Shaggy's place.

Severus got out of house and started seeking clues. Rudolphus's goons were asking about Bellatrix location, threatening people in London and surroundings.

His goal was to understand their numbers and identities, pushing their deaths on account of non-existent Order of Phoenix.

'Let's start from Cobb and Webb's.' It was dark arts shop in Knockturn Valley, he planned to look around for dark wizards. They would ultimately lead him into other locations related to their hobby.

Observing from pretty far with binoculars like qualified stalker, luckily someone appeared before his potato chips got finished.

After buying some supplies caped man went to always closed shop and knocked four times, afterwards his body disappeared like it wasn't even there.

'Interesting. I want to experience it myself.'

Using cleaning charm to clean himself, he approached same shop with intent of entering.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Suddenly, he felt like his body was sucked into another place.

"Welcome to Shaggy's place! Wait…. I don't recognize you. Who recommended our place to you?" They possessed some safe measures for newcomers.

"Rosier. I don't have time." Looking straight into his eyes without emotions, man immediately got out of the way.

Entire place was filled with dark wizards, werewolves and other outcasts. There were even few guys scanning his neck with anticipation.

'All outcast are gathering here…'

"Join us! When our Lord succeeds all of you will be able to walk freely! This world belongs to us! Let's get rid of all muggles…" Severus found his target trying to recruit people to Voldemort army. Weirdly not many people were interested in going with Dark lord.

"Just shut up… Many of my cousins got killed because of your lord!" One of the werewolves was very mad, it seems his family didn't benefit from following Tom.

"Bark! Bark! Bark? What's now? You criticize our lord for deaths of weaklings? One more word and we will go outside for dance." Werewolves mostly weren't good wizards, and they were poor and uneducated thanks to prejudice.

"Let's get back to pack, brother…" Couple werewolves left the house with thoughts, and it seems this house recognizes mental commands.

As his temper wasn't good, his attempts to recruit weren't very fruitful.

"I heard your speech…" Severus decided to strike conversation with recruiter.

"Yes. Yes… I suck at this…If you want, we can step outside. I am really itching for some battle anyway." It seems this man was sent here as punishment.

"Fine." His goal was to pass message into circles anyway.

They apparated into secluded place in London, and man didn't even wait for him to take out the wand.

"Crucio!" Severus simply dodged and used another spell of his own creation.

"Levicorpus!" Dark wizard blocked the spell without effort, casting some nasty curses at him.

"Adflicto Affligo! Langlock!" This was one of the spells in the book for curse-breakers, called protego breaking hex. Severus knew that protego breaking spells existed as Tom could use such magic.

"Protego!" Boom! His shield shattered and his tongue got sticked to his roof of the mouth.

"Petrificus totalus!"

"Now. I will engrave message for your master." His plan was to put blame on Dumbledore, using fire to burn his words on back of death eater.

"Imperio! Once you reach your master. Display to him my message and say…"

"Tom, you stiil an act like thief after all those years." Dumbledore reprimanded Riddle once about stealing in his orphanage.

"Notify him… that my boss soon will go after him. Pheonixes eat snakes for breakfast. Go!" After lifting petrification curse, man apparated away without any more words.

'Now… you cannot observe another Dark lord you inspired goes wild.' First one was his lover and second was his pupil. It was possible to prevent both of their going evil if he acted in proper moment.

Severus disappeared from the place, returning to his initial appearance before teleporting back to his house.

'I should create some spells for such occasions.' In fact his interest fell on Andromeda future, she was going to depart from the house.

'It's going to be problematic… I doubt Tom will be reasonable with them. I need to save Narcissa…' It was essentially three blood traitors in one family, fool would recognize their problem in raising their children.

'Andromeda has one semester at Hogwarts… Ted and her… They might be little bit hot blooded and flee house earlier.'

"Hey… I need to discuss you about something." Finding Bellatrix trying to act like a Jedi, he couldn't stop himself from laughing. All people experience such moments in their life, trying to summon items with force. She clearly tried to use wandless magic, however it wasn't that simple to achieve.

"… You didn't see anything."

"Okay… I came to talk about your sisters safety." He could only hope that they will go to Hogwarts before doing anything stupid. They would be temporarily sheltered by Dumbledore, however if Andromeda abandoned the family and got disowned before coming back to school.

'They might as well order students after them… Their safety isn't really guaranteed there…' Considering all events in the story, teachers didn't genuinely care about well-being of the students.

"What do you mean my sisters safety!? Aren't they protected in our family house?" Severus could only reveal Andromeda secret to Bella.

"Your sister Andromeda is going to marry muggle born wizard… Making her second daughter to be disowned under your parents… Do you think Death eaters will let off Narcissa? Two out of three are blood traitors…"

"It's not good. How do you know such things? Did you invade her mind too?"

"No, Bella. I didn't even see her once in my life. Did you hear about divinations? I have sometimes those visions about future."

"My sister… You glimpse something happening to her?"

"No… I saw your tapestry tree with burned portraits. She and Sirius are going to be…"

"Fuck… If they weren't so adamant on this purity… All people would be happy…" She didn't know what to do, writing warning to her sisters could end up in her parents hands. Exposing Andromeda to father's mind arts and she couldn't go back to her house either.

"I will protect them…" He planned to find Edward Tonks for information.

"I don't doubt your ability to fight. The problem is… Who will let the random stranger into their manor?"

"I have my own ways… Ah, take this phone. I paired it with my own phone. You can use it to contact me." Bellatrix wasn't cut off from information about a world, his house elves were providing her with information.

"Wait… Severus Snape… Prince. Are you the inventor of this toy?"

"I am… but it doesn't matter right now. I need to find someone really fast…" The wave of changes was at present in effect, and he needed to take control of situation or things would turn extremely nasty.

'I need to force Dumbledore to entertain Voldemort.' Voldemort wasn't stupid man, and he wouldn't kill Hogwarts students without reason. Some muggleborn students were in actual danger, however his army wasn't ready to break in the castle.

'Tom isn't certain his victory yet. He is gathering talented wizards for now…' His attack on Death eater would be surprise, it wasn't Dumbledore style.

'I in fact wanted to test Soul devouring on Death Eaters…' Eliminating random Death eater wouldn't make any difference to the army, and he needed to affect Voldemort actions.

'The sole way was to use his past…'

He explained all the functions of artifact before leaving to search Edward, she was little fascinated by capability of this weird mirror.

'They haven't married and bought this house yet… I don't really recall place of his parents.'

'Advanced tracking spells required some connection to person…' His thoughts were looking for solution, and he could acquire this information from the ministry, muggle government or some Ted's friends.