
Xu Wenqi felt like she was going to die. The closer the car got to the villa, the more anxious she looked.

Secretary Chen noticing her fearful expression, smiled, and said, "Don't worry too much. If President Shen wanted you to be dealt with, you surely wouldn't be sitting in this car at this moment."

Xu Wenqi internally cried more when she heard those words.

She tried to maintain a calm appearance on the outside and said somewhat embarrassingly, "Mr. Chen, you are jesting. I wasn't worried at all."

Contrary to her words, Xu Wenqi's fear was heightened when the black Maybach car passed the security checkpoint and entered the golden gates of the villa. Exiting the car, Xu Wenqi walked tremblingly through its double doors and was immediately astonished by what she saw. Her sense of fear was replaced with amazement. Her hotel room paled in comparison to the luxury of the villa.

An enormous transparent crystal chandelier dangled from the foyer ceiling as two spiraling glass staircases could be seen leading up to the second floor. Additionally, there was a polished opulent coffee table located at the front of a plush silver sofa. The table held a porcelain white vase containing black roses at its center. The jet black roses in the snow-white vase were strikingly beautiful as they blended with the overall black-and-white, grey minimalistic decor perfectly. The casually expensive interior not only gave the entire house a sleek and modern feel but also reflected its owner's personality quite well.

'Really worthy of being a multi-billionaire company president,' sighed Xu Wenqi.

The greeting of an elderly man in a formal suit interrupted Xu Wenqi's admiration of the villa. He bowed to her and respectfully introduced himself as the resident housekeeper, Butler Wang.

When Butler Wang first heard a woman was arriving at the villa, he nearly fell off his chair from shock. He thought he had earwax clogged in his ears again and misheard Secretary Chen's words.

"A woman? Are you sure?"

Secretary Chen who, at the time, was going up to Xu Wenqi's room, affirmed on the phone that a woman was to enter the villa. Despite his initial surprise, Butler Wang didn't show it on his face while talking with Xu Wenqi.

Butler Wang politely inquired, "Would you like anything? Perhaps some tea or another drink? Or maybe some food?"

Xu Wenqi hesitated and was just about to decline when a loud rumbling sound originated from her stomach. She touched her belly and smiled awkwardly. Before she could say anything, a deep enthralling voice sounded at the top of one of the glass staircases.

"No, she's not a guest."

Xu Wenqi looked up and what she saw stunned her entire being. For a moment, she couldn't tell if she admired the beauty of the house or the beauty of its owner more.

The clear droplets from Shen Yue's damp hair had not yet dried as they dripped captivatingly onto the glass steps of the staircase. The dazzling light from the chandelier set off Shen Yue's slightly wet skin and illuminated his dark eyes. Shen Yue's glistening swollen, full crimson lips gave the illusion that he had just spent the day kissing someone. This coupled with his loosely tied bathrobe exposing his muscular chest and rigid collarbone provided the viewer with a sense of unintentional seduction. Shen Yue looked especially sultry as he walked lazily down the stairs in his slippers.

'Sure enough, he's a fatal beauty, but why do I always see him wet? No, why does that sound so wrong ah!' Xu Wenqi felt her face heat up from her thoughts.

Shen Yue sat elegantly on the sofa next to the coffee table and commanded, "Come here."

Xu Wenqi quickly followed his footsteps and stopped just in front of him. She looked down at her shoes, not daring to make eye contact with the big devil. With a crisp snap of his fingers, Secretary Chen pulled a manilla folder from nowhere and quietly placed it onto the table.

Shen Yue commanded again, "Look up."

Xu Wenqi wanted to resist as she scared out of her wits, but she knew she had no choice but to continue to obey Shen Yue. Her gaze collided with Shen Yue's oppressively intense eyes that reflected a dangerous glimmer in them. With a cruel taste, Shen Yue appeared as though he was about to hunt his prey mercilessly. Xu Wenqi subconsciously gulped and did not dare to make a single peep for fear that he would kill her. Shen Yue took the manila file and opened it in a laxed manner.

Reading off from the contents inside, he said, "Xu Wenqi, 22 years old. Blood type O. Third-generation heiress of the Xu Corporations. Two parents, one older brother. Close friendship with Huo Lizheng, Su Ming Chu, and Qin Yurong. Known to be arrogant, domineering, and tempered. To sum it up, a spoiled daughter held by the palms of the Xu family who is well-integrated into high society."

"So..." said Shen Yue as he tapped the table lightly.

Shen Yue suddenly sharpened his voice, "How could it be possible that you know about my disorder when I haven't spoken about this to anyone but two others? Before you claim they betrayed me, you should know clearly that they are loyal dogs under my feet. It's impossible for them to say anything and even if they wanted to, I have ways to silence them. Similarly, I have ways to silence you. Therefore, you should pick your next words very carefully. I'm giving you a chance to tell the truth. Use it wisely."