Chapter 14: Multiple Problems One Solution

Before you settle down for the Evening, you lead your Foxes to the Guest Room pointed out by Deiya.

"Master, could you sleep with us~ ?" Kate asks, almost pleading.

"Sorry Girls, but there is not enough space for all of us on. Once we are back at home, I will cuddle with you two as much as you want.Promised." you say, pointing at the bed's limited space.

Your Foxes wag their Tailes in response, happy to hear your words.

"Good night Master !" the Foxes say together before they cuddle together under one blanket.

"Sweet Dreams you two" you say, walking out the room closing the door behind you.

You sit down on the Couch and start to think, what to do...not only to get the supplies back but also to secure the area surrounding the Outpost. This is crucial to small Russian groups or patrols.

Without the Outpost, this Area would be under total NATO control. Without any Russian interference.

This Outpost also acts as a Resting Place for Operations, as every other Trading Outpost, be it Russian or NATO controlled, is under Protection of a Treaty, the Treaty of Traders.

The Treaty of Traders - a Treaty signed by the dominant NATO forces in the country, that being American, German and even some French Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces to not attack, capture or enter Trading Outposts under any circumstances. In some cases, it even meant that the enemy outside the Outpost had to retreat or "Go Home".

Deiya seems bothered by something, you stand to go check on her.

"You ok Deiya ?" you ask her she is sitting on a chair.

"Dan, my Sisters were meant to be home by now." Deiya says.

"Is that Green House inside the Walls ?" you ask her.

"Of course, they must've gotten into trouble with the Pump again. They are trying to fix it for a couple of days now." Deiya says starting to panic.

With a sigh, you take your Gear and Rifle and ask her where the Greenhouse was.

Deiya points out that it is down the road on the right side, you can't miss it. With a reassuring Shoulder pat, you exit the House, hoping to bring her Sisters home.

Walking down the Road you look shocked at the conditions some of the Families have to live in. The Houses don't even have proper isolation, they must've been built in a hurry. Be that before...or after the Outbreak.

Greeting the Guards and Children happily playing on the Street you walk right past the Greenhouse.

You try to open the front door... it's stuck or the Lock is damaged or even welded shut.

Knocking on the Door with your Fist gets a reaction from the inside, a very panicked eek.

"Wh-who's there ?" a panicked voice asks.

"Dan Walker, you should've been home already." you say, hoping that the voice knows what you are talking about.

"Deiya sent you? We tried to open the door, but it was stuck. We even yelled out, but no one helped." the voice says.

"Get away from the door." you say, in a very serious tone.

Russian Special Operations Training has thought you exactly how to kick open a door, that seems to be stuck. Putting your entire weight on one foot as you kick forwards is key.

With a swift and powerful kick to the door's handle, it opens wide.

Inside are two scared Foxes, one is shivering while the other is trying to warm her up.

"The fuck happened here ?" you ask angered.

"I-i tr-tried to open the valve, it broke and the water was leaked everywhere." the shivering Fox says.

Quickly ordering the other Fockly go grab some towels and prepare a hot bath at home for her. She nods in response and quickly sprints off.

You quickly pick up the Shivering Fox taking a quick look at the Valves and two massive pipes that are, probably, meant for watering the Plants.

The Valves are completely rusted, a replacement is required.

You leave the Greenhouse with Deiya's shivering Sister in your arms.

As you walk outside, her face immediately gets beet red.

"Y-you are strong, picking me u-u-up like I am feather li-light." she says, shivering more.

"Stop talking, no point in getting flustered over me." you say, your face darkening drastically.

You carry her home as swiftly as your movement allows. Not wasting a single second.

Soon you arrive home. Yelling Deiya to open the door.

"Maya ?! What happened ?! Why didn't you yell for help ?!" Deiya says, shocked at her Sister's accident.

"Is the bath ready or not ?!" you ask, getting angrier and angrier.

Deiya nods and quickly shows you to a rather fancy bathroom.

Your Foxes are also awake, they heard the ruckus that is happening and are awake.

You quickly yell for them and tell them to take care of Maya. Without hesitation, they nod and you leave them to their assigned Work.

Highly unexpected anger rushes over you.

