DxD: Getting Into Shape 05

Koneko sat in quiet contemplation. Her eyes were closed and her back was against a tree as she used senses she had ignored for years. She felt the ears on top of her head twitch as she felt the life force of a small animal dashing through the tree branches above her.

Her mind had been clouded by fear for so long. She had forgotten what it was like to just feel the world around her, the life force flowing through every living thing.

Axton had said she was likely rusty, and that was true in terms of actually manipulating life force. Even her converting her life force to fire was almost entirely instinctual, and doing more than throwing it proved to be a little too difficult for her at first, but she had improved a lot over the course of their training session. And with each moment of using it, of seeing Axton shrug off her attacks and each time he encouraged her to be more creative, she could feel a weight that had been hanging on her shoulders for as long as she could remember lessening.

But while her manipulation skills had been rusty, her detection skills hadn't been. If anything, she felt like she could feel things better than before. She was truly grateful to Axton for helping her get over her fear.

Did she tell him that? She frowned as the thought occurred to her, pulling her out of her meditation. She tried to think back, but she couldn't remember thanking him. She opened her eyes and stood up. That wouldn't do. She would simply find him quickly, thank him, and then go back to meditating.

She once again reached out with her senses to look for Atsuko as she headed in the direction of the general area where the other girl trained. She hoped that Axton hadn't brought her into his arena place, or else she wouldn't be able to sense her and she'd have to wait to thank him.

Unfortunately, she couldn't search for Axton himself. Just like she couldn't sense his magic as a Devil, she couldn't sense his life force using Senjutsu. It was something that limited her options a lot when sparring with him as she couldn't use any techniques that affected his life force directly. Not that she knew any of those.

It also made him harder to track. But not impossible, she found out. While she couldn't sense his life force, she could feel something from him. It was strange, unlike anything she'd sensed before, and even looking for it it was nearly impossible to find unless he was nearby or using one of his more strange abilities. But it was there.

Still, that wouldn't help her find him from a range, so it was more efficient to find Atsuko since she knew Axton went to her next.

Thankfully, Koneko found her pretty quickly. She wasn't where Koneko expected to be, that is a clearing or a path either sparring, training, or running. Instead, she was in a corner made by two rock walls and surrounded by trees. Strange. Maybe Axton had her training a technique to penetrate defenses? Or had her climbing? As she got closer she could tell from the Atsuko's life force felt that she was exerting herself.

As Koneko approached where she sensed Atsuko, but before they came into sight, she heard a moan, causing her to freeze. That was… She wasn't sure what that was. It certainly wasn't a noise of pain. Was Axton giving her a massage? She wasn't sure, but the sound of another moan echoed through the trees, and she felt her own body react, growing warmer.

She reduced her presence and crept through the trees silently. She didn't know why, all she knew is that she wanted to see what was happening without them realizing she was there. The sounds of Atsuko moaning continued, as she got close enough to see, she began to hear the sound of flesh slapping against flesh.

Her eyes widened and she reflexively hid as she spotted them. Axton and Atsuko were both here, together, but it wasn't training they were doing. Koneko wasn't the most knowledgeable about those sorts of things, but she knew more than enough to recognize two people having sex.

The warm feeling inside of her that had been slowly growing as she approached spiked up as she connected Atsuko's moans to the actions she had just seen and Koneko finally was able to identify it. Arousal, she was getting aroused.

It wasn't like she had never been aroused. There had been times, late at night or in the shower, where something would spark and she'd...explore that feeling a little. But she never really indulged in it, and never had it been so strong as it was now.

The sounds of Atsuko's moans grew louder, and Koneko's curiosity pulled at her. Cautiously, still trying to remain hidden, she peeked around the tree she was hiding behind to look at the two of them again.

Axton had his back against a wall, and he was mostly obscured from her sight at this angle. She could tell he was naked though. But her eyes were more drawn towards Atsuko, who was upright in front of him, a look of ecstasy on her face. Atsuko was also naked, and Koneko spotted her clothes strewn about nearby. Atsuko's back was arched and her chest bounced as Axton thrust into her from behind.

Koneko's angle wasn't the clearest so she couldn't see the spot where they were connected, but there was no room for misunderstanding. Atsuko reached back, wrapped her arms at an awkward angle around Axton's neck, and they kissed. Koneko's face grew flushed at the sight. Atsuko's body and their lovemaking were on clear display for her to see. But she couldn't tear her eyes away. She fidgeted as she watched, her legs rubbing together.

Axton had one hand on Atsuko's waist, guiding her movements, and his other hand groped her boob, his fingers playing with her nipple. Did that...feel good? Koneko had never tried that before. Her hand crept up to her small chest as she watched Atsuko's body writhe in pleasure at Axton's hands. She rubbed herself over her clothes, and a small surge of pleasure ran through her.

Enraptured at the sight and emboldened by the good feelings, she reached under her shirt to touch herself directly. Her fingers grazed over the small hill of her boob, sending tingles through her. Those tingles turned into a powerful jolt of pleasure when she reached her nipple, which was erect and hardened. She had to bite her lip to prevent her voice from escaping, caught off guard as she was by the pleasure. She hadn't expected it to feel that good, despite Atsuko's obvious enjoyment.

That feeling of heat was present in her entire body, and she felt like she was full of steam as she watched the two continue to make love. Her finger continued to tweak at her nipple, and it was difficult for her to contain her moans. This felt like when Axton gave her a massage, but far sharper and hotter.

The sound of flesh on flesh increased in tempo, and Koneko watched as Axton thrust hard one final time. Atsuko's lips detached from Axton's as she let out her loudest moan yet. Koneko's fingers reflexively tightened around her nipple, and a small noise escaped her lips at the resulting spike of pleasure.

She knew that they had both just finished. She wasn't familiar with what that felt like, but she knew roughly how that worked. Which is why she was surprised when, instead of stopping, the two of them just repositioned themselves and kept going. Atsuko was on all fours now, her hair dangling towards the ground, covering her face but doing nothing to muffle her moans. And Axton was on his knees behind her, his hands on her hips as he thrust into her from behind.

She saw Axton more clearly now, and her eyes roamed over his body. She knew it from their sparring, but this was the first time she could see how muscled and lean his body was. There was that one time at the water park, but it was different this time. Back then, he was just shirtless, and she only absently noted his level of fitness. But now? Her eyes poured over every inch of his exposed chest, the way it glistened with a slight sheen of sweat. She watched his face, smiling, the pleasure he felt clear in his expressions.

Another thunderbolt of pleasure ran through her, but this time it came from lower down. Koneko looked down and realized that her hand had made its way to her crotch while she was watching them, and rubbing herself over her clothes down there had felt even better than playing with her nipple.

Hesitant, but too curious and aroused to stop, she rubbed herself again, her attention going back to the couple she was spying on. The heat that filled her before couldn't be compared to how this felt. It felt like there was a small sun resting at the bottom of her stomach, and every time she pressed against herself it flared up, radiating pleasure through her.

She watched and listened to Axton and Atsuko fuck, and the next time they finished, she did too. Her first orgasm ever wracked through her body, waves of heat pouring over her, and she had to bite down on her finger to remain silent, almost breaking the skin.

She took a moment to catch her breath, panting heavily as she watched the other two. They didn't keep going again, and they separated. Koneko's breath hitched slightly as she saw Axton's penis. Even though she was just watching them have sex, she hadn't seen anything more than a lot of Axton's bare skin. Atsuko she'd seen naked in the bath every night. So seeing Axton fully nude with no bits hidden by the other girl was a shock. He was so big…

Koneko shook her head and hid behind the tree again, no longer watching them. She was starting to calm down now, and the realization of what she did was starting to wash over her. Keeping her presence concealed, she slowly snuck away. She could thank Axton later. Right now, she needed to figure out how she felt about what just happened.

She grimaces at the feeling of wetness between her legs. Or maybe first she needs a change of clothes.


I watch with [Void Detect] as Koneko slinks away, a grin on my face. When Atsuko and I had started having sex out in the open, something that was turning her on more than usual, I had done something I usually don't even think of doing and used [Void Detect]. I didn't mind being caught. In fact, I was hoping for it. But I wanted to know who was coming from where, and when. Depending on who it was, I could either make them horny or use them to make things more exciting for Atsuko. Or both.

I hadn't expected anyone to come across us though. Everyone is busy training right now, and Wilhelm was maybe the only one likely to move between the groups. So when Koneko entered my range heading straight for us, I was pretty surprised. Pleasantly so. I immediately used [Sound Domain] to make sure she could hear Atsuko, barely having to do any work at all considering how vocal Atsuko was being and Koneko's hearing.

