
Entering the mall, Xu Wenqi went directly to where all the luxury stores were populated. Since she was a little rich miss now, she could afford to buy, buy, buy to her heart's content. The mannequins displaying the most popular articles of clothing through the large window glass attracted Xu Wenqi's attention. However, it wasn't until she noticed a male and female mannequin modeling a similar set of style of clothes that she paused and pulled the sleek handle of the store's door. In all fairness, the window display was quite refined and had a chic subtle taste, unlike the other flashy stores she had passed by. The store was sizable with two carpeted staircases leading up to the second floor, several beige curtained dressing rooms in the back of the second floor, and a private catering lounge on the first floor. Both floors held limited edition clothes neatly hung on dark coffee colored racks accompanied by a mannequin wearing the set of the clothes. The decor of the store was elaborate, having a large crystal chandelier at the center of the ceiling and various small black sofas next to the glossy wall embedded mirrors.

Xu Wenqi was greeted by the bows of several salespeople wearing pinned name tags on the chest area of their midnight blue professional suits.

Xu Wenqi was taken slightly aback by the bows and surmised, 'Wow, the world of the rich is really indeed different.'

Walking to the men's section, she rummaged through various suits and was shocked to find that the clothes had no price tag. All the clothes in the store only had the tag with the size and barcode without a numerical price. She immediately knew that the prices of this store were not going to be low. It wasn't long that she had stepped foot into the store that another two customers had arrived at the entrance. A tall suave man with seductive phoenix eyes wearing a semblance of a business suit with a white collared button down shirt and black tie stepped in with a beautiful woman wearing a grey pencil skirt and a light pink blouse covered by a large oversized black jacket following him. She looked particularly fragile with a small palm sized face with large rounded eyes and cherry red lips. The man spoke lazily to one of the salespeople who turned quickly to call for the manager after hearing the words. The manager, a plump balding man wearing a striped caramel suit, rushed uncoordinatedly from the back of the store to greet the man. Using a white embroidered handkerchief from his breast pocket, the manager swiped his sweat and put on a bright smile in an attempt to please the man. Noticing the man's impatience after the manager said some polite words, the manager hurriedly ordered the salespeople to clear the store.

Xu Wenqi was still sifting through the clothes of the store when one of the salespeople approached her respectfully saying, "Miss, we would like to ask you to please leave. We have a VVIP customer here at this moment who requested the store to be cleared out. Please understand and make your wait out. Thank you."

Xu Wenqi who had never once experienced this felt extremely novel.

'Imagine being rich enough to clear the whole store of people! Not to mention, the store actually agreed to do that. How powerful even is this bigshot?" she wondered.

Turning around and walking towards the glass doors of the store, Xu Wenqi noticed the two high-profile people just at the moment the two had noticed her presence. Immediately, the man shielded the woman and hid her from Xu Wenqi's view.

If it wasn't for his accusatory tone that threw Xu Wenqi off guard, Xu Wenqi would have liked to appreciate the man's handsome looks and charismatic voice.

"Why are you here?" he asked with narrowed eyes.

Xu Wenqi wasn't sure of the man's identity and tried to reply as nonchalantly as she could.

"Shopping?" she said hesitantly.

Her hesitant response was an admission of guilt in the man's eyes.

Unexpectedly, the man chuckled sarcastically before saying sharply, "Xu Wenqi, are you not tired of following me all time?"

Xu Wenqi was very confused and asked, "When did I follow you?"

"Xu Wenqi, let's stop pretending. Even if you're not tired of chasing me, I'm tired of you. Do you think I can accept you now that you already gave yourself to another man? Not to mention, do you really think I don't know you were the one who drugged my drink?"

Xu Wenqi's eyes widened as she realized the identity of the man.

She subconsciously blurted out, "No way, you're-" before covering her mouth to block the rest of the sentence.

She couldn't let Huo Lizheng know that she originally didn't recognize him. However, in his eyes, her actions made him believe she was denying the fact she had attempted to drug him and was even more disgusted by her behavior.