"Deiya, where were you the whole day? Why where your Younger Sisters alone ?!" you ask Deiya.

"I-i was counting our finances so I could get a few things for us. I didn't know they had trouble.." Deiya answers.

"You left them to rot in there, cold and abandoned, even helpless! How could you forget about them ?" you ask her, trying to hold back your anger from taking over.

"I didn't forget I just...they said they could handle it. I even forbid them from trying to fix the Pump." Deiya explains, stressed.

Taking off your Gear and setting your Anger aside, you sit down and try to find a common solution to the problem at hand.

One option would be for yourself to fix the Pump, but...the Source of the Pump is at a Water plant 10 km away from here and the pipes that lead into the Greenhouse are hand made.

These circumstances make the Solution simple, yet very dangerous.

Soon after, Kate comes out form the bath.

"How is she ?" you ask.

"She calmed down Master, she is now enjoying a warm bath. Deiya even gave us fresh clothes for her." Kate says, looking sad.

"Good job you two. And now to you" you say, looking at the third sister.

"Y-yes Sir, I couldn't help Maya because my Clothes I too small for her" she says, seeming depressed even.

Deiya comforts her Sister, which is close to crying.

"I'll fix the pipe and the pump..but you're going to stay here. All of you." you say, growling.

Deiya and her Sister gasp and quickly tell you that's a Suicide Mission.

"Listen, you can't fix the Water-issue forever just by fixing it internally. You either stock up on Water or you die." you say, determined to fix the problem.

Deiya stares at the ground, shocked from the recent events.

"Dan, we lost everything NATO cut off our supply lines. The only hope we had was that Truck I drove, until...I lost it."

" *laugh* Everything that went wrong was not your fault only. It was our fault as well." you say, comforting her.

" *sob* How ?! All you did was send supplies and that was it. You didn't do anything wrong." Deiya says, close to tears.

" I will go tonight, tomorrow I want to get the supplies, then move everyone from this Rat Hole of a Town to something more lively," you say, determined typing away on your Arm-mounted device.

Deiya gasp and eventually starts crying

Encrypted Message Sent Successfully


Your Device sent out a Message, encrypted specifically for someone specific only.

That someone is Miss Katya.

She is responsible for Trading in this Region. She is damn good at it as well.

The Encryption is top of its class.

Only Squad Leader and Field Commanders have access to this level of Encryption, specifically made to contact Higher Ups in case of Extreme Emergencies.

The Situation you are in, Losing a vital Trading and Intelligence gathering Network is a no-go for Miss Katya.

With her help, you hope for a quick ending to this awful Situation this Outpost is in.

The houses are awful and the food is barely growing, not every household has food. The worst part is, most if not all households have at least one child. Which makes the situation horrible.

"Master, how do you plan to approach the water plant? Can I and Katie accompany you ?" Kate says, excited.

"I'll be leaving at midnight, 'till then I will check around Town and talk to the Guards so they keep security very tight. I'll think of it..." you say, thinking if it is a good idea for them to come along.

You check on Katie and Maya in the bath, they seem to be doing well.

Maya is feeling better by the minute and Katie is helping her.

May is sleeping in a separate room, completely unaware of any action, until...

You hear loud crying coming from the Livingroom, you rush towards it.

Looking at Deiya, she is holding May on her lap, hugging her with eyes filled with Tears.

"Deiya? What happened ?" you ask her.

"I just saw...M-May and I couldn't hold it back anymore. *sob*" Deiya adds.

"May, I will take a walk around town, you stay here and keep an eye on everything for me, okay ?" you ask May, hoping this will keep her from crying as well.

"Okay~!" May say,excited.

She seems to be trying to calm Deiya down, it seems to be working.

All there is left to do in the End is to move everyone to somewhere else.

The only option you are sure of it working well would be for everyone to move into your hometown. There should be plenty of Houses for everyone, some might even stay empty.

Ultimately there seems to be only one solution to this multitude of problems that the Outpost is suffering.

Even if it may result in the loss of the Outpost and a very important Trading and Intelligence Network, the latter might be possible to keep while loosing the formal. But that is a problem for after you look at the Situation from the Outside.