The Conqueror vs The Assassin

They quickly rejoined with the others before they focused back on the war once more.

"Factions of the Resistance are already uniting in answer to the Voice's call! Soon bards will sing of this day... 'They who conquered the Conqueror!'" Say'ri told.

"A tune I'm most anxious to hear." Chrom agreed.

"But a man like Walhart will not roll over dead at the first sign of trouble…" Robin pointed out.

"Aye, my you say. He will muster his forces to put down the Rebellion. Then his gaze will turn to us. Against his full might, we would not last long."

"Where are his armies garrisoned?" Shane asked.

"The Valmese Imperial Army consists of three main divisions: one controls the north, one the south, and the third the lands between. Emperor Walhart commands the northern forces. Their might easily exceed our own. The south is led by my brother, Yen'fay. His host is said to rival Walhart's." Say'ri explained.

"Divisions, are they? Hmm…" Robin thought aloud.

"I see a plan brewing in those eyes of yours, Robin…" Flavia stated.

"If we could divide their divisions—disrupt communications, supplies, et cetera... Then introduce misinformation to add to the confusion...a whisper here and there…" Robin started.

"Then the panic would spread on its own...and all the quicker for their great number. Such a giant force could collapse under its own weight." Shane realized.

"Say'ri—the third division, stationed between the other two…" Chrom asked.

"Aye, sir, at Fort Steiger, halfway along the highroad. In fact, not so far from where we stand now. We might stand a chance against them... But it would take speed, and luck. I wager Walhart and Yen'fay will hear of our exploits soon, if they haven't already. I suggest sending the bulk of our army to the north and south to mask our plan. An elite force, led by Sir Chrom, might then quietly slip through to Fort Steiger. What do you say?"

"I say, "aye."" Chrom agreed.

"Aye." Flavia not far behind.

"Fie! We could all be dead before nightfall, yet not one of you so much as hesitates. Your courage inspiration... Aye, we will win this war yet, by gods!" Say'ri exclaimed.

A few days later, they see a giant fort.

"Damn! Look at those walls... This isn't going to be easy." Flavia tells.

"It's not the walls I'm worried about—it's the hordes of Valmese inside them." Basilio comments.

"Our best bet is a swift, surgical strike, right at their heart. If we can strike down their commander, the fortress will be ours. So—Khan Flavia, your men will take on the forces surrounding the castle. That should create an opening for a smaller team led by Chrom and I. ...I regret to say this will put you at the forefront of the battle, Sir Chrom." Say'ri apologized.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Chrom tells her.

"Then it's settled. Other Resistance forces are on the way. With luck, they'll arrive in time to help. Let's cleave them a proud trail of imperial blood to find us by!" Say'ri announced.

"We split into three groups. They'll be led by Chrom, Shane, and I." Robin tells everyone as they got into place.

"See you when it's over." Shane tells her to which she nodded. "Alright. Corrin, Lon'qu, and I are the fastest ones here. We'll be charging through and trying to eliminate the commander as fast as we can." Shane then looked forward. "Let's go!"

Everyone headed off into battle.

Shane spoke. "Kuri, Doragonkuro!" Kuro appeared in his hand. "Dragon's Rage." Kuro suddenly caught fire before he approached a War Monk and quickly eliminated him. "Corrin, stick with Lon'qu. These guys aren't like the bandits or warriors we fought before. They are the ones left behind by the two Emperors to defend this place."

Shane disappeared from their sight before they heard another enemy cry out as he dropped to the ground.

"You ever get annoyed when he goes on his own?" Corrin asked, only to get a grunt from Lon'qu.


Shane had quickly eliminated most of the soldiers before finding the commander.

"In the name of the Conqueror, you shall not take this fortress!"

The commander then casted Bolganone but it didn't really hurt Shane. Shane walked through the lava-like flames.

"Nothing personal, but we don't like being threatened."

Shane dashed at him and slashed through his waist, splitting him two, before quickly stabbing him in the head, to end his suffering from such a wound.

Shane then quickly went around the base and started eliminating the rest of the soldiers.

Everyone regrouped and right after, Shane reappeared.

"There are no more enemy soldiers in the fort."

Chrom nodded before a soldier ran into the room.

"Milord! Dire news! Our forces to the north and south have been decimated by Walhart and Yen'fay! What's worse, most of the survivors have turned their coats for the empire!"

"B-but our troops numbered in the hundreds of thousands!" Say'ri said shocked.

"The empire must have had more." Basilio determined.

"Or perhaps been better trained and equipped…" Flavia brought up as well.

