
The torrent of emotions enshrouded in Shen Yue's eyes soon receded and clarity returned bit by bit. In the reflection of his black eyes, only Xu Wenqi's knitted eyebrows expressing her worry could be seen. As if someone had lifted several pounds off her shoulder, Xu Wenqi felt her entire body loosen with relief seeing his obvious changes.

The two silhouettes cast by the effulgence of the moon faced each other silently. In that dark, broken space he was trapped in, she was the silver of light that entered the slim crevice of his heart and illuminated his existence. But the one question that tormented his mind was why? Why extend a helping hand to him? He was long accustomed to the callous indifference of human nature, making him forget what kindness really was. He didn't believe it, couldn't believe it. Not even a shred of trust could be found in him. There was no person in the world who could approach another without any motives. Rather than experiencing warmth and having it cruelly slip through his fingers, he would rather be perpetually imprisoned in his chains of agony. In some ways, losing warmth after feeling it for the first time was more excruciating than never possessing it.

Suppressing the throbbing ache in his chest, he only spoke a single word.


Xu Wenqi didn't reply straight away. She herself was dumbfounded. Why indeed? There were many reasons she could've made up but in the face of his penetrating eyes, she couldn't say anything. It was as if nothing she could say would produce a satisfactory answer to Shen Yue.

Although she had the strong urge to avoid his piercing gaze, she steeled herself to look at him unswervingly and reply quietly, "You were in pain. How could I leave?"

Shen Yue was taut with tension waiting for her reply. When he finally heard it, he immediately cooled down. Her words accidentally touched his reverse-scales. Although his life story was tragic, he hadn't stoop to such a low point that he would accept someone throwing a bone to him out of pity.

He sneered and remarked, "Am I charity for you to take pity on?"

Xu Wenqi's eyes widened in shock. How would he always think the worst of people? While it was true she felt some sympathy for him reading the novel, seeing him in such a state earlier she realized he wasn't just a paper character to judge at. He was a real person with very real feelings and was burdened by vicissitudes at such a young age. Rather than acting out of pity, Xu Wenqi had genuinely wanted to help him out of care.

She vigorously shook her head and refuted, "I didn't help you because I felt sorry for you. I helped you because I'm worried about you."

Shen Yue's eyes flashed with an unclear light and he clenched his fist rigidly. He didn't want to hear this. Any answer but this one. The precise words hit him at his weakest point. He was afraid of the meaning behind those words.

His harsh voice sounded as he said coldly, "Is it any of your business?"

Xu Wenqi felt hurt that her sincere intentions were discarded so easily by Shen Yue.

She replied with a hint of grievance she didn't even detect, "You're right. It isn't."

In a sudden manner, she got up and left the room promptly without the slightest hesitation in her footsteps.

Despite seeing her departure, his clenched fingers didn't loosen. Instead, they curled even tighter, turning his knuckles white. Just like all the others, she had left and rightfully so. He should be happy now that he had driven her away like the terrible monster he was. But why was it that he felt a small sense of loss?

Xu Wenqi was upset and angry to death.

'Who even wants to care about him then?' she thought bitterly. 'He should just die alone then! Hmmph!'

Even thinking so, she still went down to inform Butler Wang what had happened. It wasn't long that Butler Wang arrived at Shen Yue's door.

"Master, do you need me to call Dr. Zhang?" asked Butler Wang concernedly.

"No, I have an appointment with him later this week. I'll tell him then," answered Shen Yue.

After saying a few more words, Butler Wang said relieved, "Fortunately, Ms. Xu helped you this time even though it could have been dangerous. If it was any other person, they surely run away but she stayed for you. You already thanked her, right?"

The surrounding air immediately dropped a few degrees. Shen Yue's frosty face was unreadable. Being by his side for so many years, how could Butler Wang not know what Shen Yue's reaction meant?

Butler Wang's eyes bulged and he hurriedly urged, "Master, this can't be done! If someone helps you, you should thank them. What did you say to her?"

There was a long silence and Shen Yue couldn't answer.

Butler Wang continued, "Surely you didn't anger Ms. Xu, right?"

The atmosphere grew more and more chilly.

"Listen ah, women need to be coaxed. Master, if you appease her now, she won't be angry with you anymore. You should…"

Butler Wang went on for a long time and while it appeared Shen Yue wasn't paying attention with his eyes closed, his perked ears suggested otherwise.

Finally, after noting in his heart what Butler Wang said, Shen Yue interrupted him coolly, "That's enough."

Butler Wang's mouth was dry after speaking for a while. Seeing Shen Yue's careless appearance, he had the urge to roll his eyes.

'Master pretends not to care but I bet he's secretly detailing everything. He has too much pride aye.'

Later that night, a knock sounded at Xu Wenqi's door. Upon opening the door, there was nothing in the hall beside a glass of freshly heated milk placed quietly in the front.

unimportant note:

happy new year !! woo ʕ ˵ • o • ˵ ʔ

also ╥﹏╥ when will the results come out ahh?