Chapter 13

After Trance leaves the classroom, Felix and Samuel arrived before the teacher in the first period came and started discussing their lesson. However, before their professor finally set his foot there, Felix leaves the classroom without any words.

"Where are you going?" The guard asked him. Felix remained poker-faced as he stares down at the guard.

"The dean called me earlier, he said he wants to talk to me." He said in a stolid tone, the guards went alerted and pointed their tasers on him when he shoves his hand inside to his pocket.

"What's with that attitude?" Felix asked them before he dialed something on his phone and looked at the guard using his cold and piercing gaze.

["Hello? What's the matter Lord---I mean Valdez?"]

"I got a small fry problem here but I think it is yours to handle, Dean." They heard that the Dean cleared his throat. One of the guards glared at Felix who's impassively standing in front of them.

["What problem?"]

"Your guards, they don't want me to pass."

["Let Mr. Valdez pass, I want to talk to him."]

When the dean thereafter said that, the guards left no choice but to let him pass and escorted him on his way.

"That one is getting into my nerves." The guard who's glaring at Felix earlier said while still glaring at Felix's back.

"You still can't forget the day when he simply roasted you, aren't you Wilson?" Wilson balled his hand into a fist as his comrades said that.

"Shut up."

Even the teachers inside the office are trying to avoid Felix's gaze. They're lowering their heads just not to meet the Priam Videlle's one of the most dangerous student's gaze.

"What's with that?" Wilson asked his comrades again. The one looked at him and leaned into his ear.

"That one is probably a bigger problem if he gets pissed." He whispered into Wilson's ear, giving him an unbelievable look.

Felix entered the office with a stoic expression as the dean greeted him.

"Lord------I mean Mr. Valdez, I just wanted to discuss with you about your grades. Please take a seat first." The dean motioned him to the couch, where the familiar figurine is seating on the other side.

"I noticed that you're having a hard time with your subjects so I asked Ms. Miyazaki to tutor you---" Trance, who's seating on the other side of the couch looked at the dean with wide eyes and pointed herself. The dean nod while Felix remained stoic.

"Wait, is that the reason why you called me here?" The dean nod.

"I don't want." The bracelet that Trance wearing started to glow in blue and without a second, Trance gripped the couch's armrest as the bracelet give her electric shock.

"You can--"

"No." Trance immediately stood up and walk towards the door but the bracelet glows and gives her electric shock once again. She almost collapses as her knees turned into jelly.

The black bracelet that the section 10's student is programmed to give them an electric shock when one of them disobeyed, tried to remove each other's bracelet, become violent, or tried to escape from the school authorities' monitors. In Trance's case, she disobeyed.

"Come on, don't be such a hard-headed, Trance. Do what----" As Trance finally gathered herself she stood up straight and looked at Felix confidently. She ignored the pain on her body and hold at the knob as her support. Her bracelet glowed and did the same again not one but three times. She almost collapses if she's not holding on to the knob.

"I'm not going to yield at you. The game is not over, I'm not going to say 'Help me' like you're expecting." Her words made him grinned mischievously. Meanwhile, the dean is awkwardly watching them fight.

"You already did." The girl clamped her eyes shut after she realized what she said.

"Ms. Miyazaki, please talk to me when you finally made your decision." Trance glared at the dean before she walks outside.

"Lord Valdez, I'm sorry about that." Felix raised his hand to motion the dean to stop.

"It's fine. I'm trying to tame that tiger too." He said before he made his departure.

"Hey." Samuel looked at the boy beside him as Hary calls him. The older boy arched his brows after he learns that Hary's eyes are still puffy from crying but he looked away after seconds of looking.

"What?" Samuel asked him while looking at the professor who's busy explaining the lesson. Hary leaned closer to him to make him hear his words.

"If a salt beat someone or made a physical violence, is that call a-salt?" Hary said before he bit his hand to prevent him to vent out a laugh. He almost teared up and his face is red because of it as if he didn't cry earlier.

"You're crazy." The man commented before he takes down some notes. Hary lowered his head to hide his face from the professor. Samuel can't help but facepalm and heave a sigh, he found out that the poor sense of humor and he got dark humor.

"Mr. Morgan, did you find his lesson funny?" Hary stopped laughing and looked at the teacher in a straight face as if nothing happens.

"Yes I am, Mr. Ryu." Their professor stared down at him while Samuel snickered before turned his back at him and write something on the board. "Oh! I mean, no, Sir!"

"Where's Ms. Miyazaki?" He asked his students but he only received his shrug and 'I don't know' from them.

"We don't know, Sir. Trance went to Japan with her grandfather. She's excused." Bryle replied nonchalantly to his professor. The rest of the class looked at him and snickered.

"Stupid, she's here. Is your brain set out flying?" Khiel replied in a whisper, making the boys beside them snickered too. Bryle smiled awkwardly as he realized what he just said.

"I mean, the dean wants her presence in his office, Sir." Bryle retakes his words.

"What about Valdez? Oh! There you are!" Mr. Ryu looked at Samuel who's seating between Hiro and Haru. The boy is probably clueless too because even, he doesn't know where his brother goes.

