An atypical day

I'm Ahn Jeong min. A typical Korean boy living in Germany. With top notes of the average in scientific matters and appearance until good to not brag about.AND . . . I have a twin brother who just got me a good one of a problem.

That day, I woke up with a ringing in my ears.

I opened my eyes and looked at the bed next to mine. A boy was thrown in an unusual position, disheveled, the blanket was on the floor, drool dripped on the pillow. The alarm continued to sound, but he did not react. I turned off the alarm and used all my strength to get out of bed. Still in automatic and semi-awake mode, I had started my daily routine like any other day. I didn't notice it until I was dressed and brushed my teeth, even though I didn't remember going to the bathroom. I checked my phone as usual and went to the kitchen for a glass of water and some cereal. The cereals and milk were running out if I ate now there would be no more left for him. . . But at that time I thought "why does someone who doesn't want to wake up with the alarm and go to school need cereal?" I put the blame aside and fill my bowl. Our parents had already gone to work, as usual, so the house was comfortable in silence. There was no sign that he was going to wake up. The train was 10 minutes away. Her alarm had even started to ring again. He hasn't woken up yet. So I just finished packing and left the house.

And, so I condemned myself to stare at my cell phone screen for the last five minutes without being able to answer this @ #% & *.

I was chatting normally with a friend, Nami. We were talking about homework and German politics when she asked me if I like someone. It has to be his revenge. He probably just said something like "Did you know Jeong likes x girl?" and now she is trying to get my confirmation. Not that she or I am interested in which other. At least for me, she's just a friend. I think. . . Anyway she is my friend but I don't know if I have the courage to start a conversation on this subject. . . It just makes things weirder between us. HE knows that this is further proof that this is HIS thing.

Well, I don't intend to give him any satisfaction. Without thinking much more about it, I reply to the message "Hey, do you like someone?" with a "Do YOU like someone?"

Nami replays that she won't answer until I answer first.

IF she wants to play this game with be better to be prepared. I type "It is unfair since I asked last."

She disagrees because those who asked first should get the answer first too.

She can be stubborn, but I won't give up without a fight first. In fact, I am increasingly curious about her response.

We stay on this the entire night.

The next day she somehow finds me on the train to continue your discussion in person. We have not taken any steps forward. It was 5 minutes before classes started, I swore she was almost giving up (and me too). Then one of her friends, Maria arrives to greet us.

Nami turns to her with a strange gleam in her eyes and as if she has planned everything she asks her friend to choose one of us to answer first. Unfair. I should have thought of doing this with Joon, I'm sure he would have chosen me.

Maria is confused and Nami has to tell her the whole story so that she can make up her mind. How shameful.

But to my surprise instead of choosing one of us, she says they just need to say it at the same time. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen. Nami knows about my tendency to cheat. She doesn't trust me to say my answer when the time comes. But neither am I! This is a question of knowing what the enemy knows and not being discovered!

Maria says that we must then say their answer to someone and when the two have said the answer, that person will say it to each one of us.

We hesitate all afternoon, This plan has many flaws. Depending on the person chosen one may be left without the answer. Or we can end up in a very embarrassing situation that the whole school is aware of, in the worst case of course.

In the end, we agree and ask Liri to keep the answers. She both mine and Nami's good friend. We were sure that our secret would be safe with her. I still think we're making a too big fuss because of something like that. Well, I'm being dragged, so let's enjoy it.

On your way back home on the train, I wait until we are only one station far from my home to whisper "Get the Nami's answer for me, I own you one" on Liri's ear. Then I smile peacefully and get out of the train.

When I finally get home my parents hadn't arrived yet. I let my things in my room and check my phone. No message from Liri. I ask her how it went. It takes a few minutes, but she responds.

"She was so angry that I had to promise that I wouldn't tell you. You are on your own now."

And, so I once again had to appeal for my generous side. My curiosity is too great to stop now. I text Nami. "You won I will tell you, but then you tell me your answer too OK?"

She responds on the spot with an "okay, say it at once"

"My answer is..." I type slowly.


"And no" Man, how I wanted to see her face now.

She stays silent for some seconds and then starts to type.

"What? Explain better or I will not answer you."

"50/50," I write.

"Still not good..." She complains.

"Then tell you your answer and I explain it." I challenge her.

"I don't know" She just typed.

"WTF, it is not better than my answer, "I write disappointed.

From there we start to get off-topic and start talking as if nothing had happened.

And so it ends.

Or I thought so.

HE was also on the train, sitting in the back seat of mine. HE heard what I whispered in Korean.

And I know he will use this to his advantage. If I don't please him, my secret will be spread like wildfire throughout the school.