Punishing Eun-Sun

The last few days has been nothing but terrible for Eun-Sun. She could tell someone was punishing her on purpose. Punishing her for something she didn't do or rather something she didn't know she did.

Dan-Han's hand could be seen over all the suffering she's been experiencing in these past days. She was trying so hard to refrain herself from barging into his office and venting her anger on him. But she knew she shouldn't do that. So many things were holding her down.

Firstly, she didn't want to come out rude to him because of his mother's kindness towards her, okay that she hasn't been rude to him before, but that was his fault. If he hadn't been mean and ruthless to him, sha probably wouldn't have spoken to him in such manner.

Secondly, she didn't want to lose this job. This was still in her first week and it had taken four years to land herself a good job.