the strawberry blonde haired boy. Just like what the saying goes if you're both not going to the same direction you just have to bend towards that direction.

The two's banter attracted both of their teammates attention.

"Huh? Kuroo's seems to know Karasuno's other manager, that lucky jerk." Yamamoto grumbled while looking at the two who seems to close for comfort.

"Oi! Kenma do you know about this?"

"Huh? Why are you asking me?"

"Well your his best friend! And you're friends with Karasuno's shrimpy!"

"... Doesn't mean anything." Kenma grumbled while he returned his focus to his phone playing a game before the match start. Kenma can't help but to still a few glances towards their direction and remembering the times that Kuroo would look at his phone while smiling and laughing about something.

"She must be the reason."

On the other side Karasuno isn't liking the interaction between the two even a little bit.

"Huh?! What's that C(sh)ity bastard doing being close with our little first year!"

Tanaka grumbled angrily. A pissed expression directed towards black haired teen captain of the opposing team. "How can he be that close to Lei-chan! I haven't even have a chance to shake hands with him!"

"If your that angry with their interaction then you should get Lei-chan here." Sugawara calmly suggested.

Although he is also pretty pissed off with their closeness but his rational side thinks that he should let Lei make friends with other people other than their team but his other side also thinks that Lei should only be friends with people they approve off and the opponent's captain is clearly not one of them.

".... I-I'm still too shy to to talk to him." Tanaka murmured. A hint of red on his cheeks.


"Ok I'll do it." Left with no choice, Suga walk towards the direction of the two to fetch their teammates.

"Lei-chan!" Suga shouted while waving his hands to gain the smaller boy's attention. "We should warm-up now."

"Oh okay! I'll get there in a sec."

"Bye Tetsu! Just wait I'll surely defeat you!"

"Sure. Do you best then cause we'll win."


"Ehh!? Why is their manager wearing a jersey!? Is she a player!?"

"Hmm? Now that you mention it." Yaku replied while looking at the strawberry blonde haired teen wearing the number 13 jersey.

Kuroo hearing them talking about Lei can't help but to intervene. Already laughing at the thought on how they will react.

"Lei is a player... and his a boy."

"Huh?! The fuck are you saying Kuroo!" The team look at Kuroo like he just said the most corniest joke ever.

"He he It's true though." "What a nice reaction."