I was extremely pleased when her first reaction was to spy on us, and then it was a matter of nudging her with [Erotic Pierrot], something I barely had to do, as she went and got aroused by watching us almost entirely by herself. I helped at a few moments, but most of her arousal came entirely from herself. Again, I was extremely pleased by her reaction.

She wasn't the only one that spied on us either, but I'd deal with the other one later.

Atsuko finishes getting dressed and turns to me, one eyebrow raised. "Are you going to get dressed, or are you just going to stand there and look pretty?"

I roll my eyes and throw some clothes on with a thought. "Come on, now that we're done with some 'cardio', let's get some actual training done. We need to get you used to fighting at six boosts and I have a new toy for you to start playing with. A grappling hook."

Her eyes light up. "Really? That's badass!" she cheers, and I laugh. I pull out the Game Board from my inventory and we both hop in for some actual training.


After dinner, we have a short strategy session. It's short mostly because there simply isn't much more to go over. Our plans are set, everyone has memorized the information about Riser's peerage as best they can, and there simply isn't much else to do. The end of our training is quickly approaching, tomorrow will be the last real day of it.

The strategy meeting is made a bit more interesting by Koneko's reactions though. I wasn't sure how she would react to being near me after what she saw, but interestingly, it seems like she wants to be even closer to me. She sits closer to me than normal during dinner, though the seats adjacent to me are taken up by Aika, Atsuko, and Asia. Asia in particular is fairly clingy, always sitting directly at my side. My other side is then taken by either Atsuko and Aika, but they're both pretty relaxed about it. They tend to take turns, but it's also partially a first come first serve deal.

During the strategy meeting, I suppose being near-ish to me isn't enough for her. So she decides to sit in my lap instead. That certainly catches the attention of everyone in the room, though their looks don't phase Koneko in the slightest. I lock eyes with Rias and attempt to silently convey to her that yes I do know why the sudden change occurred but her doing this surprises me almost as much as it does them.

She seems to understand it well enough because she shoots me a look that tells me that we'll talk about it later and then goes back to what she was reviewing, ignoring it. Though things get interrupted again when Koneko decides to show off her cat features, revealing that to the ones not already in the know, and there are a few minutes where Atsuko, Asia, and Aika shower her with attention.

Actions that I really appreciate. Koneko revealing that to everyone is a big deal, and the fact that everyone responds so positively sends a powerful surge of relief through her. Rias also relaxes some when she sees that, and I have no doubt our talk later will be a positive one.

More importantly than all that, it's just nice having Koneko in my lap. Yua likes to spend time in my lap as well, but Koneko is obviously much bigger than her, and having Koneko's warm back pressed against my chest, her head resting right under my chin with her ears poking up high enough to poke my cheek is comfortable. It feels good.

Still, it doesn't last for long, and everyone leaves to do their strength training, leaving me with time to go visit our guest.

Once again I [Void Travel] into the woods and step into the spot right behind Kuroka. This time she doesn't attack but instead puts some distance between us even as she twirls to face me, relaxing only after she realizes that it's me.

"Is it really necessary to appear behind me like that?" she asks, half teasing and half annoyed as she stands up and crosses her arms.

"People's reactions are way too entertaining to not do it," I reply with a grin. I pull out a plate of still hot curry from my inventory. "Here, since you've been hanging around for so long, I thought that maybe you haven't eaten yet."

I can see the moment the smell hits her. My [Cooking] skill is at level 63 now, and I would guess my cooking skill rivals professional chefs, even the kind that Devils employ. And the smell of my dishes advertises their taste well. If I hadn't just had a couple of plates of this myself, I'd be tempted to eat it myself.

She approaches slowly, trying her best to make it look casual, but the appeal of the food is higher than her fear of me. She 'casually' takes the food from me and steps back a little bit. "That's very considerate of you, though you don't need to worry about me," she says, even as her mouth is starting to water.

"I made enough to feed an army," I say. "What's one more plate? Though truth be told, it doesn't matter how much I make, Kon- I mean Shirone eats it all."

Kuroka picks up the spoon. "I don't care what name you call her by you know," she says. "She'll always be Shirone to me, but I understand her desire for a new name." She finally takes a bite of the food, and her eyes widen at the taste.

<+18 Affection with Kuroka>

Before I can respond, I'm shocked into silence by the discovery that she and Koneko share at least one quality, and that's how fast they can clean a plate. In just a few heartbeats the large pile of food disappears, and the plate is left so clean I wouldn't have believed there was food on it moments ago if I hadn't just seen her eat it. There's not a single drop of sauce on her face either.

She hands the plate back to me. "Did you make this? You're quite the chef. But your portions are too small."

I check her Affection as I accept the plate from her and stash it back into my inventory. That put it at 43. The next time I get Affection with her will push her over 50 Affection. Which means now is my last chance to use a Heart Crystal for free Affection. I don't hesitate to use a Super Heart Crystal, crushing it silently in my pocket. [Sound Domain] really is one of my most useful skills.

Perk rewarded for reaching 50 Affection with Kuroka

Effects of [Kemonomimi Lover] has been increased

Another similarity between the two sisters, but that was more or less what I expected. Still, Kuroka's Affection just increased by almost 40 in one fell swoop.

"You know, it was a bit rude of you to invite me to watch your confrontation with Shirone, and then disappear when it happened," Kuroka says after a moment.

"Sorry about that," I apologize. "I realized it at the time, but I thought a bit of privacy would help, and that was more important than making sure you could see."

Kuroka shrugs. "Well, it seemed to work out, so I'll forgive you." She glances at me. "It did work, right?"

"Better than I hoped, actually," I reply. "I'm not sure what her feelings are about you, but she's almost entirely accepted her Nekoshou heritage and Senjutsu."

"Good," she says, and her shoulders relax some. "That's….that's really good to hear."

"We practiced some Senjutsu, but it seems she doesn't know much, and unfortunately neither do I," I explain. "I know a few techniques that could maybe be called Senjutsu techniques," if you categorize anything that used SP as Senjutsu anyways, "But I can't say I know Senjutsu or how to teach it."

She gives me an odd look for a moment. I don't know how to interpret it, but eventually, she makes a decision and sighs. "I'll give you some pointers then. How many days is it until the Rating Game?"

I grimace. "Only one day of training left. Sunday is a rest day and the Game itself is on Monday."

Kuroka nods. "Nothing complicated then. What techniques did she know? I'm surprised she knows any at all."

"She can increase her strength, speed, and dexterity at the cost of her stamina, and she can create and throw handfuls of blue flames."

"That first one is likely Touki," Kuroka muses. "Not a surprise, that should be so instinctual for her that she'd barely even have to think about it to use it. The downside is that it will take serious work to increase its effectiveness. The flames are just life force given form, it's a pretty simple technique. I'm glad she's able to use it though, I never taught her it. She was too young for fighting before we...parted ways."

"It sounds like you're not the only sister to have some natural talent," I comment.

Kuroka smiles fondly. "I hope that is the case. Still, it sounds like she has a very good foundation already considering how she hasn't been taught at all. With the short amount of time left, I'd say it's not worth trying to teach her a new technique. There's not any that she could learn in time that would be helpful." Kuroka shakes her head. "No, in this case, solidifying her foundation would work better. Work on improving the quality of her aura flames and her Touki, the former during sparring and the latter through meditation."

"Easy enough," I say. There's a moment where we both go quiet, both of us unsure of how to continue the conversation.

"Do you think-" Kuroka starts before cutting herself off. "No nevermind, it doesn't matter."

"Ask anyways," I say. "I'll answer if I can."

She hesitates, and she's looking away from me, to the side, but after a moment she speaks up. "Do you think I could talk to Shirone now? That I could see her again?"

Her question catches me off guard. Is this the same person who tried to strongarm Koneko into coming with her in canon? Now that I think about it, it might not be. The Kuroka in front of me isn't a character, she's a person, and she's definitely changed her attitude about Koneko in just the short time since I first talked to her. And this situation is completely different. She's not accompanied by another member of the Khaos Brigade, and she doesn't have to make excuses about why she's here or what her goals are.

"I'm not sure," I admit carefully. "It would go better than if you did it before, I think. But...her feelings about you are a mess. She definitely no longer believes the official story, and if you tell her the truth of what happened, she'll probably listen. But I don't know what would happen after that. I don't think she's going to reach a better point for you to talk to her again, and I can't guess how she'll react to you explaining things to her, but I do know that you'll have to do that no matter what if you want to fix your relationship with her." I sigh. "Just please wait until after the Rating Game. She'll have a bit more confidence then, and I don't want to risk a relapse when it's right around the corner."

