Chapter 4

"Seriously Hary quit making silly faces, it won't suit you." Trance said while looking at Hary in disgust. Khiel and Bryle snickered but stopped immediately when they found out that Haru and Hiro are staring at them as if they were aliens from a faraway galaxy. The twins whose towering Trance on her sides look like a great gatekeeper guarding the gates of paradise for the three boys on their front and that makes them feel so small for themselves.

"I hope that someone helps us with this," she said while staring at the math problem in her notebook. She knows the formula and how to solve it but she's way too tired to do such a thing right now. The twins on both sides exchange looks before Haru pulls his notebook out of his bag and handed it to the girl beside him.

"What's this?" Ellreign asked him but Haru goes back to his slumber again. She and the three boys in front of her looked at each other before looking at the notebook in her hands.

"A notebook, probably," Hiro said before fixing his sunglasses. The mood of the girl beside him turned sour as she heard the response of the Japanese guy wearing sunglasses beside her.

"I know but why did Haru give this to me?" she asked. Hiro snatched the notebook from her hand and started to flip the pages of it before handing it back to Trance.

"He wants you to copy this for you and them," Hiro said while making eye contact at Ellreign even he's wearing sunglasses.

"What?!" Trance asked in high pitched voice, making the whole class's attention gets thrown at them. Hiro face palmed while the three boys in front of them are trying to convince her to take the notebook but the president can't decide if she'll take it or let her and her three best friends solve the problem without any help.

"But---" she heave a big sigh when she met Hary's puppy eyes. Even the boy is not speaking up, those eyes are keeps on convincing her. Minutes have been passed on giving her puppy eyes before Trance gets annoyed and grabs the notebook in Hiro's hand.

"Fine. Just for today." the three's faces lightened up with a glee gleaming into their eyes.

"Thank you for this uh..." Khiel scratched his head while looking at Hiro and guessing the amber-eyed boy's name on his head.

"Hiro." the amber-eyed boy said before placing his right arm on Trance's chair's backrest. Bryle and Hary looked at his arm suspiciously, making Hiro chuckle.

"Don't worry, I don't have feelings for her. Unless I want a war." Hiro said before letting out a humorous laugh but the three boys started to freak out by that. They're a few years older than him but that doesn't mean they're not scared and freaking out when the boy looked at them.

"What war you're saying?" Trance innocently asked, making Hiro snap out and looked at her.

"Nothing," he said with a smile. Hiro glanced at Felix on the other side who was smirking at him. The younger boy averted his full attention at the jet-black-haired girl beside him before to the pen he's holding. Minutes of silence between the five of them, Hiro decided to speak up.

"I don't know why love is so weird somehow. That's the reason why I'm not planning to get a girlfriend nor getting married in the future." Hiro said before leaning into his desk just to stare at Trance's serious face.

"What?" Trance asked him but Hiro just smiled playfully, making her stop from writing, and furrowed her eyebrows at him.

"Nothing." three boys in front of them is now minding their businesses in full silence but Trance is getting more uncomfortable seconds by seconds because of Hiro's playful look.

"I wonder if you can handle a psychopathic guy," he said in a loud enough voice, making Felix and Samuel turned at him.


"Psychopathic. Do you know? Manipulative, having a lack of conscience or empathy, ruthless---" he got silenced when Trance covered his mouth as Felix walked towards them and pulled another chair then sat on it like a king. Hary and two of his best friends immediately stood up and went back to their seats all together with Trance and Haru's notebook. Hiro removed Trance's hand from his mouth before wiping it, annoyed.

"The weather is so good today, right president?" Ellreign just gives him a lopsided smile before replying; "Yeah and I'm hoping that something stupid won't happen." making the king of wickedness release a dark chuckle, making Trance feel something bad might have happened again.

"Stop hoping over impossible things, president," Felix smirked at her before standing up from his seat and grasping the hollows of her cheeks, making Trance get alerted more and also the rest of the class. The wicked one leaned on her as if he was going to kiss the girl. Trance's breath got held by her and trying not to do anything that might put her more into trouble.

"If you think that you can befriend me, why don't you reveal your real identity to me then?" he asked her in a sexy yet dangerous tone. Trance got stiffened more when Felix is making eye contact with her. Despite being confused, the president herself won't let her guard down. She remained calm but deep inside her mind got clouded by confusion.

"I-Identity? W-W-What do you mean?" Felix leans closer to her while her classmates can't help but stare at them. They can't stop him and they can't help their president as well. No one dares to get close even Hiro. Trance mentally cursed when she found out she was stuttering. Trance gets used in this scenario because of her first encounter with her classmates but this time, it hits her differently.

