

A loud bang greeted her ear instead of the usual greeting this was not the

"Hey, slugger!"

"Sid oh my god what was that are you okay?"

A series of threatening gunfire shots were heard

"Peachy darling how was swimming?"

"Sid were those gunfire shots? What is happening where are you?"

"Oh yeah, Riv and I are watching a movie we're just-uh-hang on a minute will ya?"

A sound crash was heard after which an eerily silenced followed

"Sid? SID!? HELLO! SID?"

"yeah yeah sorry about that Riv was choking on some popcorn nothing to worry about glad your gala went well I have to go now sweetheart they are showing my favourite part"

"But wai-"

"Love ya"


"Where the hell are they?"

"Relax love I'm sure they are fine wherever they are"

"Ryder I swear to god if you don't stop with that fake accent of yours I will smack you right across your precious face"

"It's not fake!"

"We've been to England twice! for a few weeks you dumbass"

"Hey will you quit being rude don't forget you're the youngest okay one more word out your mouth about my accent and you're grounded"

"GROUNDED!? you can't ground me"

"Try me"

"What the actual fuck!?"

"Hey! language"

"No you mind your language Riv's out there flunking college literally breaking the law and you and Sid support him no matter how much he messes up you never tell me anything and then impose all these rules on me like I'm some sort of hostage in this place I used to call my home"

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she took in a few sharp breaths not breaking her eye contact with her older brother as she felt her hands fist up tightly. He felt a string snap in his chest as he studied her expression and took in this spasm of anger and hurt; one of the many in her seventeen years of existence; perhaps another one of those hormonal influxes young girls her age would often have.

"Dawn you know it's not like that right you're just young and we don't wanna bu-

"Burden me with any responsibility that I can't handle you can't keep using that as a cover-up"

"Dawn we're doing this-

"For my own good and one day, I will understand" Her face was now nonchalant as she clicked her tongue. This was getting a bit too frustrating for her she would find out what they were up to sooner or later but right now she needed to know her brother and uncle were okay and that nothing was gonna happen to them despite her obvious pessimism after that horrendous phone call.

"I could hear nothing but gunfire and cries of pain and hurt how could they possibly be alright?" She whispered mostly to herself her back now turned towards him as she made her way up the staircase.

"Trust me Dawny nothing is wrong"

But the sound of a door shutting travelled faster than he could complete the sentence.

"Trust me they've been through much worse for something to be wrong" He finished his whiskey and took a final drag from his cigarette before putting it out.