"I see," Kuroka murmurs. "Fine, I'll wait. I've waited this long, I don't need to rush things now." I feel her emotions shift, her uncertainty lessening and a different emotion rising. Is that...mirth? She looks at me with a teasing grin. "After your chat and training with her, Shirone ended up catching quite the show, didn't she?"

"Don't think I didn't notice that you were also in that audience," I reply, accepting the change in topic. Kuroka watched Koneko, so of course she had seen Koneko watching us, and got a good look herself. Though unlike the younger cat girl, Kuroka didn't get off on watching us. Or at least, not to the point of touching herself. Out of curiosity, I use [Lewd Scouter] on her.



Arousal: Moderately High

Perversion: Moderately High

Affection: 63

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Submission, Impregnation


The impregnation fetish I could have guessed, but the submission one is a surprise. Does it stem from wanting to have children with someone strong? I can see a possible connection there. But more relevant, with a moderately high arousal, maybe she enjoyed the show a bit more than I thought. Without the incest fetish, I doubt she got off on watching Koneko get off. Though without having checked her arousal before this point, I can't say what her normal level of arousal is.

"Well you did seem to be advertising it, being so loud in such an open place," Kuroka teased.

"Atsuko enjoys the thrill, and I'm nothing if not accommodating with the preferences of my girls," I reply. "Still, I didn't expect us to be seen. Not that I minded."

"It seems the three of you enjoyed yourselves quite a bit," Kuroka says. "I suppose Shirone is old enough to be interested in that sort of thing now." Kuroka sighs exaggeratedly. "She's grown up so fast."

"Are you saying you didn't also enjoy yourself?" I tease her. "That's a shame, I like to make sure I satisfy everyone."

She laughs. "Well I didn't not enjoy the show," she admits. "But I've never been one for the sidelines. I prefer to have a much more active role in things." Her voice is practically purring with that last sentence.

"Speaking of which, I did just bring you dinner. If you're that interested in an active role, we could get a little rough together if you'd like," I tease her, referencing her words yesterday.

Her emotions shift, all of them decreasing a bit, and her nervousness increasing. Shit, I guess I pushed too far. Whatever had her scared yesterday is still a thing, even if she likes me more now.

She chuckles. "Maybe next time big guy," she says. "But for tonight, I need to get going, I've been gone for long enough as it is." She does a good job hiding her nervousness. If it weren't for [Empathy] I don't think I would have realized.

"Alright then," I reply easily. "Feel free to come watch again tomorrow. I'll try to do at least some training with Koneko where you can see it."

She smiles. "I'd appreciate it." A teleportation circle appears beneath her feet, and she vanishes.

I sigh, now alone in the forest. That almost went well. I need to figure out what has her so nervous. Or get her Affection high enough that it doesn't matter.

I shrug. I'll figure it out tomorrow. I have a couple of things to take care of before it's time for massages.


The gentle sound of flesh slapping against flesh echoes through the massage room as I thrust against Akeno. I have my arms wrapped around her legs, held upright and close against my chest, her ankles just slightly above my right shoulder. My dick is between her thighs, encapsulated by the soft and warm flesh there, even as the underside of my erection grinds against her pussy lips. I feel the heat and slickness of her arousal and the small nub that is her clit.

It took an interesting series of events to end up here. First, Akeno had arrived for her massage super early. Before I had finished Kiba's massage even. She seemed...not hornier, but she didn't waste any time inviting me to take the lead and initiate things, not caring about the massage at all.

Of course, I didn't hesitate to do so. She had been a little nervous when I climbed on top of her, but when I positioned us and made it clear what I was aiming for, she relaxed. In fact, she seemed very into the idea of some grinding as I fucked her thighs.

I'm really starting to enjoy these sessions with Akeno. Sex with her still isn't an option, but there's so much foreplay and non-penetrative sex we've been able to experiment with, and much of it has been new to me.

And honestly, Akeno is seriously beautiful, and I don't think I can ever get tired of seeing her naked, below me, moaning as her face is flushed with arousal, her long black hair splayed out behind her. I want to fuck her so badly, but I know how to be patient. Still, maybe a little push would be appropriate here.

"You know," I say casually, between thrusts. "There's not much left to do after this." She looks at me, confused. I assume a large part of that is why I'm talking during this, but I persist. "Sex I mean. We're running out of foreplay."

I increase her arousal with [Erotic Pierrot] after I say that and as she processes it. Honestly, because of the situation we're in, her arousal is high enough that I can't affect it much, or at least not very quickly. Still, it's worth the trouble. She blushes but doesn't respond.

"We're almost having sex right now," I comment, pushing down harder, focusing on where my hard dick rubs against her wet folds. "All I'd have to do is pull back and change my angle just slightly downwards, and then there wouldn't be any 'almost' about it."

Her breathing grows heavier, her chest heaving more. I can feel her arousal increasing without my aid. She definitely likes the thought. So I keep pushing.

"Imagine it," I say in a husky voice. "Instead of reaching your belly button," I say as I thrust at an angle that pushes against her stomach, the head of my penis indeed reaching her belly button. "Imagine me thrusting that far into you, filling every inch of you."

Her face contorts in silent pleasure as she bites her lip. I feel her trying to move her hips, though she lacks the leverage to move them much. I increase the strength of [Touch of Pleasure] by just a notch as I start to thrust faster. She's close, I can tell. I let my own orgasm, which I've been holding back for the past few minutes, start to climb to the surface. When she climaxes with a muffled moan, I do as well, shooting strand after strand of sticky cum all over her stomach and chest as I thrust.

We both stay like that for a moment, her legs still pressed against my chest, catching our breath. Soon, I carefully untangle myself from her and get off of the table. Not for the first time, I'm grateful that the table I got is so sturdy.

As I get off of her, Akeno sits up. She swallows, but then puts on her normal confident and teasing expression. "You mind cleaning me up again?" she asks, looking down at the mess I left on her upper body. It's definitely the biggest mess I've made on her yet.

"I don't know if I should yet," I tease. "I'm still enjoying the view."

She raises an eyebrow at me. "And should I simply walk back to my room like this?" she asks a little sarcastically.

"That would be pretty hot," I joke.

She doesn't react like I expect, with a scoff or rolled eyes or a glare. Instead, to my surprise, she hesitates as she considers it. I struggle to keep my own face static as surprise washes over me. Will she?

She stands up from the table, a confident expression on her face, one that she definitely doesn't feel. Her emotions are more of a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Fine, I'll do exactly that then," she says, heading straight for the door.

I consider warning her but decide not to, and she flings the door open to find herself face to face with Rias. Both of them freeze, looking at the other. Akeno stares at Rias in surprise, while Rias stares at Akeno and the very obvious results of what we did clearly displayed on her tits and stomach.

Akeno recovers her wits faster though. "He's all yours Rias," I hear Akeno say in a voice that almost sounds casual. "We just finished up." Before Rias can respond, Akeno steps past her and disappears down the hall. Rias watches her go, face still shocked, before turning back to me. Ah right, I realize I'm still naked.

"It was her idea," I say before Rias can ask me anything, and as I throw on some clothes.

Rias frowns at me, but then she sighs. "You two, I swear." She glances at the table. "Do you need time to...clean up?"

"No, she took the mess with her," I reply. "Everything is good to go here."

Rias eyes the table for a moment, but not seeing anything wrong with it, she shrugs, and removes her towel, and lays down on the table. I don't waste any time breaking out my massage oil and spreading it on her back.

"So," Rias says as I get started. "Koneko. What happened there?"

Hmm. What's the best way to tell her? I can't explain the bits about Kuroka, but I shouldn't need to, I can use the same story I told Koneko. That's probably the safest option. So I do, laying out my suspicions and my findings, claiming Serafall as my source for the official information, and adding in Koneko's own account.

"In some ways, it doesn't matter why Kuroka did what she did," I continue. "But it matters a lot to Koneko, and between the possibility that it was more...meditated than the official report says, and the promise of my assistance, it seems to have helped a lot in overcoming her fears. Her Senjutsu is a little rusty, but we spent today improving it, and she quickly grew more and more comfortable with it."

"I see," Rias responds. "It's true, I never once believed for a second that Koneko would ever do something like that to me. But even when I told her that, I don't think it helped. But I hadn't thought about the fact that Brother thought the same, obviously, and never did I even think to question what happened with her sister, despite having all the same information as you."

"No doubt your brother was the one that told you," I comment. "You had no reason not to accept his words as the truth, especially back then, when you were younger. But you should be old enough now to realize why he would lie, even to you."

"I can't say I like it, but I do understand it," she admits. "I'm annoyed though. I'm annoyed that you helped her so much with her issues in two days when I did nothing for years."

"Doing nothing was the right move at first," I reassure her. "She needed time. And I think it would have been difficult for you to help her with your issues. Sometimes some outside help is needed when it comes to things like this."

