hugging thighs

After stabilizing his thoughts, Butler Wang invited Xu Wenqi upstairs to the guest room of the villa. Walking through the long corridor adorned with splendidly simplistic paintings, Xu Wenqi was in no mood to appreciate the decor of the house unlike her appreciation of it earlier. She was distracted as she was thinking deeply about her current affairs.

'How am I going to survive living with the big demon king?' sighed Xu Wenqi.

Butler Wang noticed her stupor and coughed lightly. Xu Wenqi returned back to reality and listened to Butler Wang's words as they arrived at the door of the guest room.

"Ms. Xu, please notify me if you need anything. I already asked someone to gather the most essential necessities, which I estimate should be delivered soon. As for your clothes and other belongings in your house, I'll have to trouble you to pick them tomorrow or at a later date. Additionally, dinner will be ready soon so please wait just a bit longer."

Butler Wang was hesitant for a moment as if he wanted to say something more but held back. He shook his head faintly and turned to walk down the hallway. Xu Wenqi didn't think much of it and entered the guest room. A sizeable king-sized bed with several plush pillows and a neatly folded white quilt enticingly invited her to flop down on it in exhaustion. Hugging a pillow, Xu Wenqi fell into contemplation about Shen Yue. Just mentioning the name gave her a huge headache.

"No, I can't back down now! Since I already confessed, let's just firmly hold his golden thighs*. If I show that I care about him and shower him with warmth, I don't believe he won't be moved! Then later if he wants to kill me, I could remind him of our good relationship and I'm sure he can't-no, he won't kill me...probably…right? Aiyaa, whatever, let's do that first and see how it goes. After all, what other option is there but to hug his thighs? Let's not even talk about fighting, where do I have the strength to beat such a big man eh? And if I want to run, he'll definitely chase me to the end of the Earth! Therefore, the only option is to become his dog-legs* and become his rainbow farter*!"

Xu Wenqi was full of chicken blood* and clenched her fist in determination. Starting from today, she was going to become a professional boot-licker dedicated only to Shen Yue! Just when she was applauding her intelligence for coming up with such a plan, a knock sounded on her door.

Butler Wang called to her and said, "Miss, dinner is ready. Please come down as soon as possible. The young master is waiting. Also, the necessities have arrived."

Xu Wenqi was startled; she couldn't let the giant ancestor wait for her!

"Ah, yes, I'm coming!"

Xu Wenqi hurriedly opened the door and Butler Wang passed her a plastic bag with shampoo, skincare products, and other items.

After changing into the black satin nightdress and an outer robe of the same color that was in the bag, Xu Wenqi quickly went down the glass stairs and entered the dining room next to the kitchen. Shen Yue, now wearing a matching set of black pajamas, looked homely as he sat at the head of the table waiting for her. His gaze never left her the moment she stepped into the room. Noticing her clothes, his eyes grew increasingly gloomy. The thin strap nightdress on Xu Wenqi contrasted with her pale white skin and showed off her curvaceous body and long legs. The outer robe was loosely tied and didn't do much to hide the shapeliness of her figure.

Xu Wenqi didn't notice how beguiling her appearance was at the moment and was instead focused on the steamy dishes on the black mahogany wood table in the dining room. The delicious fragrance and enticing visual of the food made her drool. She walked as fast as she could to the table and pulled out the clear dining chair located opposite Shen Yue to sit. Meeting his obscure eyes, she smiled albeit uneasily and touched her nose embarrassed while waiting for Shen Yue to pick up his chopsticks first. Shen Yue withdrew his gaze and elegantly picked up his chopsticks to eat. Xu Wenqi quickly followed to taste the food.

'Agh, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call this a taste of heaven. It's so great to be rich and be able to hire the best chefs, ahh,' thought Xu Wenqi blissfully.

Focused on her food, Xu Wenqi continued to shove everything in her mouth as if there was no tomorrow. Shen Yue looked at her disdainfully and began to eat in a slow, graceful manner. The entire meal was silent as the only sound that could be heard was the clinking of the utensils. Minutes into the meal, Xu Wenqi felt somewhat awkward from the silence and wanted to say something to alleviate the atmosphere and also take the opportunity to increase her favorability in Shen Yue's heart.

She tried to be natural as she put a piece of still-warm meat into his bowl and said, "Ah, you should take care of your body more and eat more food. I know it's not easy being a busy company president. You all skip meals and neglect your bodies, tsk. You know, staying healthy is the key to being happy, right? Hahaha…"

Unlike Xu Wenqi's intent to lift the ambiance of the room, the atmosphere automatically plummeted to a freezing point. Seeing the meat placed in his bowl, Shen Yue stopped his movements and looked at her coldly.


hugging golden thighs* = trying to curry favor

dog-legs* = follower/henchmen

rainbow farter* = flamboyant complimenter

chicken blood* = excitement/determination

sorry for all the chinese idioms ʕ ˵• ~ •˵ ʔ i just love using them hee