Chapter 9

"Dimitri huh? Your surname is quite familiar." Hiro said before he was seated beside his sleeping twin.

"Why?" Khiel asked him.

"I sorta heard that surname before. Fredrick Dimitri is your father, right?" Hiro made Khiel froze like a statue. The tragic memory from the past started to reminisce on his mind.

He's quietly watching them as they yelled at each other, throwing words that might hurt both of them recklessly. They don't mind if the boy is there, standing like a statue and watching them as if he's in the opera and his parents are the actor and actress.

The boy is envied by many, he can maintain high and perfect grades, he's good at sports and he can play the piano. He also has an angelic face that is adored and loved by the people around him. His parents are wise businessman and businesswoman who runs a big-time company. He lives at the mansion and he can get whatever he wants but instead of being a brat, he chooses to not be a one.

People around him expect too much from him except for the only one, his mother. She never pressures her son because she knows his limitation. She loves him very much.

"You're too much!" His father screamed at his mother's face, making the woman pushed her husband away from her. The couple didn't stop screaming at each other while the boy leaves the scene on his own.

He didn't expect that. He never expects that. He never wished to witness that. He's worried for both of them. Lastly, it's probably the first time when he witnessed that.

Later that night, while having dinner, his father snapped once again and yelled at his mother. His mother who put all of her efforts to cook dinner for them glared at his father.

"I don't want to eat this! These are pieces of craps!" His father yelled and shove all of the utensils from the table, making it all fall on the ground causing loud crashing sounds. The boy put down his spoon and stopped eating when his father starts raging.

At first, the husband cursed his wife but when the man turned at him, he started cursing his son too. Leaving the boy afraid and hurt. His mother pulled the boy behind her and look at her husband menacingly.

"I'm always regretting that you become my son!" The husband yelled before he removed his slipper and throw it at his son but it hit his wife instead.

"You filthy uncultured swine!" His wife yelled before she throws the slipper back to her husband and faces her son who was left speechless.

"Khiel, honey, please go to your room." For being the good son he is, Khiel leaves the kitchen again even he's worried about his mother. Instead of going to his room, he stopped on the topmost of the stairs while staying alert if something might happen to his mother.

Exchange of screams, yells, curses, and crashing noises are coming from the kitchen but the thing that bothers Khiel the most is the whimper from his mother. The whimper with a hint of pain on it.

For a fifteen-year-old innocent boy named Khiel, he doesn't know why his father is doing this to his spouse. The man is way too far from what he used to be. Way too far from a kind man with a warm smile on his face and always being sweet to his wife and son. In the present, in every day's setting, when his father's at home, he always screams, shouts, and curses his wife like there's no tomorrow and as if his day is not complete if he didn't do that. Khiel knows that his father always beating up his mother. He wants to defend her from his abusive father but being an obedient child he is, he always follows his mother when every time she told him that doesn't make his father mad and ignores everything. They thought that he's ignorant but deep inside of him, he wants to do everything to protect his mother.

Their exchange of offensive words, screams, yells, and opening up their contributions from the past is normal for him but he didn't expect why his father averted his anger at him. His anger started to boiling inside him like water inside the heated-up kettle that started to boil.

"This is what you want right?! This is!" Khiel's eyes widened when he saw how his father pulled his mother through her hair. His mother teared up while trying to remove her husband's iron-clad grip.

"Let go of me!" She screamed on the top of her lungs before she dug her nails into his wrist, making the man let go of her and hissed in pain.

"You b*tch!" The woman immediately stood up and run towards the stairs but her husband caught her again by her hair. She whimpered in pain when her husband pulled her close to him.

While watching how his mother got thrown by his father in their living room and his mother hit her waist on the edge of the couch, Khiel stared down at his father in horror. His mother gives him a meaningful look. A look that signaled him to return to his room and lock it. He is about to stand up and go to his room but the misfortune is on his side. His father looked at him, smiling like a maniac before he kicked his mother on her stomach, making the lady fell unconscious.

"Ahh, watching your parents arguing huh? Are you enjoying it, Khiel?" His father asks him like a psychotic villain, enough to make Khiel nervous and almost lost his balance when he sprinted on hallways.

"Are you having fun seeing that cheater got beat up?" Khiel slammed his door and locked it before he grabbed his stationary cutter and hide it in his closet. He flinched and immediately covered his ears when his father started banging his door while laughing like a maniac. The man stopped from banging the door without any mercy and leaned into it.

After merciless banging, his father stopped before saying: "I always despise your mother from the very start. She's cheating on me, meeting with the other guys, she even dated guys out there. Can't you see? Your mother doesn't love us at all." Khiel covered his mouth with his shaky hands while on his other hand, his grip on the stationary cutter. He's about to get out of his closet when his father started banging his door again while laughing.

His heart flutter at an insane pace. Not because of love. It is because of the mixture of anger and nervousness building up together within him. His left hand almost went white when he gripped too much on the stationary cutter.

"Let father see his son's face again." His father said before he smashed the wooden door with his butcher's knife for the ninth time, causing the door to obtain a hole. A hole with enough size that possible for a hand to pass through. Khiel stayed inside his closet, waiting for the right time. He put his cutter on his hoodie's pocket while trying to go back on his calm pace.

Khiel knows his father's intention. He knows that's why he's making a way to stop him. He never knew that despite being an abusive husband to his wife and a good father to his son, his father is planning something. Something worst.

"There you are." The man said with a sinister smile written all over his face. He grabbed Khiel's wrist and pulled him by force to make him get out of the closet. The boy winced in pain when his toe hit the closet's door. His father put the knife on his study table before he kneeled to the sitting boy's level.

"Why are you hiding from me? I'm not going to hurt you." His calm and sweet voice is concealed by the hostility he's hiding beneath. The man's voice sends a shiver down to his spine.