Rias is quiet for a while and I continue her massage. [Empathy] senses a jumble of emotions from her, but between how muted they are and how closely they're mixed together, it's hard to label any of them. "So this is another way you've helped me…" she murmurs quietly. If it weren't for [Sound Domain], I don't think I would have been able to make it out, so I pretend like I don't hear.

"Axton," she speaks up as I work on her legs. "Akeno told me that you use the group bath with Asia, Atsuko, and Aika after you're done here. Could I ask that you go alone tonight? You've done so much for me, and I want to take the chance to thank you. The least I can do is wash your back."

To be honest, it feels like a weird way to thank me. She probably came up with it thanks to her obsession with Japanese culture. But I'm not going to turn down a bath with Rias, even if it means not having one with my girls. "There's no need to thank me, but I'll happily accept your invitation." I finish massaging her legs and step back, indicating that I'm done.

She sits up, and I notice she's refusing to meet my eyes and her face is flushed. "Good, I'm glad," she says. Nervousness radiates from her. What exactly does she have planned? "I'll meet you there then," she says before getting off the table and quickly wrapping a towel around her. In moments she's fled the room.

Aika, Atsuko, and Asia are all next, one after the other. I make sure to tell them that we're not meeting in the bath tonight, and they're a little disappointed, but I make it up to each of them by giving them a very good massage and a few orgasms each. And I have a few of my own as well, of course. I'm very appreciative of my sexual stamina, even if it means I'm always still hard after sex.

Koneko is last like she usually is, but her reaction is new. The smell of sex is a little stronger than normal, but not by a huge amount. But instead of sniffing at the air, confused and curious, she instead blushes. Oh? Does she recognize the smell? I use [Lewd Scouter] on her quickly.


Koneko Toujou

Arousal: Moderate

Perversion: Moderately Low

Affection: 83

Orientation: Straight

Fetishes: Voyeurism


I've used this skill on her before, but then it said low arousal, low perversion, and no fetishes. Her voyeurism earlier seems to have left quite the impression on her though. An increased perversion and a new fetish. And on top of that, I'd wager she recognizes the smell of sex now and knows exactly why this room smells like it does.

"Hey there, ready for your massage?" I ask her casually, pretending not to notice her obvious reaction. I see her arousal increase to moderately high, but it doesn't move past there. I contemplate helping it increase some more but decide against it. It's best to let this develop naturally for right now.

She nods and starts stripping as normal. I turn around, giving her a semblance of privacy, even as I peek using [Void Sight]. I smile to myself as exactly what I was hoping for happens, and she strips just a little more than usual, removing her bra. Koneko has the smallest chest of the girls here, but she's definitely not completely flat. Her boobs are cute little hills on her chest, topped by hardened nipples.

She lays down on the table, and I turn around and start her massage. I don't comment on her missing article of clothing, but I do make sure to focus on the spot that used to be covered by the back of the sports bra she previously wore. I also use [Increase Sensitivity] and [Touch of Pleasure] at a higher degree at that spot, silently encouraging and rewarding her for her decision.

We're both silent during the entire massage. To my slight disappointment, Koneko doesn't moan or make any noises, though she does squirm occasionally under my hands. I can tell she's enjoying herself, and there's an edge to her enjoyment that wasn't there before.

Still, the massage ends without incident, other than Koneko's increased enjoyment and arousal. She sits up before I have a chance to turn around, blushing but not hiding herself. She casually gets dressed and turns to leave. She pauses at the door and then turns back to me. "Good night," she says.

I smile back at her. "Good night Koneko," I respond. "Sleep well, okay?" She nods and then leaves, heading towards her room.

All that's left is to go see Rias in the bath. She definitely has something planned, and it's almost certainly something sexual, but it's the details I'm interested in. I'm fairly certain sleeping with her isn't an option until Riser is dealt with. But anything short of that is possible, though most of it is unlikely. Rias isn't as forward as Akeno, and the closest thing we've had to a sexual encounter is when Akeno gave me a reacharound that resulted in me cumming on Rias. And the massages, in a way.

There's no point wondering though, not when I'll find out in a moment. I pack up the massage supplies and leave the room, teleporting straight into the changing room for the bath. [Void Detect] shows that Rias is the only one in the bath, sitting nervously on one of the plastic stools in the room. She's completely naked, and I take that to mean she expects me to be naked as well. I'm no longer erect, but that will change quickly. Still, if that really is what she's aiming for, I doubt it'll be an issue.

Stashing my clothes into my inventory, I open the door to the bath and walk in. Rias looks up at me and smiles, hiding her nervousness. "Axton! I'm glad you made it," she greets me while standing up. Her eyes flicker down to my crotch for a moment before returning to my face. "Here, please sit down, so I can wash your back."

"Sure thing," I say, sitting down at the stool so that I face the mirror hanging on the wall. There's a shower head hanging on the wall below it, and Rias grabs it, turning it on. I sit in silence as she rinses me off with pleasantly warm water.

I can feel her nervousness growing slightly, but so is her arousal, albeit slower. I decide to help her out a little by nudging her arousal slightly with [Erotic Pierrot]. Interestingly, shortly after I start doing so, her nervousness starts to decrease.

Once I'm rinsed off she puts down the showerhead and reaches to my side, where there's a bucket holding a large sponge and a bottle of soap. Soon, I feel the comfortable feeling of a soapy sponge against my back.

"I know I've said thank you multiple times," Rias starts as she scrubs my back. "But I don't think words are enough to really convey how much I appreciate everything you've done. In the handful of days you've been training us, I've seen my Peerage grow in strength more than I ever thought they could in such a short time frame. And not only that, I have two new Peerage members because of you, and everyone is happy and getting along well. And now that you've helped Koneko so much…" she trails off.

Suddenly, the feeling of a sponge is replaced by the feeling of her pillowy boobs pressed against my back, her nipples erect and poking into me. I feel the warmth of her breath on my ear as she leans forward and whispers to me in a sultry tone. "I'm really, really, grateful."

The situation had already been working on slowly arousing me, but that combination attack ensured I was at full mast within seconds instead of minutes. "I'm glad to help," I say casually. "Though I have to say, I do like the way you show your appreciation."

I can feel her grow a little more confident at those words. "I thought you might," she says, voice just a little smug. "And it's something I'm more than happy to do for you."

I bet she is. I have [Touch of Pleasure] activated, which is really nice because it just needs skin contact. I don't have to be the one doing the touching for it to work. I also use [Erotic Pierrot] to keep slowly nudging up her arousal.

She washes me thoroughly using her breasts, occasionally pulling back to apply more soap to them. She doesn't stop at my back either. She moves on to my arms, encompassing them between her breasts, and even my legs, pressing herself against my thighs. She keeps her eyes faced down whenever I can see her face, but I can see how flushed and aroused she is.

She pauses when the only place left she hasn't washed is my chest, but she does reposition herself in between my legs. I'm fully erect now, and have been since before she finished my back. Due to her eyes being cast down and avoiding my face, it's in the forefront of her vision. Her arousal spikes when she sees it, but she moves forward instead, pushing her chest against mine, hiding it from her view.

Though I don't think she thought it through, because now it's pressing up against her stomach. Rias's breath grows heavier, and I can tell she's very aware of that fact right about now. But she determinedly starts moving, rubbing her soapy tits against my chest.

Which is when another 'problem' arises. Between the length of my penis, and the size of her boobs, it only takes her moving a couple of inches down before the two of them touch.

Once again, Rias pauses. But not for as long as I expected, and I feel something shift inside of her. Her nervousness doesn't disappear, but its presence lessens, and her arousal rises to the forefront. She finally looks up at me, smiling, before moving downwards, slipping my dick between her soapy breasts.

I inhale sharply at the sudden pleasure. It feels even better between Rias's boobs than it did with Akeno. Is it the soap? The buildup? Or just a difference in their breasts? I'm not sure, but I think I might be on Atsuko's side on who has the better tits between Rias and Akeno.

Rias's confidence grows again when she sees my reaction, and she smirks as she pushes her tits together tighter and moves up and down faster. The tip of my dick juts out of her cleavage with every downwards movement.

"Rias," I say softly as my pleasure rises and my orgasm approaches. Her eyes widen slightly at my tone, and I feel her own arousal spike even higher. She speeds up her movements even more, her gaze hungry and locked onto my face.

I don't hold back, either my climax or my expressions, and I groan as I cum. She flinches as the first burst of cum splashes against her chin, but she doesn't stop, milking every last drop out of me.

By the time I finish cumming, her chin and lower face are dripping with my semen. She's practically panting now, and her arousal is at very high. From the way she's eyeing my dick, and the way she casually puts a finger full of my cum into her mouth, I almost think that she's about to escalate things.