"Blast! Walhart and my brother—where are their armies not?"

"Marching toward this fortress, milady. It's only a matter of time." The soldier told.

"So much for fortune favors the bold. This war was lost before it even began." Basilio commented.

"All our struggles until now, and we've yet to so much as dent the empire…" Chrom muttered.

Everyone grew silent for a minute while Shane and Robin's minds were working overtime.

"...Chrom?" Robin spoke up.

"What is it, Robin? Do you have something to say?"

"We need to leave here—right away."

"Have you lost your wits? We're surrounded!"

Sometime during the fight, an enemy general had done something to turn the rebellion's soldiers against the Shepherds.

"When the other armies arrive, then we'll be trapped for a certainty. If we intend to escape, now is our best chance." Shane pointed out.

"They're right. The dynasts outside betray us only out of fear for the empire. They'll only put up token resistance without their masters watching." Say'ri told.

"But we can't keep running forever. How do we hope to turn the tide?" Chrom asked.

"By striking at either Walhart or Yen'fay before they join strength." Robin told like it would be obvious.

"Either one seems like a death sentence." Chrom stated.

"One general would be upon us before we could finish with the other." Say'ri warned.

"I agree...which is why we attack both." Robin told.

"Our army lies in tatters, yet you would divide it by half?!" Flavia exclaimed, fearing their tactician had cracked under the circumstances.

"Not by half. Chrom would lead our strongest troops against Yen'fay. Meanwhile, a smaller force would attack Walhart." Shane suggested.

"A SMALLER force? We couldn't defeat him with double our entire number." Basilio told.

"...We didn't say we'd defeat him. We only need to distract him." Robin said as if the words physically hurt.

"Hmm... Spend some lives to buy the other team time…" Basilio thought aloud.

"This smaller force would face our most dangerous mission yet. It would need a leader of unparalleled skill, reckless bravery…" Chrom stated.

"All right, Chrom, please—you're embarrassing me! I'll do it already—just stop with all the compliments!" Basilio told.

"This is no time for japes, Basilio. The stakes could not be higher." Robin told him.

"I am being serious—I'll lead the squad. Though I prefer my steaks well done…" He joked.

Flavia sighed and shook her head. "That's just his way, Robin. Bad jokes come with the bravado. But the oaf clearly has faith in your thinking. And I as well... All of us do, I'd wager. Somehow you always find a way to beat the odds."

"Then it's settled. I'll make preparations and be off. The rest of you stay with Chrom and keep him safe."

"Godspeed, Basilio." Robin told.

As Basilio turned to leave, Lucina came running in.


"Lucina? What are you—" Chrom started to ask.

"I cannot allow you to go, Khan Basilio. You will die in this battle. I know it for truth!"

"What?" Chrom asked.

"You know, lass, you have a strange way of saying good-bye. All right, then. Who is it? Who kills me? Is it Walhart himself? ...Please say yes. It'd make a poor song to die at the end of some farmer's pitchfork." Basilio asked, half-joking, half-serious.

"...Yes, it was Walhart. Or so goes the story I heard. We must change our plans so fate cannot take this course!" She told him.

"All I needed to know. Thank you much, lass. ...I'll be careful." Basilio told.

"Y-you're still going? But I just told you—" Lucina tried saying something.

"Aye, I heard you just fine. But someone still has to stall his division from advancing. If he's the one that kills me, well then, I'll just avoid confronting him. You don't grow this old and handsome without knowing how to avoid trouble." Basilio explained.

"N-no! It's never that simple." Lucina couldn't believe he wouldn't head her words.

"Don't worry, love, he'll be fine. He'll have me to keep an eye on him." Flavia assured.

"You aren't coming, woman! You're the reigning khan!" Basilio commanded.

"I thought you intended to survive this, oaf. Regna Ferox has two khans, and now you're responsible for both. I dare you to die now!"

"...Har! Aha ha ha! All right, all right. You can come. ...Hope that's all right, Chrom."

"Just look after each other." Chrom told them.

"Ha! I'll bring this big ox back on a leash if it comes to that."

"Luck and more be with you all. We'll meet again soon."

"But please, your future! You must—" Lucina pleaded.

""Please," yourself! Not another word. I fully intend to outlive all you sprogs—just see if I don't. And as for your "future," it can kiss my big brown Feroxi arse!"

The two then turned and started walking away.

Shane pulled Robin away from the group.

"Honey, I have another idea but you will hate it."

"What is it?"

Shane sighed. "I...I could go with them to keep them safe."

