"B-but you're supposed to take my side!!!"
Allen stuttered in disbelief, he was surprised by the turn of events he didn't expect things didn't go as he has planned in mind. Everything is destroyed and it is because of him Allen glared at Alexius. Alexius notice his stare but he didn't care or should I say he didn't put an eye on Allen. As if he is not worthy of his time, it made Allen boil his blood it reminded him of the look of his father.
"Yeah, kid go cry on your father about this cause you know I don't f***king care any sh*t about you."
"You know what happens when you go against me?!!!"
"Oh, why of course I know! Everyone knows you are a prick! And everyone just holds their complaints because of your petty revenge."
"You'll regret this once my brother hears about this!"
"Oh grow up! Nobody needs a f***king prick anyway and for your information, your family is not the only one that sells equipment. And I don't f***king care any single sh*t about it! I simply ignore the few incidents but this time you are in trouble!"
As he walks towards Allen like a predator hunting at its prey.
"Now get off in my establishment! or I will forcibly kick you out."
Then he motions the exit Allen couldn't help but get even angrier he look at Alexius with seething anger.
"This is not the end."
As he hurriedly runs away from the scene then his followers hurriedly follow him, everyone from the sidelines enjoys the drama. As they gleefully smile at the pathetic action of Allen they finally tasted revenge!
"Okay! drama has ended dismiss!"
Everyone then disperse and return to their original positions as if what just happened was not even there.
"Do you always find yourself attracting all weirdos in your life?"
Alexius looks at Elijah and Amelia they both give a confused look at Alexius then he looks back at the man in front of him.
"Well, I am not surprised."
Which made the man laugh loudly that even the echoes to the hallway he slapped the back of Alexius and smiled at him.
"You are a funny kid my name is Atlas Aiken the owner of this Inn, so what's your name young man?"
"Alexius Hendrix."
"As compensation, your meals for today are on the house enjoy your stay here in Inn."
"Hm." Alexius hums and Atlas just pats his back as he walks away from them.
"Damn that was intense that man is no ordinary!"
"I agree but first we need to eat I am famished my stomach is making a complaint to me right now, and she says she needs to eat like right NOW."
As Elijah rubs his stomach like he was a pregnant woman. Amelia just rolled her eyes and took a sit on the table they just fought for. Alexius also took a sit as they waited for their meal to serve after a few moments it arrived and everyone was so hungry. That the food they just order has vanished into a thin air as if they didn't just order. Elijah is in his 11th order which is also followed by Amelia and Alexius. After the fight made the three hungry like as if was starved for months. Everyone couldn't believe what they just saw because they look like they haven't eaten anything in their lives. As if someone is going to take away their meals for any second.
As much as they ate the bills are also as high as they ate. Truly the pain of every foodie and well the pocket of course. Whenever Amelia and Elijah looks at the bill they would cringe and try not to cry. Because of the bill as they pain empty their pockets for the meal they just had.
The three then left the inn for them to wander the city and also to get some supplies for the school. They walk to the streets as they marvel at the sight of everyone getting busy in their lives. Now and then you could see fairies flying in the skies beastmen walking side by side with you. Demons who are taking a chill in the cafes and giants trying not to step-anyone. You could see everything that this city could give you for they were like children in a museum. Enjoying the view of the world has given to them to enjoy.
Sometimes Elijah also buys food from stalls from time to time. And Amelia also purchases interesting things or should I say suspicious items. Alexius also wonders what they were supposed to be for. Amelia just shrugs and says at him with a straight face.
"It would come to use later... probably."
They continue their shopping while along the way they also shop their necessities for school and other things. The three enjoy the tour of the city as the sun sets down the three are sitting on the grass. As they enjoy the view above the hill sitting under the tree.
"Beautiful isn't it?"
Alexius started as he continues to watch the sunset. Turning the daylight into nightfall making the sky turns from reddish-orange to navy blue.
"Yes, it is..."
As Elijah takes a bite of his bbq while appreciating the beauty of nature. Amelia as a nod and continue to watch the sunset until nightfall arrived. As they watch the city turn into a city of lights it fascinates them. They couldn't help but sigh at the beauty especially the Yggdrasill. The ends of its branch seem to glow giving bluish lights with a hint of pink. The leaves that look like hair falling also give light from a purplish color to bluish lights.
"The tree is fascinating, isn't it? One of God's treasures still exists today making one of the important histories of this city. I couldn't help but be amazing again and again by its beauty and history behind it."
As Elijah continues to watch in awe and gushing on the Yggdrasill.
"History?" Amelia is a bit curious about the history of the tree.
"You didn't know about it? It was on every bedtime story you didn't hear anything about it? Like literally at all?"
"Nope." As Amelia emphasis the p while Alexius just listens to their fight. He enjoys listening to their chat than being the one who takes the lead to talk.
"Oh my goodness!!! What kind of person to not ever heard about it that you didn't even know about it?! Are you living in a cave?!!"
"Actually yes, I do live in a cave."
As if it was an obvious answer and Elijah just stares at her shocked by her unexpected answer.
"What?" Ask incredulously at her.
"More like ice cave to be more precise."
"What the hell?!!!"