What the heck is going on?

As soon as I realised what was going on I dropped everything and rushed to my bags. While I would love to have this magical kind of medkit that often appeared in the games I had to make do with just a simple package of bandages and basic medicines.

In other words, Adya's life was fading away and I could only as much as attempt to slow down the loss of blood. But that also meant that if I wanted my help to have any effect I had no other choice but to move it to the very top of the list of my priorities.

"Hang in there…"

Muttering just loud enough for the girl to hear my words I continued to rummage through the boxes for a moment. Finding the box was thankfully easy. Just by searching the third bag, I managed to uncover the location of the possibly life-changing tools.

"I'm coming!"

Still using voice loud enough for the sounds of fighting below to make it unhearable by anyone else but Ayda, I rushed back to where she fell.

"I'm not that bad. I managed to slow its progress inside but had to focus my entire self on it to not die instantly. I'm sorry for worrying you."

Muttering as if she just lost her mind and was desperate to make me believe she was okay for just a single moment longer, Ayda only played to the tune of my emotions. But instead of just giving up and breaking in tears, be it of joy or of desperation, I simply ignored her rambling, pulling out the basic disinfectant instead.

"It will sting a lot… So please, bear with it for a while."

I could vaguely recall the rules of what one should do in such a situation. Maybe in a different situation, I could find it funny how watching weird videos on the internet might change someone's life. But not right now. Not with Ayda possibly drawing her last breaths right before me.

Now, I needed to fully focus.

With yet another tube of some medicine in my hand, I grasped the remaining part of the arrow. Letting the rest of my palm on Ayda's stomach as well I waited for a moment before applying the condensed healing agent. In one moment Ayda's body jerked up as a wave of the extremely unpleasant sensation shook her. From the slight smell of burnt flesh I could tell that although it might be the most effective and highest grade healing agent, it clearly prioritized doing its john over the concern of collateral damage.

Keeping my fingers on the arrow to keep it from causing even more destruction in the delicate flesh of this damned girl I had no other choice but to wait out her spasms. Only after Ayda calmed herself down a bit did I managed to gently lift her waist before starting to put the bandage all over her soft skin.

The first step of action when dealing with projectiles like this? Disinfect the wound. Second step? For god's grace, do not dare to pull the foreign element out! Keep it stable in one place and move the patient to the nearest hospital!

That was the gist of what I was doing. And while so far my progress seemed to work wonders on the girl, there was no damned way for me to create a pinnacle of technological civilisation with just a wave of my hand!

"Krist… I think I know who they are fighting with…"

For now, it seemed as if all sorts of chemicals that I continued to apply in whichever way the instruction ordered me to somehow managed to recover a bit of Ayda's strength. While still pale, a slight blush started to return to her cheeks. Her eyes reignited the usual sparks.

"So you could hear it out… Damn, I had to actually take a look."

Despite how my entire self was held in a merciless grip of the overwhelming worry I did my absolute best to not let it show on my face. Right now, Ayda could only feel hope and assurance from me. If she really trusted me as much as she claimed, then by showing her that I believed in her in return would force her to get better!

With my mind already going awry and creating logical reasonings to calms myself down I actually failed to realise when Ayda's hand twitched. But when she actually moved her hand up to place it on my shoulder I would have to be either an idiot or blind and senseless to miss that.

"I told you, I will be okay. While this is some of the highest level witchcraft… I can make my body heal faster."

Stopping her attempts to raise up by placing my own hands on her shoulders I moved my sight towards where the door to this room originally was. With the sound of steps alerting my instincts I quickly took note of everything that could be useful in the area.

"Just lay down. I will deal with it."

Ignoring the pain of my facial wound, after making sure that Ayda remained calm and steady on the floor I jumped towards the pile with tools. With both of my bigger aces already used up, I had no other choice but to limit myself to the simpler weapons.

But that didn't mean they were any less dangerous. After all, if one were to compare how many people died from explosions and how many people died from the bullets, it would be the latter taking the price of the more lethal!

"Here they come…"

Pushing the pin of the safety on my locally-produced modular gun I moved it from tap fire to an automatic mode. Given how all the potential enemies had to either risk landing through the windows without even knowing whether they could find a proper foothold or just going straight through the doors, given the distance between any place they could attack me from… Spraying bullets in their faces just seemed like a better option than tapping them one by one and preserving the ammunition!

"They are here! Bring the herbs. I can feel that the master is in pain!"

After just a few moments since I heard someone trying to make his way through the bottom part of the Inn, the doors that I watched opened up with a group of four younglings rushing inside.

"Stay where you are!"

Not daring to take any risks I kept my sights locked on the entering figures. Even with blood that trickled from my wound and blinded me on one eye, I would be easily able of cutting them all in half with just a single, short series.

"Don't worry, dear. They are with me."

Still obediently waiting for my return in the place where I hid her, Ayda calmed the situation down. Yet even with her intervention, it seemed that the showcase of my abilities before somehow managed to teach those younglings a lesson to stop when faced with a threat unknown.


If there were any semblance of calmness that could be used as a fertile ground to avoid any huge mistakes, now it was all gone. And all it took, was for a single person out of the group to notice Ayda.

"What is this… Nevermind, guys, bring me the herbs. And you…"

With one of the girls falling to her knees right before my woman, she quickly assessed the situation before turning her head towards the rest of her group and me.

"And I will keep one of you guys here to explain what the heck is going on."