Robin's mouth opened before nothing came out. "I told you you would hate it."

Robin bit her lip. "You're right, I don't like it...but it's their best shot at surviving."

Shane put his hands on her shoulders and had her look him in the eyes.

"I promise I'll come back. After all, I have two children waiting for me."

Robin smiled sadly before they hugged for a few seconds before splitting apart.

"Look after them for me." Shane told before he disappeared.


Walhart's army indeed had come in their direction as not even 5 hours later, Basilio and Flavia had encountered them.

They tried to hold them off for as long as they could until Walhart found Basilio.

"YOU THERE! Do you command these forces?" Walhart asked.

"Awww, crap!"

Walhart then attacks him twice which both hit, leaving Basilio looking like he's on his last legs.

"Haaarrrgh... Such...strength... Is he even human…"

"...Impressive. You're the first since Yen'fay to survive beyond a single stroke." He commended.

"I d-don't... I don't stand a chance... Flavia! Everyone! Run! Run for your lives!" Basilio commanded.

"I'm not leaving you here!" Flavia told him.

"He's a demon, woman... I can only keep him...busy while you...escape... Hngh! ...D-damn... Looks like the lass was right…"

"I think not! I'm here, and that means events can be changed! Damn you, oaf! You're not getting away from me that easily!"

Flavia then blocked an attack from Walhart as he spun around on his horse and faced them again.

Unfortunately, she couldn't block the next one.

But someone did.

A loud sound of metal slamming against metal sounded through the area, causing most fights to stop and stare in the direction it came from.

In front of Basilio stood Shane, blocking Wolf Berg, Walhart's axe, with Doragonkuro.

"Shane!" Flavia and Basilio exclaimed in shock.

Shane knocked the axe to the side and jumped back.

"Get out of here you two!"

"We can't leav-"

"I told you to leave!" He turned and yelled at them. "If you stay, you'll only be a hindrance."

Shane didn't want to sound that mean but he needed to get his point across that they couldn't help him.

Flavia stayed silent before picking Basilio up by his shoulders.

"Woman! What are-"

"Shut it you oaf!" She exclaimed at him. "There's no way we could help Shane in this fight."

She then turned them around before quickly moving away from the fight.

With them leaving, Shane turned back toward Walhart and found him waiting.

"I know it might not mean much, but I thank you for letting them leave."

Walhart grunted. "The one nearly dead earned my respect in surviving my attack. It won't do much except buy them borrowed time."

Shane took his stance while also summoning his gauntlets, preparing to face this so-called Conqueror.

Walhart dashed forward and slashed at him where Shane quickly side stepped, barely dodging it. He then quickly thrusted Kuro at him but he managed to dodge it. Continuing the momentum, Shane continued his attack before Kuro gained a green tint.

"Astra!" Shane slashed once before meeting his armor that gained a brighter red tint, indicating Pavise. He slashed four more times, each meeting the same red tint before he jumped backwards.

"You're the first in a long time to cause me to feel your power behind your strikes boy." Walhart then pointed his axe at him. "Tell me your name."

"I am Shane Sosuke."

Walhart then dashed at him and swung Wolf Berg and hit him in the side while Shane landed a slash on him while he passed by. Both of them gained the red tint again before Shane rolled across the ground.

He pushed himself off the ground and landed on his feet. "Surasshu!" He slashed forward and once more met the red tint.

Walhart grunted before swinging Wolf into him again.

This time, he had no tint.

He got sent flying back and sliding. When he stopped, he quickly got back on his feet, breathing heavily now.

'His hits have tremendous power if they hit me and Pavise doesn't activate.' Shane thought as he could feel that his armor had a slice in it now. That would take a few days for it to fix itself.

Walhart charged him and the battle repeated itself where Shane's blade gained a green tint again and they both had Pavise active during the hits.

They then clashed blades again with Walhart pushing him backward due to his larger muscles.

Shane quickly slashed and met the red tint before Wolf Berg slammed into his chest and slashing through the armor and blood flew into the air. Shane flew through the air and landed on the ground with a crash.

"This is the end boy. Even if your Pavise activates, it won't be able to save you from my next strike." Walhart told him.

Shane struggled to his feet and stood, breathing heavily.

" are indeed...worthy of the name Conqueror." Shane admitted.

"And you are worthy of being known as the strongest I have faced." Walhart told.

"Thanks…but I'm not done." Shane held Kuro in both of his hands, one on the handle and the other on the blade.

"Tsukisasu, Sukairyoshu!"

Wind blasted around Shane and a dust cloud appeared around him.

