Chapter 16 - Dateko vs. Karasuno

"Gauging on their first match, they'll start with a powerful serve. The serve will break your formation then they'll block your return. Dateko's strategy is to attack those who can't keep up. So for the first serve, make sure that your receive are solid!" Coach Ukai instructed the team, sweeping his gaze player to player.


"And Lei get ready, we'll use you later."

"!!, Yes coach!" The boy exclaimed happily as both him and Hinata high five each other. Happy that he would now be able to play.

"And Kageyama, you know what to do?" Coach Ukai added. Glancing at their two smallest spikers, who seems to be in their own world.


"All right, Now go tear down the iron wall!!"



The match started with Karasuno in the lead with 2 points but it is merely because of luck.

"Wahhh Sugoi! Deteko's sugoi! They have been blocking all of our spikes and we only manage to score through luck! That is simply amazing!! Right Suga-senpai?" Lei commented to the taller silver haired senpai. A look of pure amazement on his face, that make it seems like sparkles are floating all around him.

"Ehh? Ah yeah.. " Suga scrath the back of his head not knowing what to answer. Yes, Deteko's amazing but it's different when they're your opponent.

"But I don't think that is something to be amaze about." Suga sweatdrop. Yes, Dateko is an amazing team but right now, he is not feeling amazed at all. He is kinda scared that they are their opponent but it doesn't mean they would back down.

Yes, they are scared because Dateko is the reason why they experience a devastating lose last spring and also the reason why Asahi almost quit volleyball.

But they are willing to overcome it by having faith to all their teammates. Especially, with the addition of the new first years. It gives them confidence that they can overcome anything.

Suga turn his gentle gaze towards the boy, who have been looking at him. Perplexed why he should not be amazed when they are really amazing.

Suga sensing his thoughts, pats the boy's head with a gentle smile on his lips.

"That's because I think thay you all are more amazing. Karasuno are more amazing, right?"

"Whoah! You're right Suga-senpai! We are more amazing!" And as if to prove a point, after he turn his gaze towards the court, he sees the two performing their signature freak quick. Shocking almost all the people on the court with their own awesomeness.

Although they might not be the best at defense but they have the craziest offense.

"And I'm glad that I'm part of the best team."

"Nice Shoyo! Nice Tobio!" Lei wave to the two. "I want to go in. I want to go in! Coach!!" Lei look at their coach, staringly pleading him to put him in.

"Hehehe he's getting relentless." The coach smile helplessly. He can feel the unwavering stare of the smaller male directed towards him. "Well, it can't be help but it's not the time yet. What I want is for Hinata to completely shines and blinds the blockers with our other spikers and when that happens, I'll put him. Letting him fight Hinata with the spot light and in that way the other team will be more cautious of them and finally it will be easier to score." Coach Ukai smile evilly to that thought making Takeda-sensai place a few distance away from him.

"Whoahhh!! Its the quick again!"

"Ehh! It's fast!"

The crowd suddenly yelled out in shock. Hinata and Kageyama performed their signature quick again, shocking and making Dateko contemplate whether that quick is really just luck.

With the growing momentum on Karasuno, Deteko can't help but to call for a time out.

"After this time out, they would be more aware of Hinata." Coach Ukai thought while he look at his team drinking and wiping out their sweats. "I think its time."

After the time out, all the players went back to the court. The audience and Dateko became confuse with the sudden changes.

"Ehh? They are putting that #13 as a wing spiker? He's small though." One of the audience commented as he looks at the side of Karasuno court.

"And pretty." His friend added.

"True." His friend agreed.

"That's the one that you kidap, right Futakuchi?" Kamasaki purposely taunted his bratty kohai.

"I told you, I didn't kidnap him. You really are too old to understand certain things." Futakuchi taunted back. An irritating smirk on his lips.

"What did you say, you brat!?"

"Oi! Stop that!"

"He doesn't look promising but try not to underestimate him, okay?" After seperating the two, Moniwa instructed the team. Giving his teammates a look that says 'you know what to do'.



The game continued with Karasuno serving and Deteko receiving it as a chance ball for them.

"Tobio! Toss to meee!!" Lei shouted. Already running up towards the net.

"He will spike?!" Deteko was shock for only a second but immediately regain their calm.

Lei jump high, ready to spike with the ball coming to him. Aone and Futakuchi ready themselves to block after reading that the toss will be on the shorter boy.

"Heh, Its no use. Even if they manage the block him, it doesn't mean it's their point." Coach Ukai confidently smirk.

After the ball came to him, Lei spike it will all he got but the iron wall is already their and block him.

"Tweeet!" The referee blows his whistle signaling for a score to Karasuno.

"Huh?! What happen?! You manage to block him right? Then why did it land to our court?" Kamasaki immediately ask what his other teammates have been thinking. A look of pure confusion on his face.

Aone and Futakuchi look at their hands that tried to stop the ball. Shock that it didn't go us plan. They are on the right spot to completely block him but the ball still land on their court.

"Y-yeah.. I'm sure we have him completely block but..." Futakuchi trail off. Not sure with what really happened. "I mean its fast but not as fast as that #10 quick, that's why we manage to read block him"

"M-Maybe it's just luck."

"Y-Yeah... maybe."

The game continued, although Aone manage to completely block Hinata but the boy didn't let it get to him and with Lei on the game, Deteko are having a rough time with the turning the sides around.

"One more!!" Both Hinata and Lei shouted at the same time. Running at full speed and jumping high to spike the ball. The blockers where confuse for a second on who will spike and that second of hesitation makes it easier for Lei to spike it with blockers just approaching.


"WHOAH!! Nice Lei-chan!" His teammates soround him. Patting him on his head and back.

