"What the fuck happened?" Thought John after awaking in a middle of dark space, feeling confused as moment ago his body was walking towards the bookstore.
"You are dead." Indifferent voice answered his question, causing him feel little angry.
"So? Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? What's real?"John was non-believer his entire life, obviously after few years of being Christian. Most of the religions were created to brainwash children at early age, and parent's words were their entire world.
"No questions. I need to bring another soul into this place." A few seconds later, he heard voice of man.
"Fuck. Another failure. What should I do now? Shitty mortal souls…" It was mix of anger and disappointment in its voice.
"What happened?" John was curious from nature, and he couldn't see anything in this darkness.
"What happened? Give me some cheat powers! I want Sharingan! You mortals are so annoying. You know what? Fine. I will tell you. Your retarded soul was supposed to be fuel for reincarnation of Severus Snape. The problem is… Something went wrong, and his soul is messed up now…" John understood his situation from words of this being.
'Did I get into isekai procedure?'
"I really hate to admit it… I need to do something with your soul. Let's just mash your waste of energy with his soul. It might mend…" John felt like his existence was squeezed into other similar existence.
His consciousness was transferred into unfamiliar place, and only thing was the floating island with huge tree. Every second made parts of island collapse into nothingness.
"What do you want from me? I don't want to be part of anyone's games." John saw tall man with dark hair, covered in wounds seeping darkness. His appearance was really creepy, obviously it wasn't Alan Rickman.
Looking at suffering Severus, he started to think about possible actions.
"I don't know. Someone transported me in this place."
"You are lying. Whatever… My fate is already sealed. Those morons… I sacrificed so much for his ancestor and what did I get? Soul tortures… Who are you? Wait. You are another muggle…" John wasn't sure if he was soul or real body. Everything was so fuzzy and unrealistic.
"John White. I am supposed to be dead. I don't really get this shit. They might just drug me into this state. This thing said that I was supposed to be a gate to your reincarnation…but you aren't in state for…" Snape suddenly got angry, another person was trying to mess with his life.
"Severus Snape. Allow me make things faster…" Snape stared straight into his eyes, he felt like Snape penetrated his mind.
"I understand. Come closer… If this is you all second chance for me… It's too late. Those wounds cannot mend with a wisp of the muggle. I will allow to give you this opportunity with one condition. Protect my Lily… I won't put another shit on you. Even with my knowledge… I doubt guy like you will achieve much…" John was living from day to day, working for a minimal wage without ambition to improve his financial state. There was time in his life, when he was extremely ambitious. Unfortunately, reality crushed him and his dreams, turning him into an antisocial bastard.
"Listen. After I died… I was floating in fucking nothingness. I couldn't see Lily again… I couldn't merely wait for who-knows-what. Seemingly my ability to practise magic disappeared… As I was roaming in search for purpose, I found other souls. Those were devoid of any consciousness. I couldn't share their fate. After some time… I managed to create new magic or power. Art of soul devouring! I started to consume souls of strangers… Let's get to the point. I will control you to use it on myself. You will inherit all my knowledge." John couldn't complain in any case, and he couldn't do much about his own future.
His own existence was turned into marionet in next moment, few moments later his being was filled with intense pleasure of power.
"Books lied a lot…" Gaining memories of tightly related to plot person, he felt like his thorough knowledge about Harry Potter universe was wrong.
"I can't believe that he gave up on eating your soul." His body wasn't in Snape mindscape anymore, it was same being from before him.
"Don't even ask! I won't give you anything. I hope you die fast… Mortal shit!"
John soul was sent into body of Severus, fate found excuse to put his soul after one accident. He was sitting on a branch of tree, something broke and he fell on his head.
'Hilarious. Why magic didn't protect him?'
"Hey. Are you okay?" It was Petunia Evans, who approached him with good intentions.
"I am fine. Thanks for concern." Trying to pretend nothing happened, he wanted to get away from the side.
'I don't want to play with children.' Standing up and fixing his little, oversized muggle clothes, he turned around and started to leave.
"Where are you going pervert?" His plans immediately shattered as she spoke, he looked at her with little irritation.
