
Seeing it was late into the night, Xu Wenqi put down her phone on the nightstand next to the bed and comfortably went to sleep.

The breeze rustled the thin curtains of the window and the glow of the moon passed through the transparent glass, shining its silvery light on the people in the dark house.

Shen Yue could not sleep. The memory of the food being placed in his bowl and the crescent bend of Xu Wenqi's eyes when she smiled gently at him relentlessly plagued his mind. He was suddenly irritated for no reason and his chest felt slightly stuffy as the thought of all the things she had done to him consumed him. She, in just one day, did more than anyone had ever done to him in his entire lifetime. She not only held him and kissed his chest, albeit accidentally, but also showed care to him. Shen Yue was very unsettled by her actions, and even after the morning sun had arisen from its slumber and the birds greeted the day with its typical song, he was still thinking about her. Two heavy panda eyes could be seen on Shen Yue's face as he got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

In contrast to Shen Yue's insomniac night, Xu Wenqi had a very peaceful and tranquil sleep, not knowing that she was the one deterring Shen Yue from his sleep. Yawning, she sat up and stretched her arms before getting out of bed to walk to the bathroom.


Walking down the steps, Xu Wenqi greeted Butler Wang who said, "Ah, just on time. I was about to call you since breakfast is ready and the young master is waiting for you."

Xu Wenqi was surprised that she would have breakfast with Shen Yue at this time, especially since he had to rush to the company early in the morning. She hurriedly thanked Butler Wang and entered the dining room. The moment she stepped into the room, Xu Wenqi was hit with a glacial gaze. She shivered subconsciously and looked over at the owner of the gaze. It was the first time she had seen Shen Yue wearing a slim fit professional black suit and an inner white collared shirt with a light-grey tie circling his neck. He wore a platinum wristwatch on his right hand, which added to his crisp sophisticated looks as his sharp features highlighted the cold noble temperament he beheld. His jet-black hair was pushed back and he looked particularly mature.

Xu Wenqi smiled amicably at Shen Yue, who grew even frosty with her morning greeting to him.

"Oh, good morning!"

He didn't respond to her and picked the plain mug of black coffee to take a graceful sip before returning his attention to the financial news on his tablet. Xu Wenqi didn't pay heed to his indifferent response and sat down to eat the freshly placed toast on the table. The hand of his five-figure Vacheron Constantin watch hadn't moved for much before Shen Yue soon got up to leave the dining room. Seeing him leave, she quickly swallowed the food in her mouth and put down her toast to chase after him.

"Wait!" she called.

Shen Yue who had clearly heard her not only did not stop his stride to the door of the villa but also increased his pace. Unfortunately, he was too slow as Xu Wenqi ran past him and used her arms to block his path to the exit. Shen Yue raised his half-lidded eyelids and locked eyes with her piercingly.

He exuded displeasure as he asked, "What?"

Xu Wenqi who had originally wanted to say goodbye as she felt it was rude not to do so being the guest of the house, changed the words in her mouth and instead said, "Ah, I just noticed that- uh- your tie isn't right. I'll fix it for you!"

Before Xu Wenqi could touch the tie, Shen Yue clasped her wrists and moved them away from his body. He quickly dropped them as fast as he had grabbed them.

He looked at her frigidly and in a deep voice said, "No need."

Brushing past her, he walked through the doors of the villa and walked steadily to the passenger door held open by the driver of his black Lincoln car parked right in front of the door.

Xu Wenqi turned around and hurriedly called out to him, "Then have a good day ah! Take care of your body and don't skip lunch! Also, drink some more warm water!"

Shen Yue's footsteps paused imperceptibly but promptly resumed walking. He did not spare even a glance at Xu Wenqi's direction as he entered the car neatly with a chilly straight face. Despite Shen Yue's detachment to her, she waved enthusiastically to him and continued to do so until the trail of exhaust left by the car had dissipated into the air.

'It's really not easy hugging the villain's thigh ah,' she sighed before cheerfully walking back to the kitchen to finish the rest of her breakfast.


For some reason, the driver felt that the car was colder than usual and checked for the third time if the air conditioner was on. Turns out, it wasn't the air conditioner blowing the cold air into the car. It was the person sitting in the passenger seat of the car who had his sword-like eyebrows furrowed, seemingly in dissatisfaction recalling the events of the morning.

Shen Yue emitted waves of iciness as he thought of Xu Wenqi's "caring" words in the morning. The woman was truly testing his patience. Glancing absent-mindedly at the scenery passing through the tinted windows of the car, he began to consider if letting her stay in his home was a mistake on his part. However, in that cool, fresh fall morning, he was entirely unaware that this was just the beginning of her flattery towards him. There were many, many more to come.