

A powerful family. A powerful clan. The Del Transia.

"Ciantana Elizabeth Del Transia. I'm warning you. Stay on your lane. Don't try me." A threatening voice can be heard in this wide room. A smirk formed on my lips.

"Oh, I'm threatened. I'm scared." I playfully said. "I'm a Del Transia. I will not stay on my lane. I can intrude your lane. Without anyone's consent, I can do whatever I want. I'm not a Del Transia if I'm scared. Bring it on Formada."

A prestigious family. Bow your heads for them. In just one spicy glance, you're dead. They can fight you without weapons. A Del Transia will always be one no matter what. A family always stay as a family no matter what happen. A Phoenix will stand for Del Transia.

"So it's you? The one who killed my mother?" I said straight to her almond eyes.h

"Yes, it's me. Your mother owes me a lot. So, I'll take death as her payment. Your sister is so damn lucky, I didn't kill her. I loved how your mother scream to death." As she said that an audio played.

"Please Formada, don't kill me. I will pay my debt just.. just don't kill me. I'm begging you Formada no." My mother cried.

"Why? After all you really need to be killed. First, you're a whore. You stole Emmanuel to me. Even our child. Charianta is my daughter. You stole her from me Alliana. You stole my daughter from me. You'll receive death because you deserve it." Formada said in a angry tone.

"She isn't your daughter Formada. Don't get near her. I'm begging you not my daughter." She's crying in pain. A tear escaped my eye.

"She's my daughter." A loud bang echoed in the whole room where we are standing right now.

"Mommy!" My sister yelled.

"Shut up." Said Formada and a loud sound escaped from the background.

"C.E.D.T. Charianta Elizabeth Del Transia. That's the code."

"Charianta. You're my daughter hija. I killed your mother because she's a traitor." She sweetly said.

"No! You're not my mother." My eyes are wide open staring at her while my tears falling rapidly. I pointed my gun at her chest.

"Shoot her if you can." With his usual baritone voice which echoed in my ear.

"Ohh Emmanuel." He winked at my father.

"Put that gun down." As fast as that a bullet made my gun fly.

"You didn't even listened." My eyes widened to the owner of the voice.

"Massimo, my son." Formada said while her eyes is glimmerin' like the stars.

"Mom." Massimo nodded.