She continued, "PAOMAS, is the only survival unit where people are alive, PAOMAS is the last of the humans,We are finding our way to survival. We were planning on building a ship called ISTACES-"
"What does ISTACES stand for?" I interrupted. Tisha glared at me like she wished to evaporate me with her eyes herself, I started getting serious goosebumps from her grins and glares, so I decided to keep my mouth shut and listen.
"That isn't important right now, just listen!" Then, she continued, "Our reports and satellites that remain have said that the earth would crash into Mars or one of the asteroids in a few months, or probably a year from now."
She let out a sigh and said, "Hope that answer solved your query, and, she turned away, and wiped her tears and walked away like she didn't want to show her face to me. Well, I had no problem not seeing her face. She was creepy! I'm probably gonna get killed by Tisha if she decided to read this wonderful book of mine. Anyways, It's time for me to be depressed because I found that PAOMAS was the last of the human race. I was basically proud of myself for being the last of the world.I was awestruck I didn't want to believe her but a part of me knew that she was not lying, Me and "PAOMAS" were the last of the human race. At that moment I wanted to give up all hope, but I wasn't going to be a crybaby and that I would help in every way I could with the ship and all.
I went up to the makeshift bedroom, and said "This is Mission Utopia! I'll help in any way I can and never give up!
Then I went up to Tisha and said "You know, This ISTACES sounds fun, when can I start helping?"
Her face gleamed. "Well, lemme give you a few assignments!" She handed me a piece of paper from the moleskin book that I was talking about which had all the things I had to do for the week.
And, guess what? I read the paper, and the only line it said was: Triple the weekly chores! I scoffed, and set to work. The first work was to clean the dishes, I wasn't any good at cleaning the dishes, As I was carrying the dishes, I slipped over a piece of paper, and I went down with the dishes. Clatters and clusters of plates and remains of boiled broccoli, mashed potatoes, and Pizza crusts layed there. I got curious and took that piece of paper and started to read.
I was taken aback! I wished that I'd never read that paper! I crumpled the paper and stuffed it into my sweater's inner pocket. I took out my gloves and pulled them down that level of hard that my joints started to bend. I picked up all of the remaining food into a plate, and, Ya know what? I am not gonna explain the whole procedure. Just, you know how to do that. It's your chores! You know how to do 'em!
Then, I had to wash all the scientists' clothes in either burning hot or freezing cold water, Well, I wasn't good at that either. I used to topple over those piles of smelly pieces of cloth. I wouldn't wanna touch the stains and things, but I managed anyway.
Then, there was one thing that I could do without moaning, complaining or being clumsy. Helping the 7 year olds with their science, I was basically their science tutor,but for free, And trust me, I know science beyond my age. I was gonna really help with the ISTACES soon!
Then came one night where I could prove myself to the ISTACES mission soon...