But she shakes her head and gets a hold of herself. She smiles at me, and her gentle smile is at odds with the state of her face. "I'm glad you were able to enjoy my thank you," she says. She stands up. "In the future, if there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to let me know."

"I'll be sure to do that," I say with an amused grin.

She nods, and then promptly turns around and leaves. Ah, there's the embarrassment. It's getting stronger as she walks away, probably as she thinks over what she just did. I can't figure Rias out. She swaps between embarrassment and being very forward at the drop of a hat.

[Void Detect] picks up her wiping her face off with a towel. Not optimal, but I guess she wanted to escape the bath as quickly as possible. I rinse myself off and decide to sit in the bath for a few moments.

A titjob from Rias, huh? Well, that falls within the range I predicted, but I was still surprised. Despite my progress with the other girls, I didn't expect to make much with Rias, not in terms of sex at least. Still, I'm glad it did.

I sigh and let myself sink further into the hot bathwater. I can't let myself relax too long. But just a moment longer should be fine.


I lean back in my chair and silently throw my hands into the air. Finally, after a week of grinding, [Enchanting] has reached level 75 and I can make Ultimate tier enchantments, something I've been waiting for since I got the skill. I haven't bothered experimenting much with the skill because I didn't want to waste any enchantment slots on my good equipment on any enchantments below the Ultimate tier. Once I enchant an object, I can't go back.

That's not a concern now though, so now I can enchant to my heart's content. I grimace. Or I would be able to do that, but enchanting crystals are still in short supply, especially for Ultimate tier ones.

I combine all of my remaining Major Catalysts into Ultimate Catalysts, glad to see that the ratio remains three of the lesser catalysts to form a higher tier one, and I wind up with 16 Ultimate Catalysts. With my new limit of four enchantments per item, that's enough to fully enchant four items.

Which isn't enough. It's not enough to increase my own strength, and it's definitely not enough to enchant equipment for the entirety of Rias's peerage like I planned.

Thankfully, this is a solvable problem. I just need to grind in the dungeon. And after we clear the Hardmode Forest dungeon tomorrow morning, hopefully another NPC will appear that I can buy things from. But until then, I can get back to work grinding the Hardmode Pharaoh's Tomb dungeon.

Yua is at Momo's, spending the night with her, something that she's been doing a lot since she learned how to teleport. I'd invite her to join me in the dungeon, but unlike me, she does need sleep, so I don't bother her. Kyu is off...somewhere. I haven't seen her around lately. I think she's off keeping herself distracted until I can take her on a date. I know she's asked Yua to teleport her a few times.

Ah well, it's not important right now. Right now is dungeon time. I go to use [Dungeon Traversal], but I'm interrupted by a phone call. I check the caller ID and see Serafall's face on my screen.

"Hey Serafall, what's up?" I say as I answer the phone.

"Axton!" comes her cheery voice. "I've got two bits of good news. First, the house is done!"

I blink in surprise. "What, already? I know you said you were going to get it done fast, but I expected it to be done...I don't know, Sunday? At the earliest?"

"Like I would make you wait that long," she replies. "I hired the best construction crew, and I made sure they didn't slack."

"I see," I say, feeling a little sorry for the crew that had Serafall breathing down their necks. "Well, give me that address and I'll pop over for a look."

"So you're free right now?" she asks. "Good, because the second piece of good news is that I managed to get a last-minute meeting with Heaven and the Fallen about those fertility potions of yours. Tonight, and it's gonna happen at your new place."

I sit up straighter. "I would've thought a major meeting like this wouldn't be so...rushed," I say. "I mean, yeah I'm free and I can pop over. But is it really okay for it to happen in the middle of the night with such little warning?"

"I got lucky actually," Serafall explains. "I sent messages to both of them, and they both replied that they were free now, or not for days. Plus, last-minute means no one will know of this meeting beforehand, and that really reduces the chance of things being interrupted."

I sigh. "I guess I would like a reduced chance of my brand new home turning into a battlefield," I admit. "Alright, give me two minutes. I recently called an old friend who is acting as my butler, and I want him to start looking the place over."

"Oh, is that who that old guy is?" Serafall asks, confirming that she's spying on us. If I hadn't already assumed that she and Sirzechs are doing so, I'd be creeped out. Instead, I'm just annoyed that I haven't been able to detect how they're spying on us at all. "Hey, what's his name and where did you meet him? I can't find any record of him at all."

"Not surprising," I deflect "Anyways, I'm going to go get him, you text me the address, and I'll be there in a few."

"Boooooo, don't ignore my question like that you mean-" I cut off her complaint by hanging up. My plan about how to explain Wilhelm, and any other companion gem I use, is simply to not bother explaining. I'll just call them old friends and leave it a mystery.

I dress up in some slightly nicer clothes and knock on Wilhelm's door. It only takes a minute for me to explain the situation, and another one for him to be dressed, packed up, and ready to go. Which is more than enough time for me to get the address from Serafall, find the location with [Void Sight], and then [Void Travel] the both of us to the front gate.

"Holy shit," I say as we appear in front of the house. I had expected a large home because I was dealing with one of the four leaders of the Devils, and Devils definitely tend to indulge in extravagance. But the mansion in front of me is far bigger than I expected. I'm not sure mansion is a big enough word to describe the building in front of me. If it weren't for the fact that, outside of a few small buildings I saw spotting the grounds, it's all one building, I'd call it a complex. The house itself ranges from one to at least five floors, if not more. It's so big that [Void Detect], which currently has a range of over 88 meters, doesn't reach the other end of it.

"That's unholy shit, please and thank you," comes a voice from the front door. I spot Serafall there, dressed not in her magical girl outfit but the business suit she was in that time I met her and to originally discuss the fertility potions.

I roll my eyes. "Of course, that's my bad," I apologize. "But really, what the fuck is this?" I ask her as I approach her, Wilhelm trailing silently behind me.

"Well you didn't specify a size, and prior to a couple of days ago you didn't specify what sorts of facilities you wanted," Serafall explains. "So I gave you a house with everything!"

"I certainly won't need to worry about running out of room again, huh?" I ask rhetorically as I climb up the front steps. "Ah right. Serafall, this is Wilhelm van Astrea, and he'll be serving as my head butler for the foreseeable future. Wilhelm, this is Serafall Leviathan, one of the four leaders of the Devils, primarily focused on Foreign Affairs."

Wilhelm puts a hand over his chest and bows slightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Leviathan."

"Nope, you gotta call me Serafall," she corrects him. "Or Levi-tan~, but only when I'm in my Magical Girl outfit." She winks at him.

"I'll be sure to do that in the future," Wilhelm responds with a small smile. I'm honestly pretty impressed by how unfazed he is by her demeanor.

Serafall pouts briefly at his reply before turning to me. "Come on, we have a few minutes before they arrive. Not enough for a tour I'm afraid, but we can talk a bit before we get there. Follow me, I'll show you to the meeting room."

"Wilhelm, why don't you go ahead and start getting familiar with the place?" I ask him. "See what facilities are available, how much room we have for both guests and servants, and an estimate on the number of people I'll need to hire to keep this place maintained. Also, pick out a room for yourself."

"As you wish," Wilhelm responds, giving me a short bow. He breaks off in another direction to start exploring the grounds.

I turn back to Serafall and she starts quickly walking into the building. As I follow her, we pass through a large lobby, though it's not as ornate as I expected. The furnishings are made of expensive-looking woods and some nice-looking stone, but there's no gold trimmings, no fancy art, no statues.

Serafall spots me looking around. "I figured I'd leave the details of the decorations to you," she said, guessing what I was thinking. "I don't know your taste in art after all."

"I appreciate the consideration," I say. Truth be told, I'd rather fill this place with trophies. A lobby is an introduction to any that arrive, and I want to make sure the message that my lobby sends is the right one.

We don't have to travel far to reach the meeting room, which makes sense. The place you conduct business shouldn't be far from the entrance. I also note that we're not too far from the dining room or kitchen.

The meeting room itself is nice. One window overlooks a courtyard, and on the opposite wall is a counter with a spread of pastries and coffee. In the middle of the room is a rectangular table large enough to seat eight people, and chairs to go with it. It's simple, and wouldn't look out of place in some fancy business office.

I grab a pastry and sit at the head of the table, and prop my feet up on the table. Why? Because I've always wanted to do this, and I'm not going to pass this chance up. Serafall smiles and rolls her eyes. See, I knew she would get it. That's why she's the best Satan.

"So," I say, addressing Serafall. "Strategy? What exactly are we strategizing?"