"Show them who you are, why you got thrown into this prison section. Tell them that the reason why you entered here is not because of attempted murder." the confusion clouding her head got worn out by anger that started to fill her. She's pissed and doing her best to calm down. Her actions are enough to amuse the wicked king in front of her but that wasn't enough to satisfy him. He wants her to remove the mask she's wearing for a long time as if they're in the middle of the grand theater and Trance is the main protagonist of the play. All of her classmates are looking at her in full confusion. On the way they look at her, she feels her heart hammered so hard when she met their gaze.

'They will be surely mad at me if they know that I lied to them from the start.' Trance thought.

"I...I'm sorry." that's the only thing that Trance said but the wicked boy tightened his grip on her jaw. Enough to make her winced in pain. Her eyes widened as she feels soft lips pressed into hers his grip loosened as he presses his lips at her more. Trance's mind whose filled with anger went blank as the wicked one started to devour her lips. She can feel that her knees went weak although she's seating and her heart beat faster than usual. The president herself doesn't even know the reason why she doesn't want to pull away and slap the wicked boy as an act of revenge for stealing her first kiss. Until she realized something, she was drowning in his kiss.

'Knock him out again! Don't let yourself drowned deeper just to a simple kiss!' she screamed on her head.

Almost all of their classmates yelled in victory and amusement while Hiro is just smirking and Samuel smiled proudly then there's Liam who remained silent while watching them. Felix smirked at her before letting her go from his grasp but before he pulled away he stared into her eyes.

"Sweetlips. There, you're safer now," he whispered at the speechless girl. Trance flinched and went back to her senses. Quick as lightning, a warm hand landed on his cheeks, making him curse, and looked at Ellreign in full shock. All of their classmates watched them in full shock and none of them tried to speak nor move a muscle since they know that the wicked one has made a wrong decision in his life.

Inside of five years, they haven't seen her that mad and throughout those years none of them tried to do such a thing to her.

"Why did you slap me?" she's glaring at him as if she wanted to pounce him and choke him to death.

"You deserve that b*stard." the edge of her lips tugged into the upside, forming a small smirk. She crossed her arms and looked at him, emotionless.

"Don't deny it. You like it but you acted as you've hated it." this time, Trance kicked her desk. Causing it to almost hit Felix's glory if he wouldn't dodge it using his hands.

"Woah there, you're now pissed?" he looked at Trance in disbelief but the president herself just raised her eyebrow at him in full of sassiness.

"Swine," she said coldly. Felix smirked playfully as he looked at her eyes who held nothing but a void of emotion.

'I should reward myself for winning this game right now.' the wicked one said to himself.

"This swine kissed you and you loved it," he said in full mockery before he leaned his hand on her desk. Trance stared at him in a full grimace. Her face is full of disgust but she's screaming eternally.

"Who said? Listen to you, wicked newbie, I don't have any intention to mess up with you but...." Trance stood up and walk towards Felix.

"You pushed a wrong bottom," she added before kicking the desk once again, enough to amuse the wicked one. Ellreign is about to punch him but he catches her fist and kissed it.

"Did I princess?" almost all of the students of section 10 scowled and cheer the dark king from his doings but Trance's glare stopped them.

"You manipulative, wicked, and crazy man, stop pushing me into my limits," Trance said, emphasizing every word she said.

"Oh, I'm not pushing you. I'm just being nice."

"You call kissing a girl without her consent is nice? What do you think are you?" the president asked him in full sarcasm while trying to keep herself from doing violent actions.

"Me? I am?" Felix examined her face before flicking some hair strands away from her face.

"I'm the king."

"What is he thinking?! I'm not going to be nice at him, what does he think he is?!" Ellreign said, annoyed. Haru gave her a questionable look before looking at the rest of her friends.

"She got kissed," Hary replied before munching his food.

They're in the cafeteria right now, eating their lunch together. They're the only students there since the schedule of section 10 is different from the normal sections.

Trance is sitting between Haru and Khiel while the other three are sitting on their front. The youngest of their group looked at their brother who was busy eating french fries.

"Yes Haru, a kiss." the older one said as he placed his elbow on the table and his face on his palm. Haru didn't know that thing happened since he's sleeping like a cat all the time.

"Don't remind me that thing again Hiro," Trance growled but the male just laugh.

"Okay I won't, just promise us that you won't get near to that wicked one again."

"I'm not going near at him! He's the one who always approaches me and annoyed the heck out of me!" she protested.

"Trance is right." Khiel agreed so as Hary and Bryle.

"But we can't avoid that thing. He always threw himself near at her. Correction for a week straight now." Bryle added before stabbing his steak using his fork.