"In which moment, I became a pervert? Heh? I often relax on this tree and read books. Why am I supposed to peek at you? Aren't you little too narcistic?" It was truth as previous Snape was already dead, he didn't have any interest in little girls.
"No! I just…" It seems she didn't have any counter argument to deny his words.
"Ok. Let's start from the beginning. Thanks for your worry." Petunia was always jealous of her sister, and he planned to fix their relationship in this timeline.
"Sorry for calling you pervert. It just looked like you were observing us."
"This tree is kind of my base. I often come here to relax. Ah… Yeah. My name is Severus. Severus Snape." As he was supposed to fulfill last will of real Snape, it was easier if his relationship with this little muggle was better.
"Petunia Evans." It seems she became little shy after sudden change in conversation.
"Petunia! Where are you?! I am sorry! Don't be mad at me." Connecting facts about his current situation, he was eight years old and original Snape decided to reveal himself later. They both were nine years old in the books, some things were actually wrong as author adapted them for the audience.
As she saw Petunia in front of the young dark-haired boy, her speed accelerated to get closer.
"Who are you? What do you want from my sister?" Approaching him with little curiosity and vigilance, he was indeed stranger to them.
'She is little cute. Red head with green eyes.' This was more of admiring her cuteness than physical attraction.
"Nothing. I was just leaving. Goodbye, Ms. Evans." Lily wasn't aware of fact that she was witch. The problem was her muggle sister being jealous of this power.
Leaving without word to get something to eat in his house, walking into Spinner's End with a sad face.
'Why did I get into body of poor motherfucker…' After reading ton of fanfics about reincarnation into Blacks or other wealthy clans.
'I have freaking knowledge of the future. Talent of one of the greatest wizards…' Most of the problems could be solved with magic, he didn't care much about wizard laws.
"An ungrateful bastard is back." Trying to enter his house was total failure, and his father was visibly angry at him.
"Tobias. He is only child." Weak voice of woman came from inside of house, she had couple bruises on her body.
"I already contributed to my house in his age. Shut up, useless whore." Approaching her with intent to slap her made John feel fury.
"Leave my mother alone you piece of shit!" Feeling his magic boiling in his body, he shouted at his father.
His mother immediately felt her son magic going crazy, it was dangerous situation.
"Severus! No! Calm down." Visibly panicking and trying to take out her wand.
"If I calm down. You will suffer every day from this human scum! I won't let that happen." In the end of day, she was mother of this body.
'Don't disappoint me magic.'
"Let him do it! Show me! How evil you freaks are! Come on? Use your sparks to hurt me!" Acting with provocative gestures, it seems Tobias knew some of wizard's laws.
"Petrificus totalus!" Eileen shouted and casted full body binding curse on her husband.
"I am sorry my son. You can calm down now." Approaching with care in her eyes made him calm down a little.
"Let me deal with him, mother." John thought about trying to use some unforgivable curses on him, yet stopped himself and used memory alteration charm.
"Obliviate." Removing last events from mind of his father, shocking his mother about knowledge.
"I don't know… I just got knowledge about magic. A lot of magic. Wandless magic is untraceable. Don't worry."
'It fucking worked! Stay cool! Stay cool!' Casting magic with experience of the powerful wizard was very easy, obviously he couldn't cast all spells wandlessly yet.
"I don't understand…" His mother was speechless, she wasn't really a talented witch. It made her family constantly criticize her for lack of capability.
"I will tell you everything in the future. We need to plan our next step. What do you want to do? My father is a monster. I don't want every time see you hurt and crying. It's painful for me too. You are my mother…"
"Magic… Matured you. We cannot abandon Tobias… He wasn't like this when I fell in love with him. Something changed him…" There wasn't much information about the past of Snape's parents, and only thing was their poverty and possible neglecting of young Severus.
'I don't know every spell in existence… Performing things from my own memory wandless… It's too much even for isekai-ed bastard like me.' If his change wasn't caused by normal reasons, things would be related to magic.
'I don't know why she didn't think about this idea herself…' It seems his talent in magic didn't come from her.