When it settled, instead of holding a blade, he now wore black gloves that fused with his claws that had twin blades on the back of them and had his dragon form's wings along with clawed boots.

*Sukairyoshu-Released spirit sword. This mode activates when Shane merges Doragonkuro with Zangetsu. Due to the blades moving to the back of the hand, he is extremely close-ranged but the range trade-off is transferred into increasing his speed immensely.

"Be proud Walhart, you are one of three people in history to fight me in my released form." Shane then settled into a boxer stance.

Before Walhart could say anything, Shane disappeared before reappearing in front of him and slammed his clawed gauntlet into his chest, sending him and his horse backward despite his Pavise.

"You're a lot faster now. Have you beEN HOLDING BACK ON ME!?" He yelled.

"Yes and no. I didn't deem this necessary earlier but you disproved my doubts. This form of mine focuses heavily on speed, allowing me to dodge most attacks and land more." Shane explained.

Walhart charged him and slashed, only to miss and find a gauntlet in his back.

'He's very strong. Not only is he fast and has strength, but Pavise has only not activated twice, indicating he is very skilled.' Shane thought. 'It's a shame we met as foes.'

Shane gained an aura of flowers. "Ignis!" Shane disappeared once more before slamming his fist into Walhart's gut, sending him and his horse flying backwards.

Immediately after, Shane disappeared from the battlefield, leaving the Conqueror's army and himself behind.


Shane reappeared in a forest 20 minutes away from the battlefield and leaned against a tree, breathing in large amounts of air.

Shane released his claws, only to almost immediately fall to the ground.

"Gah!" He cried before holding his side and chest, both when pulled away showed a dark red color on his hands.

He quickly rummaged through his bag for any healing items he had and found an elixir. He popped off the top before drinking it, feeling much better.

He looked back down and saw his armor had started fixing itself but it was still covered in blood.

Shane quickly started moving and stopped 15 minutes later, a full 3 hours from the battlefield now as the effects of the elixir started hitting.

The elixir is a powerful healing item that restores the person to their peak condition. The downside to the miracle worker is that it makes the user severely exhausted. That's why they aren't seen on the battlefield too often.

Shane jumped into a tree and slowly drifted off to sleep.


*Meanwhile with the Shepherds*

Everyone had a moment of silence back at HQ to give respect to Yen'fay, the enemy general who only opposed them to protect his little sister, Say'ri. They had only found that out when an enemy named Excellus appeared and told them after they had slayed him.

All of a sudden, a soldier ran into the room in a panic.

"Milord!" The soldier started panting. "K-khan Basilio and Flavia returned but Basilio has been badly wounded."

Everyone quickly ran and saw Flavia carrying Basilio on her shoulders.


Lucina almost looked like she would start crying, seeing that history had changed once more.

"How'd you survive?" Chrom asked.

"The oaf wouldn't have." Flavia told, confusing everyone. "He was about to be slain before our tactician revealed themself." A soldier came and took Basilio away to their infirmary.

Everyone looked at Robin. "Robin, what is she talking about?" Frederick asked.

"Shane told me he would go and provide support to make sure they survived. That's why he couldn't assist us in that last battle." She explained.

"Saved our arses he did. Blocked one of Walhart's strikes and told us to run, saying we'd be no help."

"Shane blocked one of Walhart's attacks without being pushed back?!" Say'ri said surprised.

"Aye. Unfortunately, I can't say much more before we had to flee." Flavia told.

Suddenly, another soldier ran in, but this one came from the same battlefield they came from.

"Milord! Our fighters lost in the battle."

"You managed to come back from the battle? What happened." Chrom asked.

"During the battle, most of us were ready to give up hope when Basilio was about to be killed, only for General Shane to appear and block his attack. He then ordered the two khans to retreat. Once they left, all fighting around essentially stopped, both sides focused on their strongest fighting each other. They continued fighting once they left.

The two were like Titans. They exchanged blows where we could feel the power behind each strike. At one point," The soldier paused for a second. "At one point, General Shane seemed to be on his last legs."

That surprised and worried everyone. Shane, the one that had shown little to no difficulty from any fight, had been pushed to his last legs.

"Then he did something before he seemed to disappear multiple times and appeared in front of Walhart and hit him. He would then hit him hard enough to send him flying through the air before General Shane disappeared from the battlefield. The rest of us decided to hold off the enemy while some would leave and inform you about the battle."

Another soldier then entered the room and told how Walhart's army had retreated.

"We make for the Conqueror and end his reign!" Chrom told.