It took more than 5 months before Demons stopped attacking me. It took a lot of prayer and fasting, it took a lot of tears, it took a lot of sleepless nights, it took a lot of strength.
People thought I was going crazy, but I went through hell, I went through the valley. I know what it feels like, to be low in physically, mentally and emotionally.
I thought I would go crazy to ve honest, because I could hear just about anything walking and talking.
It felt as if it was yesterday, the thought of it makes me sick in the guts. Whenever I tell people this, they look at me differently, they either have a look of disbelief or a look of your a creep.
But this did happen, I was brought diwn low but I still remain on top. I fell but I got up, I want someone reading this to know that God still cares and understands.
He see you struggling, he sees your tears, he feel your pain but if you'd just wait.
Always remember that Good people always receive bad treatment!
Your at the end of this chapter