It's also been a week now since that thing happened to her and that still bothers Trance even she's asleep. For the other girls, that's romantic but for her? It's nothing but a nightmare that haunts her and the boy didn't stop bothering her all day.

"I wanted to comply about the attitude of his but I remember that we're on the last section that is full of delinquents and criminals so I can't comply. I know all of you are jerks but he's worst." Trance heave a deep yet problematic sigh and her friends stared at the girl wearing 18th-century style black dress as their uniform, they didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult.

"I wish it's weekend now so I don't see his face but dang! It's Wednesday and I have two days of suffering!"

"I don't want to go home, I'm sure mother will always be asked me to run some errands for her every minute," Bryle said.

"My brothers will probably be a nuisance for me while playing games," Hary added.

"My parents will probably confront me about having not that high grades whose doesn't reach their expectation," Khiel replied as he continued playing with his food.

"Our mom doesn't pressure any of us, but she always reminds us to be nice which is what we never did to everyone who always pissed us off, right Haru?" Haru looked at his brother before averting his gaze back to his food.

"See? He said yes." four of his friends looked at him as if he's a kind of creep.

"What's with that look?" he asked them.

"He never said any word so, how?" Hary asked him, making him chuckle.

"Simple, we read each other looks even Haru is emotionless. He knows how to laugh or to smile but you will never want him to be mad." Hiro nonchalantly said.

"You probably wanna know why we got enlisted in the prison section, right?" four of them nodded while Haru is emotionlessly just staring at them.

"We got involved in big problems when we're first years in Priam Videlle's main school in Manchester." Hiro grinned.

"We have done many crimes but all of them, they deserved it. I pushed my professor on the stairs, causing his death. He yelled at me and Haru although all of their accusations against us is wrong. When we enlisted in the prison section, I choke my classmate to death when she makes fun of my brother during our class. I smashed a computer keyboard on my classmate's head when he forced me to let him copy my homework, yet he's still alive. I let him live." Hiro let out a dark chuckle, making the four of his friends almost want to stay away from him but none of them didn't. They're scared but they understand him despite being too much.

"What about Haru?" Trance asked in full curiosity. The twins exchange looks before Hiro tapped his fingers at the table, enough to make an eerie sound against the silence of the cafeteria. The cafeteria staff is started to scare and wanted to leave the place after hearing Hiro's confession.

"He said that if I told you, expect that you'll always see us around. Not in your home of course, only here in school." Trance nodded while the three remaining are confused by his reason.

"As a friend of Trance Miyazaki, we're just returning her gratitude that's what friends do, right?" Hary and Khiel stared at him first before agreeing while Bryle is just staring at Haru, wondering why behind such an innocent face there's more than a monster hiding.

"You always hang out with her too, so call it quits." Hiro now averted his look at Trance who's waiting to know about Haru being enlisted at the last section.

"Haru has the most difficult and heaviest offense in four of us." he scratched the back of his ear.

"He's the smartest student in Priam Videlle, Oxford and other prestigious schools offered him scholarship since we're elementary but none them, he didn't accept it." the amber-eyed boy stopped talking when he found out that his twin is staring at him.

"You should thank me for complimenting you genius instead of calling you a shit." Hiro rolled his eyes at his twin.

"Mom said that you're an orphan," he added. Haru frowned at him. His twin, Hiro knows what that means; 'We're twins idiot.'

"You win this time." Bryle can't stop staring at the younger boy in front of him. He hasn't said any words or what, all he did is to stare or frown. Bryle knows that the younger boy is not mute nor deaf but why he's not talking?

"Back to Haru's reason." all of their attention got darted at the amber-eyed boy as he speaks up again about his younger brother.

"When I got enlisted to the prison section, he got bullied because of me and because he didn't speak to anyone unless the teacher is the one who's talking to him but everything turns out wrong, the teachers looked down at him as if he's a criminal like me, a teacher mistreated him and throw his stuff together with him outside of their class then laugh at him. So unprofessional." Hiro glanced at the American boy beside him before stealing a piece of chicken on his plate like a crow. Hary is about to protest but Hiro is now munching the piece of chicken.

"They all laugh at him that day. He didn't tell our mother nor to our siblings, only me." all of those memories are coming back to the younger one's mind while his brother telling them the whole story.


"Your brother is a criminal too so like you." their professor said and their whole class laughs at him. The little boy keeps his head down as they threw hurtful words at a 13-year-old boy.

"Miyazaki is a criminal!"

"He's a delinquent too!"

"He might do the same like what his brother did!"

He clenched his fist at the paper causing it to wrinkle and crumpled. He remained silent even his teacher grabbed his arm and dragged him out of their classroom.