"Mostly I wanted to make it clear just how valuable those potions of yours are," she says. "Because I don't think you do."

I grimace. I thought this might come up. "I think I got a better idea after that first meeting."

"You realized after I reacted to your number, yes," Serafall says. "But things are quite a bit more complicated than that." She sighs. "What do you know about the internal politics of Devils?"

I frown. "There are a number of Pillar Clans that act as nobles, overseeing the lands and lower class Devils. Above them are the Satans. I don't know how it works on a lower level than that."

She waves her hand. "Not our government, but about the two political factions."

Ah. "You mean the Old Satan Faction and the New Satan Faction," I say. She nods, so I continue. "The names explain most of it. After the civil war where the Satans were replaced, Devils were split in two. Those who supported the new Satans and wished for peace, and those who didn't and wanted to wage war against Heaven and the Fallen while they were weakened. The Old Satan faction is essentially the remnants of the losing side of the civil war."

She makes a so-so gesture with her hand. "Things are more nuanced than that, but that's close enough for our purposes. The problem with the Fertility potions isn't their monetary value, so much as the effect that that many would have on our society."

"We talked about that before," I remember. "Briefly at least. An increase in population could upset the uneasy balance between the three factions."

"Right," Serafall says. "Those fifty fertility potions alone, if used strategically, would be enough to start making people nervous. That being said, it wouldn't change the balance of the three factions by enough to start anything, and if it was just those fifty potions, things would be fine. But the fact that they can be supplied indefinitely means that essentially, Devils no longer have a population problem." She grimaces. "And as much as I hate to admit it, how close we are to extinction is a big reason war doesn't break out again. It's the strongest argument we have to dissuade people from joining the Old Satan Faction."

"That's why we're having this meeting though, right?" I ask. "Give the other two factions the same advantage, and the stalemate continues."

But she shakes her head. "Unfortunately, things aren't so simple. What do you know about how Angels and Fallen reproduce?"

I frown and rack my brain. "It's just as difficult for them to conceive right? Or at least roughly as difficult. And on top of that, Angels have to be extremely careful about reproduction, or else they risk falling."

She shakes her head again. "While what you said is correct, it's missing an important part. There cannot be any more pureblooded Angels, and there can't be anymore pureblooded Fallen except through an Angel falling.." Serafall sighs. "If you're going to be involved in this level of negotiation, there's something you should know. God is dead." She winces slightly as she says his name.

I blink slowly. I had completely forgotten that wasn't common knowledge. "I see," I say slowly.

She looks at me strangely. "You don't seem very surprised," she comments.

"Well, to be honest, I wasn't even sure there was a God," I say, leaning heavily on my ability to come up with reasonable-sounding bullshit explanations. "I didn't believe in him before learning that Heaven and Hell were real. And since learning of the three factions, I haven't heard a single mention of God. I mean, Heaven exists, so it makes sense that he would. But the concept was pretty hazy in my mind, so learning that he's dead...well the most surprising thing is that the Biblical God was something that could even die."

"I keep forgetting you've barely known about the factions for a few weeks," Serafall says with a sigh. "Yes, he was something that could die, though it took some...unique circumstances for it to happen. The details of which aren't important, but it happened at the end of the Great War. It's part of the reason the War ended, and why we strive for peace." She shakes her head. "But most importantly, he was the only one that could make Angels. Angels cannot reproduce with each other to make more Angels. And without new pureblooded Angels, the number of new pureblooded Fallen is limited by the current number of Angels."

Ah. "So they don't need my fertility potions, because it doesn't work to restore their own numbers," I say as I pull my feet off of the table and sit up more seriously.

For the third time, Serafall shakes her head. "Sort of. If they didn't benefit from them at all, I wouldn't have bothered holding this meeting. They can still reproduce with other races to create hybrid children. Angels almost exclusively do this with humans, specifically faithful members of the Church. The Fallen do this with any number of the other races. But they still face the same low conception rates as we do. Still, those half and half children would join their ranks, and if it came to war, they would fight as well."

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. "Okay, to summarize then. My potions are extremely valuable to Devils because it solves your problem. Almost too valuable to the point where it risks a second Civil War. Meanwhile, the other two Factions would benefit from it, but it's really more of a bandaid." I look at her. "So what's the solution here? Since we're having this meeting, I assume you have one that isn't just 'Don't sell the potions'."

"It's simple," she says with a smug grin. "I want you to lie about how valuable these potions are and how difficult they are to make."

I frown and mull it over. "Assuming you pretend to have fewer potions than I actually gave you, you want me to prevent the problem with the Devils in the first place by making my potions an imperfect solution because it only helps a relatively small amount." I shake my head. "It seems like a temporary solution at best though, and it wouldn't help the Devils as much as it could. Even if you're after peace, I would think you'd want to help your race as much as possible."

She wags her finger. "Oh, it's definitely a temporary solution, albeit one that could last a century if we do it right. And that should be enough time for us to finally finish rooting out the Old Satan Faction. See, the secret is, we've been laying the preliminary work for a more official peace between the three factions for a while now. But it's been difficult to make that final push for peace. That's where you come in."

I lean back, processing the information. "So we stall, and you use me to solidify peace between the three factions while you root out the warmongers. And once they're gone, I 'discover' some method of making the fertility potions much cheaper, allowing the Devils to reproduce at greater numbers."

It could work. In canon, peace was made shortly after the Kokabiel incident. This kicked off a war between the three factions and the Khaos Brigade and all the others who didn't want peace, but the three main factions had good relations during it. Serafall is thinking in the long term. Use my potions as that bridge in place of the Kokabiel incident, and get things started differently.

I have no doubts that fights will kick off anyways, but that's fine. At the rate I'm improving, it'll only be a few more months until very little here threatens me. And being the central point for peace between all factions is exactly where I want to be. Oh for sure, it's a giant target on my back. But it also comes with a hell of a lot of benefits, and access to resources and girls that I want to collect.

I turn back to Serafall with a grin on my face. "Okay, got it. I've sold you ten Fertility Potions because you approached me first and offered me a very good price for them. I can offer them five each for now, and exact quantities can be determined in the future, once I get a workshop set up and a proper store running. But more than that, I can offer other kinds of potions and a potential alliance. Does that sound right?"

She smiles at me, and there's a lot of teeth in her smile. "Perfect. What sort of other potions do you have?"

"A bunch, but there's only a few I'm willing to freely sell right now," I reply. "I'll make a list while we wait for them to arrive. Unless there's something else we need to cover beforehand?"

"No," Serafall says. "Just that I'd appreciate it if you focused more on the alliance aspect of things. They should be here any moment, though, so make your list quick."

I pulled out the small notebook I used to keep track of my potion recipes. Ignoring potions that are either too powerful for me to sell casually and ones that I can't get a consistent or bulk supply of ingredients for right now, I'm left with a pretty small list. I'm sure I can expand that list in time, there are a mountain of potion combinations I haven't tried yet.

As I finish my short list and start making two more copies, I speak up. "So how are they arriving?"

As if triggered by my words, a teleportation circle lights up in the corner, different from the ones I've seen so far. Not a Devil one then. I raise an eyebrow at Serafall. "They're teleporting straight here?"

"Don't worry, that's a temporary thing," she assures me. "Just for this meeting. Afterward, it'll be removed and the wards protecting against that sort of thing will be activated. We'll talk more later." She turns her attention to the circle, and as she does so a man appears.

"Azazel," I greet him as I stand up and step towards him, hand extended. "It's good to see you again. Thanks for coming."

"Of course!" he replies in a cheery voice as he shakes my hand. "Serafall told me our mystery man had something pretty interesting, and I just had to come and see it for myself."

"Hopefully by the end of the meeting you won't feel like your time has been wasted," I joke.

He chuckles politely, but there's something I can't decipher in his eyes. "Oh, I'm not worried about that. If your potion is even half as interesting as I think it is, then I could be here all day and not think my time wasted." He looks past me to see Serafall, who has also stood up. "Leviathan, it's good to see you as well. I appreciate the invite."

"Help yourself to pastries and coffee," I invite him, indicating the spread. "We're just waiting on Michael now."

"Ooh, don't mind if I do," Azazel says as he pours himself a coffee. "Though I'm surprised I got here before Michael. I'm used to being the fashionably late one."

"He should be here-" Serafall starts before the teleportation circle lights up again, cutting her off. "Right now I guess," she finishes.

A short moment later another man appears. I think at least. If it weren't for his stature, I would suspect he was more of a boy. Then again, I'm only 16 myself. His face is young though, and somewhat effeminate. Not the look I expected from the one to sit on God's throne.

"You must be Michael," I say as I greet him with an offered hand, which he takes. "I'm Axton, it's a pleasure to meet you."