Hiro lets Hary take his seat while Khiel and Bryle are seated beside the blonde boy, as a result, he's seating far from his sleeping twin.

"You must be referring to my brother, Felix, Sir. He must be in the library or somewhere else." The professor nod before he continued on his lesson.

In the middle of their discussion, Haru heard footsteps on the corridor, making him raised his head and throw his glance at the outside of the window.

"Do you know how to figure out what's the difference between joking and serious?" They're all averted their gaze outside after they heard the familiar voice and got followed by a familiar chuckle too.

"But you said that. What are you going to do now? I win the game." Mr. Ryu called their attention by clapping his hands and went back to discussing. The rest of the class went back on listening to him while the five boys on the back are still looking outside.

"And so what if you win? Are you happy to step on my ego?" Hary looked at Samuel with round eyes and gasp before he covered his mouth, dramatically.

"I'm not stepping on it. It's just all in your mind. But you have already done it, you asked for it and now you're mad? It's part of the game after all." Bryle is about to stand up and check if the two who are talking on the hallways are Trance and Felix. Hiro grabbed his hand to stop him and give him a meaningful looking, making him back to his seat.

"Fine. What do you want?" Mr. Ryu closed the first door awkwardly before telling his students to copy what he writes on the board. The whole class got surrounded by rough-hewn silence while some are taking down notes and some are eavesdropping on the two-person in the hallway.

"Later I'm going to tell you, all of their ears are into us right now." Trance completely ignored him while silently cursing herself and entered the room without a word. Instead of telling Samuel to leave her seat, Trance recklessly pulled the chair beside Hiro, creating a creaking sound throughout the awkward silence.

Trance now cursed ten times more on her mind when Felix seat beside her. She can't switch since even her seat on the last chair is beside Felix.

"You can't." Felix mocked her, Trance left no choice but to bury her face in her arms. Her heart pounded insanely but not in an intimate way, she's scared. She hated when someone that's not her grandfather and Hary or her friends or Ice comes close to her. Sometimes she's freaking out and turned into a violent one. Thankfully, it didn't happen when Hiro and Haru were seated beside her and when Felix kissed her or when Samuel tried to talk to her.

"Hey----" But this time, she snapped.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled while she covers her ears, making the class attention got averted at her. Mr. Ryu arched his brows and started to worry about his pupil.

"Ms. Miyazaki are you alright?"

"No! I'm not doing it again! Stop!" Hiro glared at Felix while Hary immediately rushes to Trance to calm her down. He paused when Trance started to become violent.

"Trance, it's fine. I'm here." Hary calmly said but the girl kicked the desk in front of her, making Yen and Shin immediately stood up while looking at her in shock.

"I didn't do that! Stop! Stop! Stop!" Trance gripped on her hair while crying. Hary calmly comes close to Trance to help her but the girl remained crying while screaming the words 'Stop' and 'Please believe me.

"Trance." Hary calmly called her name as he saw how her bracelet glow. Haru stood up too and went to the shaking girl.

"Her bracelet." Hary pointed it. Haru carefully removed it before it sends an electric shock on Trance. Yet, instead of on Trance, the electric shock got send on Haru. Even his bracelet did the same too but Haru hides it under his sleeve.

"No questions," Haru said when Hary is about to ask him. Their friends went to her too while their classmates remained in their seats and the homeroom professor are trying to call her grandfather.

"Don't surround her," Felix said before Trance screamed again before it got followed by her sobs.

"Fix it, it's your fault genius." Hiro sarcastically said, making Felix glared at him before he kneels to Trance's level. He motioned Hary and Haru to move.

"I'm not going outside again! Stop! Don't!"

"Trance calms down, we're here. I'm here." He gently said as he eyed the shaking girl. Felix flicked the hair strands on her face making her flinch.

"I'm not going outside please." She whimpered while her voice is trembling. Also, her hands and the rest of her body tremble in fear as the awful and tragic memory flashback on her mind.

"I'm not forbidding you to go outside." Felix retorted and give her a reassuring smile. She never stops saying the words 'Please stop' while her eyes cast down on the floor.

"Can you please take deep breaths for me?" The trembling girl remained in her crouching position while still covering her ears. Her breathing becomes slow.

"You're doing great, now, focus on me. Can you do that?" Felix pointed himself. Trance is about to do that but she heard someone say: "You're going to die now." that makes her having a breakdown again.

"No! Stop it! Stay away from me!" She crouched more while Hiro glared at Liam who said those words.

"Please! Don't beat me again!" Felix leaned closer to her, making Trance pressed herself into the wall behind her.

"Can you trust me? I'm not going to hurt you, right Hary?" He asked the boy who's watching them and standing beside Haru.

"He's not going to hurt you, Trance. We're not going to hurt you." The girl silenced but her tears didn't stop falling. Felix removed gently her hands on her ears and wiped the tears away.

"Help me." Trance whimpered. He leaned close to her and pressed his forehead on hers.

"I will."