"Father won't hurt you." The man said before he stood up. Khiel let out a silent scream when his father kicked him on his abdomen, causing him to almost hit his back on the closet's door frame. Khiel mentally cursed when he taste the metallic taste of liquid in his mouth.

"But I need to do something." Even in pain, Khiel managed to stand up and spit the blood.

"I know what are you going to do. Are you that desperate to have mom's money?" Khiel asked him while staring at him in cold eyes. His father laughs maniacally, making Khiel take the opportunity to immediately grabbed the butcher's knife to his table. He hissed when he feels a throbbing pain on his shoulder where his father kicked him. Even he's in pain, he tightened his grip on the knife.

"So you're making things that you'll regret soon." His father said. There's a glint of amusement held on his eyes as he looked at his soon pathetically holding a knife.

"You're going to kill mom and me so you can have our inheritance, right?!" Khiel asked him. The man smiled before he started to take steps. His eyes darted on the butcher's knife that his son's holding, thinking how he can get that from him.

"That's right. I found your mother useless at all. She's dull at all. Guess what?" He stops on his third step and faced Khiel.

"I killed her and you're the next." That sentence makes, Khiel snapped. He charged and swings the knife at his father. Full of desperation and anger, he tried to pierce it into his father's neck but the man used his arm to dodge it. That action resulting him earning a deep wound to his arm. The blade hit his bone, making his hand almost crack to his arm only if Khiel didn't put too much pressure on it.

"You!" The man screamed before Khiel pulled the pierced knife on his arm, making his father bent down to his knees while holding his bleeding arm and screaming. His scream is full of agonizing pain. Khiel stared at him in shock but flinched before he finally gathers himself.

"You killed my mother," Khiel said while looking at him, hands shaking because of blazing anger lit up inside him. The man who's screaming in pain earlier chuckled darkly.

"I did that. I'm proud that I finally get rid out of her in my life."

"You're a monster." Khiel retorted. His father looked at him with a sickening grin on his face. He's somehow happy when he heard his son's words.

"Yes, I am. I'm a monster, Khiel. Your father is a monster." He vents out a laughed at makes Khiel grimaced. Khiel screamed before he kicked the man in front of him.

His father is expecting him to pierce the knife into his head but Khiel's action is way too far from what he's expecting. Khiel throws the butcher's knife away.

"You're so sick. A sick monster. You're not worthy to be someone's father." The boy said with a straight face. The man took the opportunity to pull his son's foot even his arm is bleeding, making the boy stumbled to the floor. Khiel winced in pain when he feels the cold ground against his back. He pinned the boy's body into the ground by stepping on his chest. Khiel clamped his eyes shut while trying to get rid of his father's feet on his chest but every time he's trying the maniac's feet got pressed harder.

Khiel stopped from struggling and get the cutter in his pocket. Without any words, he slashed it into the maniac's hip. Causing the man to remove his foot on the boy's chest. Khiel rolled away from the man while gasping for air but the man immediately grabbed the hood of his hoodie and tossed him into the corner of the room.

The boy coughed blood and thankfully he didn't get loosened his grip on his cutter. He managed to stand up while using his free hand, which he holds on the table as support. The man grabbed his collar and raised him to the ground, looking at him in a pissed expression.

The man in front of him is different from his father. He's insane and he's too greedy to the point he planned to kill his spouse and his son. The father that Khiel used to know is no longer exists. Gone like a bubble disappear in mid-air. For a naive and loving boy like Khiel, he can't imagine why his father did such a thing. He can't imagine why he's hurting his mother and even him. He knows that his father won't do that but there he is, attempting to kill him as if he's just a chicken. Khiel feels that the person in front of him is not his father or maybe he's under the influence of illegal drugs.

"You frick." Khiel swings his left foot and kicked the man into his balls. He let go of his collar. The boy didn't waste another second and stabbed him on his abdomen.

He looked at him in shock. Blood spilled into the boy's hand and his mouth. Khiel deepened the cutter inside him before he let go of it and stared at his father in full shock. His father fell to the ground while holding the cutter pierced through his chest.

"You're making things that you're going to regret." The man said in low voice. Khiel saw how his breathing went slow.

"I'm not going to regret this. I'm a monster now but I'm not going to hurt everyone as you did." Khiel said before he rushed outside the room to see his mother.

"Mom!" He yells before rushing to his mother even his body aches. Khiel immediately hugged his mother who's lying on the ground. She's breathing slowly while there's a knife on her waist.

"My boy." Khiel hushed her before he removed his green hoodie, leaving his white shirt behind before he applied pressure to his mother's wound.

"Hold it for a while mom, I'm calling the ambulance." He said in rush. Her son dialed the number of ambulances and the police before he went back on putting pressure on her waist.

"Mom, please wait okay? The ambulance is coming over." The boy said with a shaky voice and planted a soft kiss on his mother's forehead. A smile cracked on her pale lips as she caresses her son's cheeks.

Minutes have been passed and the ambulance and the police arrived. The police went into Khiel's room where his father is while the boy escorted his mother inside of the ambulance.

"May I talk for Khiel Dimitri for a while?" From crouching beside his mother's bed, Khiel looked up at the cops.

"The man inside of your room is your father right?" Khiel nods. The cops exchanged looks before they looked at the boy in melancholic expression.

"I'm sorry kid, but your father is dead. Due to loss of blood." Khiel looked at them in shock while the cop's words are trying to sink into his mind.

"I'm sorry, you're probably lying. He's alive. He's probably lying on the other bed here." Khiel retorted before he vents out a humorless laugh.

"That man, I know it's my fault." He murmurs before he stood up and offered both of his arms to the police.

"Arrest me, officer. I'm the one who did that to him."