Chapter 5-1: Holy Morning

Waking up snuggled between two beautiful Empresses,you start to slowly stand up.Trying not to wake the sleeping Fluff Balls.

"Morning Owner,why are you up so early ? It's 6 am...*sigh*" Katie says,slowly waking up.

"Good Morning Master,what will we do today ?" Kate says,standing up.

"Waky Wake Girls,today is Christmas Morning,also called the first day of Christmas." you tell them.

Heading downstairs,flip you on the Coffee Machine and await the Foxes to come and eat together.

Putting each cup of Coffee down,you look up and see the Girls slowly walking down the stairs as if,sleep walking.

They take a seat at the table and take a sip of the warm Coffee,they immediately wake up.

"Hm..must be strong coffee..." you say to yourself,taking the next sip.

"Master,we want to give you something~" Kate says.

"Owner,we made a..present for you.Here-" Katie adds,handing you a small box.

"Thank you sweethearts,this really nice of you." you say,reminded that you never actually received a gift from anyone.Even if your parents bought you toys when you where young,but that doesn't count.

Opening the Box,revealing a letter,signed,Kate and Katie.

The contents of it,read: "Dear Dan,we are very thankful for the day you found us.That day we where searching for a place to live for the rest of our lives.When we followed you we didn't know if we where safe,but once you gave us food,your food,and you ate a simple energy bar.We knew you are going to by ours.We thank you a lot,we will always belong to you.Regardless what you do.

Love you,

Signed Kate,Katie"

Finishing the letter,you shed a tear...soon many more would follow.It's the first ever letter you have ever gotten,from anyone.Not only that but it's written by the one you love the most.These Two Foxes,really care about you.Not caring a single bit for what others say nor for the things you did or will do.

"Girls,i don't know what to do say...Thank you so much." you tell them.

"Merry Christmas Dan !" they both say together.

"I have something to give you two as well..." you say,quickly setting their gift on the table and rushing towards the Christmas Tree and handing them your Gifts.

They look at them,curiously,trying to figure out what it is from either hearing or weighing it out.With no avail,they open it gently,and see a black box.Opening that one,reveals a Necklace,with their respective name on it.

"Master~ why did you this ?~" Kate says,starting to cry into her Hands.

"Owner,th-this is un-unfair,we only gave you a letter and you give us this...." Katie says,breaking out in tears.

"Oh oh,i am sorry for making you cry Girls.I didn't mean to.It's just that,i wanted to give you something special,because you gave me so much before." you answer them.

Giving them kissed on the head and pets slowly calms them down.

"Master,they are beautiful..." Kate says,calming down.

"I'm happy that they fit you." you say.

"Where did you get them from ?" Katie asks.

"Let that be my problem Katie." you say,giving both of them kisses and hugs.

Afterwards,the day flies by.The Girls even go to play in the backyard.Chasing each other a bit,throwing snowballs at each other and sitting on your lap,snuggled up outside watching the snow fall.

Eventually evening would come up,the Foxes would cook dinner for you.

With they'r Aprons on,they begin their work.Smiling and laughing together at small mistakes,putting flour on each other's noses.

"Master~ would you like to,see us naked ?~" Kate says,excited.

"Owner~ we know you want to see us naked in aprons,come on." Katie adds to her Sister's excitement.

"I would,but for now.I am just hungry for what you made until now." you say,your stomach agrees with a growl.The Girls laugh in response.

After eating Dinner,you sit on the couch,with dimmed lights.Snuggled with your Foxes,sometimes they let out a small,eek,out of pleasure.

Later into the Night,you three head to bed,again,snuggling up tightly.Kissing and hugging each other.

Falling asleep,soon after.


This is the second part of the 5th Chapter,thus concluding the Christmas Arc of this Year.

Thank you for enjoying my story.

Merry Christmas everyone !