"You stay here, kids like you are not allowed in my class even you're the smartest kid here." Haru is about to defend himself but the teacher throws his things in front of him and slammed the door shut.

Some of the students along the hallways looked down at him in pity and some in disgust. They're avoiding him as if he's going to spread some kind of plague. He left no choice but to pick his things and leave the place with anger.

"Why are you here kid?" it's been a minute but there's no response. The older guy felt uncomfortable with the boy's stare before he figures out his reason.

"Hiro, your brother is here." Hiro rushed from his seat and went outside where his brother is.

"Why?" yet no response.

"Haru I swear if you won't speak I'll call---" his expression softened when he realized that his twin can't handle too much exposure to sunlight. Hiro pulled him inside and let him sit on the vacant seat.

"What happened?" still no response. There was a commotion happening inside of their classroom but the twins didn't mind. Hiro started to get pissed because of his silent brother but he keeps his patience long.

It took a half-hour before the younger one speaks up. His classmates are checking his brother too, somehow worried at Haru.

"Kicked outside," Haru mumbled.

"What did he say?" his oldest classmate asked.

"He said kicked outside, idiot."

"Why do they kick you outside?" Hiro asked him.

"Criminal. Delinquent."

"Hey kiddo, do you want us to kick their as**s?" Haru stared at his brother's oldest classmates before darting his gaze at his brother.

"It's been a week since they're doing this to you. Are you still going to let them?" the youngest shook his head slowly as he keeps on fiddling his fingers.

"Listen, kid, we're not provoking nor telling you to revenge on them but we're saying here is to fight them, don't let them bully you." Hiro agreed with his classmate's words.

"Let's call mom or go to Uncle's office 'kay?" Hiro pulled his twin outside of their classroom but his twin looked at him in disapproval.

"Go inside. I'm not going to play nice anymore." the older one can't protest anymore when he feels that something dangerous might be happening again.

"They wanted a show, I'm going to give them what they wanted." he gives his brother a mischievous look before leaving.

After minutes of walking, the boy finally reached the janitor's closet and grabbed the three then took out three jars of chemicals on the spot where the school's water tank is.

Haru pulled out his laptop and typed something on it, making all of the surveillance cameras in the whole place disabled, and deleted some of its histories before he went inside the janitor's closet and basement.

He wore a pair of gloves before pouring the chemicals into the water. After pouring the lethal substance, he pulled out from his bag a test tube containing a substance whose more dangerous than the first liquid that he mixed with the water.

After doing the work on the water, he walks towards the safety box and did the next step of his plan.

"You! What are you doing here?!" a guard asked the boy who was standing in front of their building.

"Class hours are not over, kid."

"My professor told me to go out and check the whole building's architecture." the guard gave him a suspicious look him.

"Because I said that the building won't suit her comprehension," he added as he walks closer to the guard. In just a swift hand, he got what he wanted from the man.

"Alright, you mocked a teacher. Don't do that again." the school guard leaves him behind, making him smirk. Haru ignited that lighter that he stole from the middle-aged man and then set the fire on stone coated with gasoline. He used his slingshot to make the stone hit the third floor's window.

A loud crash from the window got followed by the fire alarms then an explosion invaded the whole place. Students are screaming and the fire is almost turning the establishment into ashes.

He smirked as he heard the middle-aged guard tell him on his mind earlier. "Don't do that again."

"I guess you're right, I won't do that again."

*End of flashback*

"Hang in there, so you burned down a whole building?" Bryle asked him as some sort of clarification. Haru looked at him before replying; "I did."

"He did that when he's 13?!" Hary asked in disbelief. He grips his hair in distress.

"When I was 13 only thing that I've done is watch nude videos." Khiel agreed with him. "Me too."

"What did your mother says after she found out what you two did?" Hiro grinned sheepishly right after hearing Trance's question.

"She talked to us calmly."

"Really? I mean, she didn't let out any violent reaction or what?" Trance asked for the second time.

"You didn't let me finish my sentence Trance, she talked to us calmly after sending us to our grandfather. Our sweet grandfather who sent us in the middle of the battlefield in Pakistan." Trance's mood turned sour but she can't hide the fact that she was shocked and in the meantime, taking a hard time believing how the twin's guardians took care of them.

"The old man is surely drinking some green tea," Hiro said as the image of his grandfather flashed through his mind.

"My grandfather likes that too." Trance said before sipping on her juice.

"Oh, I hope he's not like a sort of an old man who always smiles with some bamboo stick he's holding as his cane." Hiro let a humorous laugh.

"Your reference is accurate. My grandfather always shows his smile to every people he met and he has a bamboo cane with him." Hiro stared at her in full shock and horror.

"What the..."