<+25 Affection with Michael>

He smiles at me and it's the most genuine smile I've ever seen in my life, despite the melancholy clear on his face. So this is an Angel, huh? "The pleasure is mine, young man," he says. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, I had some last-minute things to address before I left."

"Not at all," I say. "Please, help yourself to refreshments, and we'll get started."

He nods, but heads directly for the table, not bothering with the refreshments. Fair enough. I make eye contact with Serafall as I head back to my seat. She raises an eyebrow at me, though I'm not sure why. I raise one of my own back at her, but she just shakes her head. Whatever, it seems like it's not important.

I take a seat at the end of the table and look down. To my right are Serafall and Azazel with an empty space between them. Michael is sitting one chair away on my left. All three of them are looking at me expectantly. Including Serafall, who also looks amused. I guess I'm the one leading this discussion now.

"I'd like to start out by thanking you guys for taking time out of your busy schedules to come to talk to me, and I'll try to make things quick," I say. "So I'll get right to it. Last week Serafall here learned of my ability to make potions, something that is apparently extremely rare. One of those potions in particular was of interest to her. My fertility potions."

"I'm not sure how much Serafall has told you about them so I'll go over them real quick. While I can make weaker versions, the best version of the Fertility potion I have guarantees that the person who drinks it will successfully conceive a child during every sexual encounter within the next 24 hours."

Azazel's eyebrows rise, while Michael's furrow, but neither speaks up, so I continue. "I've already worked with Serafall to confirm that they work, though I haven't done extensive testing yet. I do not know what happens if both partners drink it, and I don't know how it works if used on someone infertile. But if given to a man, every woman he sleeps with for the next 24 hours will wind up pregnant. Assuming that it's vaginal sex without a condom that is."

I'm trying to couch my language to be either clinical or indirect for Michael's sake. Azazel's eyes twinkle when I mention one man impregnating multiple women. Maybe I have at least one sale right there. That would be good enough for me.

"The purpose of this meeting is twofold. One is that obviously me selling these potions to the Devils does risk some imbalance due to the population growth that would occur. I'd like to nip that fear in the bud here. I can only make so many of these. Up to now, I've only made 21 of them. One I traded to Serafall in exchange for some things and for her to test it, and another ten I sold to her after the success of the experiments." I spread my arms out wide. "She made a very good offer, and this new residence is just part of that."

Michael has a serious look on his face, and Azazel just looks amused. Wait, can angels tell if you're lying? If they can, does that work on me? Well, it's too late now. If he knows I'm lying, he's being very polite about it.

"Which brings me to the second reason," I continue. "To show that I'm not exclusively allying with the Devils and I don't seek to start up another War, I'd like to make offers to Heaven and the Fallen as well for the remaining Fertility potions. And not just those, but a large number of other potions as well that I can make in a much larger number.

"Now, there are a couple of things to address there," I say, continuing my monologue. I'd have gladly stopped and answered questions, but they all seem perfectly content to let me keep talking. "First, yes, neither of you benefit from the fertility potions as much as the Devils do. But I'd argue that they're still extremely valuable to each of you."

I turn to Michael. "While I'm not familiar with the exact details, I know that Angels must be very careful about going about this sort of thing or risk falling. While I can't help with that aspect, what these potions can offer you is assurance. Assurance that each time you put in that large amount of work and take that risk, that it will result in a child." He nods, and his face is hard to read, what with how melancholic he still looks, but he seems to be seriously mulling it over.

Next Azazel, who looks curious. "I admit, you probably benefit from it the least, but I have no doubt there are many within your organization who want children of their own and struggle against the low conception rate." He nods slowly, also thinking things over. No doubt going over a list of potential candidates in his head.

"Now the second thing to address is what potions I have to offer," I say, addressing all of them, including Serafall. "Right now, there are only a handful that I can produce in large enough quantities to sell in enough numbers to be worth it. That being said, now that I have this place, and once I get a few more things set up, I'll be expanding my list of offered potions considerably. But for now, these are it."

I pass out the pieces of paper I made the list of potions on, and as they read them, I pull out each potion to show it and describe each one in more detail.

"This one is the Fertility Potion we've already gone over," I say as I take one out. "All of my potions are the same size and come in the same containers. Also, all of them must be entirely drunk to take effect. Thankfully, the potions have an interesting property where they don't stick well to surfaces. If you tip one of these vials into your mouth, every drop will come out." That was just something interesting and useful I had realized while using the potions. I never have had to struggle to get the last drop out.

"These three are potions that cure wounds, restore physical stamina, and restore your magical energy respectively," I continue as I pull out Moderate versions of each of those potions. Restoring 50% is more than enough for the ones I plan to sell to everyone. That way I can upcharge for the better Major potions later on, and I can keep the Ultimate tier potions for just me and my friends and harem.

"The healing ones can turn critical wounds into minor ones, and anything below that is healed entirely," I explain. "The other two should restore roughly half of your maximum." They all perk up at that. "That's right, these potions work on your maximum, not a set amount. Someone with a larger magic pool will still have half of their magic recovered."

All three are very interested. Good, that means good things. "This one isn't as amazing, but this is my cosmetics potion," I say as I take one of those out. I only have one, but I can easily make more, they're just Genderbend potions with fewer ingredients. "If you drink this while thinking of the changes you want, you can change your hair, eye, or even skin color. This isn't terribly useful outside of maybe as part of a disguise, but it's pretty easy for me to make."

Azazel looks vaguely interested, and Serafall looks very interested, but Michael's not even paying attention to it and is looking back down at the list. Well, that's roughly what I expected of them anyways. The younger Devils and many of the Fallen all would probably love it, but I can't see Angels or the Church being terribly interested. Thankfully, I saved the most impressive for last.

"These final three are my curative ones," I explain as I pull out the final ones. "This one can cure minor issues such as burns, poisons, temporary paralysis, and a handful of other minor afflictions. This one here cures illnesses and sicknesses. And this last one cures long term or permanent debilities." The Ultimate tier version of this potion can cure curses, but I'll save that as a special order one.

The reaction to this one isn't as strong as I expected, but they do seem interested. I guess they all have their own ways of dealing with most issues like that. Serafall is the first one with a question though.

"Have you tested those last ones?" she asks, fully in business mode.

I force down a grimace. "Only the first of the three. That one works extremely well. During part of my training, I practiced a technique that had a rather nasty side effect if done improperly that would weaken me pretty severely for an hour or so. This potion would fix that immediately. The sickness one I haven't tested, but I'm confident it will work on anything short of magical illnesses, so long as they aren't permanent. The last one I admit I don't know the limits of. I don't believe it will restore missing limbs, but muscle atrophy, nerve damage, and other serious things like that I'm confident it will cure."

"How about the other ones?" Azazel asks. "Have you tested those?"

"The health, stamina, and magic potions I've tested extensively," I answer. "In fact, this past week I've been training a group as a favor and they've been invaluable during that time. As for the cosmetics potion." I pick it up. "Would any of you like to try it out? These are cheap, I don't mind giving out a free sample, though I only have the one prepared right now."

"Ooh, I do!" Serafall says, suddenly snapping out of serious business mode. I pass the potion to her and she doesn't hesitate to drain the potion immediately. I haven't actually tested it at all, so I watch in interest as she scrunches up her face in concentration and her black twintails turn a vibrant shade of pink, the color starting from the roots and traveling down until the black has been replaced with pink.

She magics up a mirror in front of her and looks at herself. "Wow, that came out great! I've tried to get my hair pink with dyes, but the color is never good and it doesn't last very long. Ajuka has ignored my requests for better hair dye. But this was so easy, and it's exactly the shade I wanted! Is it permanent?"

"As far as your body is concerned, your hair is pink, and any new hair that grows will be pink," I say. "Another cosmetic potion can override it though." Serafall keeps looking in the mirror, and I look at the other two to gauge their reactions. Azazel looks impressed and contemplative, but Michael looks kind of neutral, but I feel like he's definitely more willing to take my potions seriously now.

"Those are the potions I can make right now, but give me a few weeks and I'll have a store opened with a larger selection," I explain to the three of them.

"How are the potions made?" Azazel asks, eyes brimming with curiosity.

"Trade secret," I reply immediately. "In the broad sense, I mix specific ingredients together and use a specific kind of magic on them. But I don't plan on advertising exactly how it works."

"Who did you learn it from?" Michael asks.

"I'm self-taught," I say. "I'm very good at picking up new skills, and I accidentally discovered how to do this while experimenting."

Michael frowns. "So you are the only one that can provide these potions?"

"Most likely," I say. "It's not impossible someone else has figured it out. And the Phenex family from the Devils have their own version of my healing ones, though from what I understand their production method is completely different." I pause. "That being said, if demand picks up enough, I might take on an apprentice or two."