"Hehehe thank you!"

"Sorry! I failed to receive it!" Deteko's libero, Sakunami, bowed as an apology. Feeling bad that he didn't even manage to touch that spike.

"Don't mind! We'll get the next one!"

"Although at first glance, Hinata and Lei might look like their play style is similar but it's  different. Hinata's attack relies more on speed, especially his freak quick with Kageyama. Lei on the other hand, can make the ball crazily spin, that when you rejoice that you completely block him you will realize that the ball land on your court. But that is only when the spin is in our favor, there is still a chance that it might spin and land on our court making it a point to our opponent."

And as planned, with the two small boys taking the spot light, it became much easier for the other spiker in Karasuno to spike freely, with no blockers on their way. Giving them the chance to showcase what they really have.

With Asahi scoring the final point, Karasuno won the first set with a score of 25 - 19. Just one more set and they will win the match, although it is much easier said than done.

Thr match continued with Dateko showing why they are called the 'Iron wall'. It became much harder for Karasuno to gain more points as the opponent slowly became used with their tactics, although they still fall for decoy when the two are vanguard. That doesn't stop them to try and  block the other spikers like Asahi, whos been block consecutively and his morals started to take damage.

With the score not widening, both Hinata and Lei are swith to rear guard with the strawberry blonde haired boy time to serve.

"Nice serve, Lei-chan!"

After the referee blows his whistle, Lei exhale as he relax his posture. He toss the ball high up in the air as he run and jump to serve it to the opposite net. With the ball heading at full speed and force towards the corner line but Sakunami is already their trying to receive it.

As the ball hit his arms, the ball spins for a second making him grunt as he tried to connect it to his other teammates but it unexpectedly spin out of the line with Obara trying to run after it but it already touch the floor.

"Tsk. What's with that kid serve?!" One of Dateko players complain in frustration. They've been dealing with that serve since the start of the second set and it's really annoying deal with.

"Don't mind! Just try to always follow up the first receive even if it's lousy. It's the only thing we can do." Moniwa stated seriously. That serve is really giving them a headache. It spins to wildly that the only time they can stop him is when he's the one who made the mistake.

"Woooo!! Service Ace!!" Karasuno cheered in chorus. Hinata almost run towards his friend for a high-five but luckily Sugawara is their to stop him as they are already in the bench.

"One more!"

Lei toss the ball high up again and serve it in between two Dateko players. The two tried to save it, with one them receiving it with his arms outstretched but the ball spins towards the back and luckily or unluckily Kamasaki is their to receive it with the side of his face but atleast it went up.

As the ball went up and lost its crazy spin. It became a bit easier for Futakuchi to spike it towards the other side with only one blocker. Earning them a point and stopping the smaller boy from doing another Service ace.

"Wooo!! Nice Futakuchi!!" Cheered Kamasaki and the other Dateko players. To happy to even care that his cheering that brat.

"You too, Kamasaki-senpai. Nice receive, although it hits your face." Futakuchi said with a smirk on his lips.

"You brat!!"

"Aone stop them!"

With Dateko stopping his serve, Lei is finally out of the court much to their opponents relief.

"Nice serve, Lei-chan." Sugawara patted the boy's back. A gentle smile on his face.

"... Yeah" the boy replied a bit downcast but instantly smile as he focus his gaze to the ongoing match.

Without the two on the court, it became harder for the other spikers but they still manage to maintain a few points gap with Dateko. And as the game progress, subbing players in and out it's finally Karasuno match point.

With Hinata serving an out, it became a point to Dateko.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" Hinata bowed on front of his senpai. Ashamed that he gave a free points to their opponent.

"Don't mind. We'll get it back." His senpai cheered him but not Kageyama.

"Boke! Hinata Boke!"

As Hinata is switch with Nishinoya, he went back to the players bench. Wiping his head with his shirt to get rid of sweat.

"I wish I'm even as half good as you with serving, Lei-chan." Hinata sigh to his friend.

"Ehh?...then practice." Lei carelessly answered. His most confident with his serve because that's the one he practice the most when he have nothing to do in the mountain, which is almost always.

"..Yeah.." "easier said than done."

With Asahi in the vanguard, the game continued with faith on their ace.

Asahi spike the ball but Dateko block it, returning it to Karasuno's back court but Nishinoya is already there diving to receive it.

"Sorry! Cover!"

Kageyama receive it but its too close towards the net. Left with no choice Aone and Asahi fight for a joust, with Aone overpowering Asahi as the fall towards Karasuno.

And again Karasuno's libero, Nishinoya, save it with his foot. Surprising all the people on the court with his close save.

"Whoah! He save it!"

"One more!"

Seeing that the ace is already running for a spike, with no second thought Kageyama toss ball. High and slightly away from the net just like what Asahi prefer the most.

Asahi blast the ball to the blokers, the ball roll on the net and finally it land on Dateko's court, earning Karasuno the final point they need to win this set.


"All right!!!"

With the game ending with Karasuno's win. All the players line up, bowing to each other and shaking hands.

Lei was about to go back when his hand are grasp by someone, stopping him on his track.

"Hmm? Futakuchi??" Lei confusedly turn his attention towards the guy who's holding his hands.

Futakuchi didn't immediately respond. He just grasp the boy's hand tightly, not letting go.

"...Congrats, you did good out there. Although we lost but I won't loose this chance." Futakuchi turn his gaze towards the smaller boy. A determined look on his face. "Can I get your number? I won't release you if you don't." Futakuchi slightly pulled the boy closer with a teasing smile on his lips.

"Ehh? Ah sure." Lei trail off. Still shock with the sudden development.

"Then I'll wait for it outside, bye!"
