Meeting the Resistance

"Come on dear." He heard before opening his eyes and getting up, dismissing Zangetsu.

"What's going on?"

"We've landed and there seems to be a woman fighting Valmese soldiers in the port." Robin explained.

Shane nodded. "Let's go."

"Hyah!" Shane side-stepped before slashing Doragonkuro.

Shane had recombined Pyro with Doragonkuro due to Pyro being Doragonkuro without its name so it had been weaker. Now, it could do everything it could before but is now stronger.

"Thunder!" Morgan sent a ball of lightning into a fighter before Lucina cut him down.

"I'll get the girl. You guys clear the area." Shane dashed off to help, leaving Lucina, Morgan, Yarne, Lon'qu, and Noire.

He jumped over a General before preparing his sword. "Surasshu!"

He swung his sword in front of him, easily ripping through their armor before repeating it again to the other General.

He held Kuro at his side before addressing the woman. "Are you fine to fight?���

She stood in silence before answering. "I'll be fine if you have a sword I can use."

He grabbed the sheathed sword at his side before throwing it at her. "A silver sword."

She nodded before unsheathing it and getting ready. "May I know your name?"

"Shane Sosuke." He then dashed back into the fight.

The girl quickly followed suit before the Shepherds and acquaintance defeated most of them before Shane and Robin found themselves against the leader.

"I am Farber. And I will end all who oppose the emperor!" Farber declared.

"How do you want to deal with him honey?"

"How about we show the kids how we fight?" Robin asked as Shane nodded.

Robin drew her Levin sword and her Omnitome, one Shane made to help her with her spells.

Shane held his hand out. "Kuri, Doragonkuro!" Kuro appeared in his hand before holding in his stance.

Shane dashed forward and slashed slow enough he could block it before a bolt of lightning came down from the sky and hit Farber, sending him flying back where Shane held his blade horizontal.

"Koho Supin!" He spun around before slashing Farber in the back and kicking him back toward Robin.

Robin held her hand out. "Thoron!" A beam of electricity shot out and shot through the middle of Farber before Shane deflected the oncoming beam into the ground, ending it.

Farber clutched his chest. "I may fail...but our Conqueror won't." Farber then collapsed dead.

Shane released Kuro before he and Robin started walking back to Chrom who had started talking to the girl.

"Mercy, friends! The tales of your strength were no exaggeration... I am called Say'ri, and I fight with the Resistance." She introduced herself.

"So there is an organized resistance?" Chrom asked.

"Aye, of sorts. Several groups formed to seek liberty for the states of Valm." Say'ri told.

"I thought the emperor had stamped out all dissenters…" Robin stated.

"He tries, but we Resistance are a slippery lot. We strike hard and then vanish again into the dark of night. Even now rebels ride to the banner of dynasts across the continent. United, we could pose a veritable threat to Walhart. And so, for some time I have struggled to bring us together." Say'ri explained.

"What's stopping you?" Flavia asked.

"Greed. Jealousy. Sloth. All the old weaknesses of man. The dynasts all would have freedom, but on their own terms. Some refuse to take up arms unless their territory is threatened. Others thrive under the Conqueror's heel and will not join unless there is profit in it. Liberty is a fine word, aye, but not always enough to rouse men from foolishness."

"I take it you're looking for a more convincing argument, then?" Basilio spoke up.

"Just so, although my efforts thus far have met with meager success. I fear many distrust me because my brother fights for Walhart."

"Why does he support the empire?" Shane asked.

"Would that I knew, good sir. Yen'fay was a good man once, but he is my brother no more! If we meet on the battlefield, I would cut him down, same as any other imperial. Walhart is said to command a million men now. Perhaps more. Sooner or later he will stamp out the Resistance entirely, if we do not unite." She told.

"Did you just say a million soldiers?" Sully asked shocked.

"Ha! And what are one million men against the Ylissean dogs of war?! You stopped a thousand of their ships, did you not? Your daring strategy has awoken and inspired people across all of Valm. Together I know we can yet unite the Resistance and break Walhart's grip! Help me, Prince Chrom! I beg of you!" Say'ri pleaded.

"This is no easy thing you ask of me. I have my own causes: a halidom to save and a future to win. I know a great battle has been foretold, but is this it? How to know? Still, I admire your courage... Perhaps your mission is the best way to achieve mine. So yes, Say'ri. I will join your cause with my own. And if I'm wrong, it's my life on the line. ...As it should be. Now. What will it take to unite your people?" Chrom asked.

"Well, I do have one idea…" Say'ri lead off. "Since ancient times, many of our people have worshipped Naga. More precisely, we worship the divine dragon's oracle, Lady Tiki. Though most know her only as the Voice. The Voice is trapped in her temple as Walhart's prisoner. But if she were freed…"

"The Resistance could unite around her. Where is the Voice being held?" Robin asked.

"There is a shrine built in the branches of the divine Mila Tree. She is confined there."

"Then we have our plan. Let's get to it!" Chrom told with everyone agreeing.

However, no one noticed Shane hadn't been cheering along with them, but instead, using all he had to suppress his anger.

'I'm coming...Sis.'