
After returning to the kingdom, Shane could be found by the side of his wife almost all the time. After 12 more years, Robin had managed to find a way to extend her lifetime to match his.

"You want to run that by me again?" He asked, shocked.

"I went through it all wrong until I came to a decision that I looked into for the past year. What if, instead of extending my lifespan, I simply become a Manakete like you and Tiki." She explained.

Shane was still stunned into silence.


Shane shook his head before restarting. "Theoretically, it would fix that problem."

"Is there some way to do that?"

Shane looked to the side. "There is one way that's feasible."

"What is it?"

"We need to go back to Tiki to do a ritual."


"You want to do what?" Tiki asked.

"We want to perform the Forever After Ritual."

"Just to make sure you haven't forgotten, you know what that ritual does right?"

"Yes, it will turn a Manakete's 'mate' into a Manakete if they are not one. What is needed for the ritual is the Manakete who is the mate of the non-Manakete, the blessing of Naga, and a blessing from another blood relative if possible to ensure that the process is guaranteed to work." He spoke.

She turned to Robin. "Are you sure you want this? After this, there will be no going back. Once it's done, it is permanent." She stressed.

"I'm sure. I can't imagine living without him, and I don't want to force that reality on him if I can't prevent it." Robin told her.

Tiki looked at both of them before smiling. "Well, when you're ready to talk to Mom, I can tell you, you only need to convince her."

Shane smiled. "Thank you."

After arriving at a place only Tiki and Shane knew of, Shane prepared a magic spell.

"What is this place?" Robin asked.

"It is the one place that Shane and I are able to talk to our mother face to face." Tiki explained.

Shane casted the spell.

A few moment's go by before Naga appeared in front of them.

"I already know what you plan on doing son." Naga informed.

"And?" He asked.

She smiled gently.

"There is no one better for you. Just as Ichigo was meant for me, Robin has been meant for you since the day you met her."

"So that means..."

"Yes. I, Naga, King of the Divine Dragons, bless Robin Sosuke in becoming a Divine Dragon Manakete."

Shane side hugged Robin with a large smile.

"And I, Tiki, blood sister of Shane Sosuke, bless Robin Sosuke in becoming a Divine Dragon Manakete." Tiki chanted.

Robin started glowing and looked at her hands.

"And I," Shane started, getting Robin to look at him. "Shane Sosuke, mate of Robin Sosuke, swear on my life, that Robin Sosuke is the only one to love for the rest of my life."

Robin glowed a bit more before Shane kissed her on the lips, finishing the ritual.

A bright light shined through the room before slowly dimming.

As the two stop kissing, Robin felt the difference immediately.

Her tune to magic felt magnified, she could sense magic in the air far more clearly, and felt stronger.

She felt something on her ear before moving a hand to brush whatever it was off, only to find out that her ear was longer, just like Shane's were.

"And with that," Shane whispered. "I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life."

After that, Shane and Robin stayed in the kingdom, watching as the next generation soon replaced them before leaving the kingdom 40 years later.

While nobody knows where exactly they went, the people of Valm couldn't help but swear that whenever someone went up to see Lady Tiki, she seemed much more awake and more happy.

"Wherever they ended up," An elderly female voice was heard. "Everyone believes that the two remained together to this day, watching the world in the event they may be needed once more."

"Woooow." Two childlike voices echoed.

"Now, you should get ready, your parents should be here soon."

"Awww. Isn't there another story you can tell us Great-Grandma?" A boy asked.

"I'm afraid there just isn't enough time left." The old lady told.


The two kids left the room, leaving her in silence.

That is, until a portal showed up behind her where a male and a female walked out.

"You're late, you were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago." She turned around.

"I know, I know, but you should know how little kids are. Now, add to that the ability to shoot a blast of magic from your mouth and some being able to fly. That is Byleth and Rhea." The man complained.

"Please, I had to raise these two by myself before you came back. Now you get to experience the horror now too." The woman reminded him.

"Please, save it for the honeymoon." The old woman stated.

"Funny, that's how we created you Corrin." The man reminded her.

"Shane! Stop telling that!" The woman told him.

"Come on, she knows I'm just pulling her tail Robin." Shane said.

Robin huffed, letting a little amount of fire magic puff out from her mouth.

"Mother, please don't cause another fire. My legs aren't good enough to grab my spell book to hold you in a water ball now." Corrin chuckled.

Shane straight up laughed.

As he slowed to a stop, he watched as Robin asked if there was anything she could do to help her out.

'No matter the downsides to living for thousands of years, I can't ever believe that it was a mistake to fall in love.' Shane thought.

"Dad! Tell Mother to stop babying me! For Naga sake, I'm 77 years old now!"

"That's what future-you said before throwing out her back an hour after we left!"

Shane shook his head with a smile before walking over to them.


So that's that. That is the end of the story of Shane Sosuke in the world of Awakening.

In a way, it is and isn't. It is the end of the story taking place in this world, but what if Shane had to do something to come back?

Or should it end here?

If not, what world should he go to?