The Peaceful Exalt and the Mad King

It took a week to reach the border that Gangrel demanded they reached.

"Shane." The Exalt's voice cut off all conversation. "Go ahead and get in position to retrieve Maribelle in the chance this talk turns violent."

Everyone grew shocked at that. Emmeryn became well known for her optimistic personality as her kind personality and here she was, talking as if there wouldn't be any chance of peace.

"Sister!" Lissa exclaimed.

Shane nodded before disappearing, heading further ahead.

He pulled out his white tome. "Confuto. Occulto."

His quick steps and his flapping robe became silent due to the spell restricting his sound. His robes, hood, and himself started wavering before disappearing.

#Confuto-C-rank original magic. Only silences the user's body but not their voice.

#Occulto-B-rank original magic. Warps the light around the user causing them to disappear from most people's sight, exclusions include Manaketes due to being able to see magic and Taguels due to being able to track the user's scent.

The downside to both of these spells is that if the user makes contact with any source of magic (say a person), they dispel.

He stopped when he landed on a high rock structure that overlooked the meeting point. He counted three Wyvern riders, five Barbarians, three dark mages, one mage, and three myridions, all in place in areas that didn't give the air of peace.

He then spotted Maribelle being held by a Barbarian next to Gangrel and his left-hand woman, Aversa, a dark mage that rides a pegasus.

He jumped rocks and crouched above them as the group arrived to where Gangrel started making lies before saying he'd trade her over for the Fire Emblem, Ylisse's most sacred treasure.

A bandit charged at the Exalt before Chrom cut him down.

"Stay back! Or you'll suffer the same fate!" Chrom exclaimed.

"Now that's a declaration of war if I've ever heard one...A big, messy war that will bleed you Ylisseans dry!" Gangrel then started laughing crazily.

Shane dropped down next to Aversa and Maribelle.

"Are you really worth fighting a war over? Years from now, you'll be remembered as the one that destroyed Ylisse." Aversa told her.

"No...That's not...Oh Lissa." Maribelle muttered.

Shane drew Pyro before stabbing the Barbarian through the head, surprising everyone there, even Ricken who almost sent a wind spell at the same Barbarian. His sword slowly became visible before following the blade before starting at his hand, then arm, before spreading out to reveal the rest of him a few seconds later.

"Sorry, but you need to learn how to treat a lady right." He then pointed his other hand at Aversa. "Repellunt." Aversa suddenly got thrown backwards and away from them. "Come on you two, we need to regroup with the Shepherds."

"Who are-wait, two?" Maribelle started before realizing what he said.

"You and Ricken." Shane blocked an axe before stabbing the Barbarian in the chest. "Ricken. Are you a mage?"

"Yes!" He exclaimed.

"Lead Maribelle down that path and protect her until you meet up with the Shepherds. I'm going to thin their numbers." Shane told him before sheathing Pyro and his white tome and drew his green tome. "Subvolo." He then started rising in the air before shooting off towards a group of enemies.

Subvolo-B-A rank wind magic. Can be used to levitate people or objects similar to telekinesis. The higher the users magic rank, the more things they're able to lift.

Shane released his wind magic before landing on his legs before pointing his open hand at the enemy and pulling at magic from his tome and himself. "Continui: Wind!"

From his hand, wind blades continuously flew out of his hand, ripping the enemies to shreds. "Subvolo." He then flew towards the leader where the Shepherds caught up after he landed.

"Reinforcements!" The leader yelled as two Barbarians, Myrmidons, and a Mage surrounded their backs.

"Virion, Miriel! Take the Mage. Vaike, Frederick, Sully! The Barbarians. Lon'qu, Stahl, Ricken! The Myrmidons." Robin commanded. "Chrom, you're with Shane and I. Everyone else, protect Lissa and Maribelle and each other."

Robin and Chrom quickly joined his sides. "Good plan." Shane put up his tome and drew Pyro.

"Thanks. How'd you do that earlier?" Robin asked.

"Later!" Chrom answered before charging the leader.

"I won't ask for your names. Only your lives!"

Chrom slashed at him, causing him to grunt before he slashed with his short axe, only for it to be blocked by Robin's iron sword and push him back.

The two continued to slash and block until they slashed together, ending the Wyvern rider.

"This matters not. Soon war will be upon...your soil...heh heh heh." He laughed before succumbing to his wounds.

"Signo." Shane muttered, pointing his palm at Chrom, creating an invisible magical mark on his back.

#Signo-C-rank original magic. Allows the person to plant a mark on a person that can be used with a combination of other spells. There is a limit of five marks at a time.

Shane had marked his third person now, Emmeryn, Max, and Chrom.

'Wouldn't be doing them any favors if I fought all their battles.' He thought.

"We must return to Ylisstol, Exalt." Shane informed her.

"Yes, I'm afraid war is coming." Emmeryn acknowledged.