That definitely got their attention, and I have to suppress a grin. That sentence alone should get me what I'm really aiming for.

"Are there any side effects from the potions?" Michael asks.

"Not that I've found," I explain. "Even at times when I've used a dozen potions in a short time frame, I've never had so much as a queasy stomach from them."

"I think there's really only one more question to ask then," Azazel says, leaning forward. "How much do you want for them?"

I grin, and the negotiations start. With the help of some subtle guidance from Serafall, because I still don't really know the market value for these potions, we come to some arrangements. I don't want money, or at least not that much of it, because I already have enough money and things I can sell for money. Though I do end up with quite a bit by the time everything is said and done.

However, mostly what I ask for are things I can't purchase normally that are useful to my [Alchemy] and [Enchanting]. Rare ingredients and magical weapons mostly. I don't get as much as I'd like, but right now I'm only trading each of them five Fertility potions and taking an order for twenty of each of the other potions. Except for Michael, who isn't interested in the cosmetics potions.

As negotiations wrap up, I bring up the topic I'm really interested in. "While I'm definitely interested in making this sale here and now, I'd really prefer to form a long-term healthy relationship with the three factions that benefit us all," I say. "So with that in mind, I have just one question. How should I contact you? Not just about your current order, but about future orders, new potions, and just a way to keep in touch about whatever other matters that might crop up."

"About that," Michael speaks up first. "I and the other Angels are often too busy for business meetings like this, but I have a solution I'd like to propose. I know this is Devil territory though, so with your permission Serafall, and yours as well as the potential host Axton, I'd ask you to host a small group of representatives from the church that will act as our liaison and spokespeople."

I suppress a grin. That's exactly what I was aiming for. "How big of a group?"

"I have a few candidates in mind, though until I hear their answer, I can't know for certain," he explains. "But it wouldn't be more than three members. Additionally, they'd be exorcists most likely, or at least one of them will. This is not a commentary on your ability to protect them, but rather a desire on my part to help aid you, and help you should an emergency situation arise."

"And I'm sure the fact that Kokabiel has stolen a bunch of Excaliburs and two of them were last sighted here by our friend Axton doesn't factor into it at all," Azazel comments sarcastically.

However, Michael is unfazed. "It factors into it quite a lot actually," he replies. "If Axton or Kuoh are being targeted by the people who stole the Excaliburs from us, then it is our responsibility to help him with that situation."

I really appreciate working with intelligent people, because that sentence has confirmed for me the people he wants to send. Two of them at least, I'm not sure who the third is. "Whatever your reasons, I'd be glad to host some representatives of the church," I say. "Like your orders, I would appreciate a week to prepare for guests, but I can definitely accommodate them. That is, if it's okay with the Devils. I'm a guest in their territory after all." I turn to Serafall.

"Hmm," Serafall says. "If they're Axton's guests I don't see an issue with it, so long as they don't interfere with things without permission. But the final decision rests with Sona and Rias since they are in control of this territory."

"I'll talk to them tomorrow morning," I offer. "I don't see it being an issue though. If it is, I'll contact you through Serafall. Otherwise, I'd be glad to host them and you can have them arrive here when you send someone to come pick up the potions you've ordered."

Michael nods and smiles at me. "Thank you, Axton, for being so accommodating."

"Not at all," I reply with my own smile. "It's a small thing for a new friend."

Azazel leans forward. "You know, I was actually thinking something pretty similar myself," he says. "Though with a few key differences. Do you remember the two surviving Fallen that attacked you?"

"Raynare and Mittelt?" I ask. "What about them?" His eyes glint for a moment, but I'm not sure why.

"Remember when I said I was working on a gift for you as an apology for that incident?" He waits for me to nod before he continues. "They're the gift. I decided it would be a suitable punishment if I made them work for you for a while. With a place like this, you need maids, right? They can repay you directly for their attack on you and kill two birds with one stone."

"I see," I say. Hmm. Having them both in maid costumes and forced to listen to me does sound pretty nice. The angry and aggressive Raynare and the goth lolita Mittelt as a maid duo is a pretty fun image. "Can I trust them? I know they were just acting under orders, but Raynare especially might have issues with me, and I'm worried she might take that out on my guests and property."

"That's why it's taken me so long to offer them to you," he says. "Don't worry, they understand the situation they're in. They failed, so they can't go to Kokabiel, they're on thin ice with me, and they're not well suited for living on their own. They don't have many options." He leans back. "Plus, you can set your own rules and punishments, and I'll leave that in your hands. I'd just ask that you don't do anything to them that can't be undone."

I roll my eyes. "I'm not an overly cruel man. Anything that would require that level of punishment I'd involve you with." He nods gratefully. "That being said, I assume that they would act as liaisons in this scenario?"

"You got it," he replies. "They wouldn't report directly to me, but they can get a message to me no problem."

I'm sure part of his motivation is so they can act as spies as well. Them being given to me as maids confirms it in my mind. Maids are often ignored and can pick up all sorts of information. Still, that's fine. I baited it even with my comment earlier about potentially taking an apprentice. I wanted them to send people to potentially be that apprentice, though, in Azazel's case, I'm sure he'd be happy with them either being made an apprentice or just spying on part of the process. I'm not worried. Without the Game and [Mentor], my skills can't be reproduced.

"That's fine by me then," I say. "I'll indeed need more people to keep this place running, and they'd be a great help."

"Fantastic, I'll drop them off in a week then," he says. "Unless you'd like them earlier? To get them settled in before you have your actual guests?"

"A day to get them working and help to prepare the house would be nice actually," I reply. "Does Thursday at around noon work for you?"

"It might not be me, but someone will drop them off then," he agrees easily. "Now, if that's all, then I have some things to take care of." He stands up, and everyone else does as well, myself included.

"Of course," I reply, shaking his hand again. "Thanks for making some time for me."

"Oh and I'm glad I did," he replies. "It was an interesting experience." He nods at the other two before using the teleportation circle to travel away.

I turn to Michael, hand extended. "And thanks to you as well. I look forward to working with you more in the future."

"I as well," he replies with a smile. "And I'm sorry for such a late meeting."

I shake my head. "It's fine, I don't sleep all that much these days anyway." With a final goodbye to Serafall, he leaves as well.

With just me and Serafall left in the room, I sit down in a chair and relax, letting out a large sigh. Serafall laughs. "Tired?" she asks me. "Try doing that sort of thing all day every day for centuries."

"Fuck that," I reply. "I gotta find someone I can trust to handle these sorts of meetings for me."

"Ah, the Falbium approach," Serafall nods. "You did fine though. Better than fine even. You were aiming for them to send liaisons, right?"

I frown. "Was I that obvious about it? I thought I was almost too subtle."

She shakes her head. "No, you weren't obvious. I just know you well enough to know you wouldn't worry about methods of communication, but you would absolutely take the chance to get more girls to seduce." She looks thoughtful. "Actually, Azazel might have noticed, he has a nose for fellow perverts. But Michael definitely didn't. He was too relieved to have a convenient excuse to put his own people in your house."

"He did make it really easy," I admit.

"Why though?" she asks. "Not to put your skills into question, especially when I'm depending on them, but even if the Church does send a woman, it won't be an easy task to seduce them."

I shrug. "That's a gamble I'm willing to take," I say. Though it's not. The fact that part of the reason they're coming is the Excaliburs means Xenovia and Irina are practically guaranteed to be among the group that comes. The third member is likely an older member of the church, someone with some actual authority. And that's fine, so long as Xenovia and Irina come as well.

Serafall shrugs. "Fair enough. You are going to be putting those moves on Sona first though, right?"

I roll my eyes. "With any luck, I'll have a deal made with her to arrange a training schedule and a date planned out before they even arrive."

She nods. "Good. Now come on. I'm busy too, but I'll give you a quick tour."

I sigh and stand up. "Alright, lead the way. Let's see what we've got. Oh, by the way, the pink hair really suits you."

"Right?" she excitedly responds. "I really can't thank you enough for providing me with something that can finally change my hair color. You have no idea how long I've been struggling with that." She pauses and tilts her head. "Wait, does it work on my pubic hair too?"

"No idea, you tell me," I reply, amused.

"I normally shave so I can't right now," she says. "I guess I'll let it grow out a bit and see."

I laugh. "When you do, you should send me a picture. You know, for science. Just in case someone else has the same question."

She shakes her head. "Greedy boy," she chides me. "But okay!"

We both laugh in good spirits as she leads me down the hallways of my new home. My new home huh? It's weird to think. But it's just another sign that I'm making progress, and it's not going to end with this. I'm just getting started.