First test

"I wonder if it will work…"

Staring at the wand-like item in my hand, I couldn't help but worry a bit. What if doing something that worked in Ayda's world wouldn't have the same effects on earth? What if earthy gems couldn't be carved like the ones one would normally use for that matter?

With all those questions swarming in my head, I couldn't really do anything to answer them outside of actually working for the sake of it. Thankfully, I didn't need to start from absolute scratch. While I felt a little bad about it, I managed to extort a fresh stone from Huskarl along with the one she carved.

For starters, I had to find a place that the girls referred to as an energy clog. Judging from my own guessing, there was a huge chance that this sanctuary of mine would be a jackpot. I could tell it from how I required quite a lot of different measures just to clear a small area of the place from the magical energy, back when my mother was still amongst the living.